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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Perhaps a trickster scorpionman - poison gas farts with uncontrollable laughter to make you breathe the gas!?
  2. Was supposed to be like the old Penguin character from Batman laughing. Sorry to disappoint.
  3. Wouldn't these bad boys be neat as scorpionmen? Breathing fire and a poison stinger? Would they have hooves or arms! I love demonic chaos sounds absolutely devious.
  4. Minitour - scorpionman, I like it. Manticore... what would that be like?
  5. We'd use a young giant no larger than the biggest Great Troll... sound like this will be fun. Does Gonn Orta fight with Dwarves in recent times? I assume they just don't trust each other any longer but not sure abut open hostility?
  6. Has anyone used duck or flamingo scorpionmen? Wack wack wack... or do you prefer quack quack? I see chaos strange things happening as any scorpion queen tries different breading programs? Why not other races? What is the most interesting you have attempted and what worked the best for you?
  7. Why would he have a map to the devil's body parts? Are you suggesting because he's a Lunar he's somehow infected with Chaos?!
  8. Yes for sure, a drunken giant would involve maximum game fun. I love where this could go!
  9. So the PC's befriend Gringle, help Apple Lane and give a place to Piku Gastapakis and his family when they need to move on from there to Backford. (Yes I know its a mess in like 1625 but that's 25 years down the road from when this campaign starts.) Does the wandering metalworking tribe known as Third Eye Blue know secrets of stitching slain bluish-purple prismatic dragon scales onto a soft leather backing to make scale mail but lighter weight and with a bit more protection? (Sorry this is RQ3.) I suppose its not really a secret besides being able to punch a hole in the dragon scale. What are your thoughts? I like the idea that the PC's one is a smith/leather worker learns from Mr. Gastapakis armoring/smithing of sorts. How long do dream dragon scales last? What would one use to punch holes in it? Would you fasten it to soft or hard leather, assume soft but I am no armorer. (sightly off topic but would you be evil if you tap SIZ on a severed head with a spirit in it to make it simpler to carry even if the spirit in the head told you they had no problem with you doing it, no the severed head isn't tainted with chaos - tapping of chaos was deemed acceptable by some sect of sorcery wasn't it?) Think on it, who wouldn't look cool in a suit of bluish-purple prismatic dragon scale splint mail!? Dice are cool as well. What would dwarves call dice? randomized digitization instruments
  10. Befriend, not command to do bidding. Say Mr. Quicksmash wants to be in an arena? Well trollball fulfills that needs does it not? I was thinking a small giant ridding a small dino might be interesting? Hey the evil dudes in Snakpipe Hollow have a friend don't they? I see your point with Dykene but what were the circumstances? Assume the giant reacted positively to begin with and then the PC's make them armor, give them some honest friendship... what could go wrong? It might be fun to roleplay for a while, then the giant grows bigger, wants to go home as they are lonely or want to find a mate...
  11. Doesn't Mr. Octopus and Ms. Dragon breathe poison gas? Don't Gloranthians breathe air? I've not heard otherwise.
  12. Makes me think of TotRM 13 p.37. Erekanst, member of the Kobakuruum - must be a Black Arkati (I know its not recognized as canon but think its cool to shape change to a troll!) Maybe the human and Agmori players learn this spell and then play as equals? Would they need to relearn skills in a troll body!? Can young giants be shape changed to a great troll in order to play trollball!?
  13. Elkoi's Ring: Say the PC's have this and befriend a young giant or two. The first thing I think of is food and possibly beer. Even though some of the Griffin Mountain material makes it seem that giants don't eat frequently maybe young giants have ravenous appetites? What does everyone think about quantities of food needed/desired by say a young 3M tall giant? Has anyone had a young giant as a PC?
  14. is there a graphics program for turning your favorite human into a troll? Sort of like the American Werewolf in London? Are you able to transform into a troll per a spell, shape change in the current rules now? So humans could polymorph and infiltrate troll society, with a very strange dark tongue accent to play trollball.
  15. As Mr. Zit has brought attention to the sport of trollball which this planned campaign has failed to notice we'll be making her the sponsor and she will likely be the goalie as well. I was also thinking she'd be the leader of the trolls in the Market Mayhem encounter as it plants future campaign ties that I like. Quarter century time adjustments will be needed as well. her versus owns, no difference to me. MGWV for sure.
  16. Your wish is in Griffin Mountain, p.145, Gerag Midem. She leads a Zorak Zoran war party who is also her trollball team, the Barrelheads.
  17. Lhankor Mhy, observed that the difference between sorcery and divinity is that divinity has its limits?
  18. You could use something like the forest spirit in Mononoke as the Wise Stag Monarch? To me it fits perfectly. Might be mistaken but it transforms to/from ethereally at dusk and dawn: There is also a great example for the stag in Six Seasons in Sartar by Andrew Logan (its on Drive Thru RPG). I just finished reading it the other day. It's a great book!
  19. It matters not to me if the Mad Sultanate of Tork is the Vampire or not. Gonn Orta is maybe sitting on Speaking Wheel, a golden nugget broken from the body of the Bright God... A better question for this thread is what monsters are guarding Boshbisil's Another Cave? Any ideas? And what sorts of treasure is inside it? Yes it could be Speaking Wheel or a pancreas from someone famously full of light... Any better ideas as to what is stored in there? Toldat's sword, the unbreakable sword, Tada's something? I wonder if you had a pet krarshtkid could you dig from the other side of the mountain without Gonn Orta seeing you and get into Another Cave cave from the back side?
  20. One thing I loved about playing Medieval Fantasy games when I was a kid were the maps. We pondered them for hours preparing our characters for the journeys, what did we need, equipment, food, water, where would we camp, what places could we reprovision... it went on and on. Who didn't carry a 10' pole! Sometimes the getting there was half the adventure in itself! The drawn map (Jon Mith's below) versus the surveyed map augmented by aerial reconnoiter work and assisted by ancient math could easily generate detailed maps even with limited contours. Easily better then the AAA. The issue is cost and the use of magic and flying mounts. So yes the average map might not be as good as Jon Mith's map but could the be very very detailed with elevation contours, etc. of course. I like Eric's magic compass idea!
  21. The duck is smaller than a trollkin and would be more aerodynamic so passing would be enhanced no? I mean they are a duck...
  22. Can't stop laughing. Belintar was a Post-Metabolist bordering a Fractal-Linealist? Maybe he was actually one of the long lost King of the Sun Wheel Dancers who was used as a giant fishing hook by Gonn Orta back near the Dawn after being reunited with his essence from when he appeared off the shore of Kethaela in 1313 due to a fishing heroquest? On another note, when I see that he made the city to guard the river maybe it actually spanned over it as in the clip above? Understood that the river is in a deep gorge with the city being at the western end opposite the Styx Grotto. Why couldn't this city be built over the river as he also made the city of winders, fish roads and the magical bridges?
  23. I have not heard that in a while, made me laugh and then I thought of this: https://georgeromeros.tumblr.com/post/662142520269127680/horrorfilmgifs-army-of-darkness-1992-dir-sam Too funny.
  24. Does Gonn Ota still eat or does his mass simply draw sustenance from the surrounding rock and earth that isn't part of his essence already? The other giants at the Castle eat herd animals and the like but what about the big guy?
  25. With all the spires and colors maybe he was making it to emulate a dragon newt city?
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