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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. So he approaches becoming chaotic if he isn't already/has been?
  2. I wasn't considering how he felt/feels especially regarding sex. But isn't Toldat a bit as you describe but them wants to engage with an island of women? On that note, who does Ethilrist follow? Curious as to his stats and abilities besides being able to come back from hell and of course the question begs to be asked how the hell did he obtain said power? He fits with the whole Halloween theme don't you think, nightmare steads... if he had a few jack-o-bears as riders it'd really make the headless horseman proud. What would the stats be on the nightmares? Only hurt by magic, regenerate, radiate fear with no MP use?
  3. Sorry these PC's have Heroquest super bowl rings and the steads would not be the PC's masters. The PC would go on the Heroquest like Ethilrist and bring the mounts back with them as their friendly pets. MGWV Weren't there some sketches of hell in one of the older Greg books? I'll have to look for that is bit more. Will see about developing something to get these mounts. Thanks again!
  4. I'll take a look to see if I am able to find what he posted. Thanks!
  5. I have read through a few threads for lore, common knowledge, cult lore, etc. and am wondering if a young PC is traveling extensively, Heortland, Nochet, Crystal City, Clearwine, Boldhome, Dwarf Mine, Alone, Munchrooms, Pimpers Block, Pavis, Garhound, Corflu, Refuge, etc. and it takes then say 3 seasons plus holy time how often would you as a GM give them improvements on their World Lore, Cult Lore, Plant Lore, etc? Obviously they would need to experience said items/subjects directly while traveling in Glorantha but as the actual player learns about Glorantha wouldn't the PC's also? What is everyone's thoughts as to how much the PC's skills/abilities would go up? The RQ3 Player's Book states the skill goes up via research so wouldn't you agree the research is the actual travel as well as any book/scroll/library sponsored oration?
  6. One has to ponder the number of beer kegs the referees drank and would the kegs not be like mugs for the giants?
  7. Regarding the Black Horse Troop, assuming the numbers fluctuate with battle losses how often would Ethilrist go to hell to replenish the mount numbers? Also would this be a Hero Quest to obtain new mounts? Any guess as to the steps, starting and ending points? I asked about how to steal a mount or be given one from Ethilrist but it was not deemed reasonable. The PC's may be able to get their own if they go to hell? is there a map of hell and where the stages might be?
  8. So Ethilrist and his Black Horse Troop would be like the Sun Dome Templars, they flow to where the coin but are not hated.
  9. Was that at/near Bagnot? Also it seems Ethilrist wasn't killed when Moost Rouse was sacked in 1628 as he's around after?
  10. I used heavy tape on the cults book. The heavy tape and glue on the Griffin M. book got really bad more recently... I ended up putting clear thick packing tape on most booklet edges... Having a lot of the older stuff in PDF has saved a good bit of wear but I still like to read an actual book/booklet as I am older and grew up holding a book. LOL.
  11. 1) A trollkin - A stuffed toy with its head velcroed to the torso, for easy dismemberment by quarrelling troll players. Early experiments using a small human as our fill-in trollkin proved unsatisfactory. Humans proved difficult to dismember and it became difficult to recruit further volunteers. The trollkin is considered 'alive' as long as the head remains attached to the body, and this is the portion you play for touchdown. If the trollkin 'dies' then the referee puts it back together and begins a new play. A point is only scored if the whole trollkin crosses the opponents goal line. This is harder than it sounds.
  12. No this guy! Thank you though, it's in the GtG but only after I paged through 3 times did I find it. it seems like that was used or was taken from the GtG map?
  13. I have been looking at my early 80's Griffin Mountain book so much the last few months the binding gave way. I took to the local printer, the lady asked me if she should throw it away for me!? I almost became emotionally illiterate with her. In the end I had the spiral binding added for like $5-6 and she added a clear plastic protective cover to boot. I think its good for another 20 years.
  14. They could be friends... emerging from the Print in glorious morning sunlight with fabulous makeup/warpaint!? Would scare the bejeebers out of the Heortlings!
  15. But they would have been conditional allies to the Queendom of Jab but that doesn't mean she may not have eaten one of them (the demonic horses) for her breeding program! Thank you Mr. Brandi.
  16. So swap the demonic steed head with the fire option and we are all set. Thanks everyone for the laughs and the future game fun that will surely be had!!
  17. Would the Blackhorse Troop have been involved with the Lunars conquering the Heortland? Maybe as early as 1616, the Evil Year? I looked through the GtG but couldn't locate the cool colored Lunar Heortland invasion maps I recalled seeing somewhere? 1620 Holy Country: Lunar Empire conquers Heortland
  18. Is someone able to locate where the nice colored Lunar invasion maps with arrows and years are for the Heorltland?
  19. Now if it had the demonic steed head and breathed fire with wings we'd be in business... with pink feathers. Oh, wait, it does have wings but they are folded in. Wonderful!
  20. Mr. Hibbs, that is absolutely beautiful! ILSHIAPMALB.
  21. So what would be any reason a company from the Blackhorse Troop be near the Print or Jab Hills whereby one or two of the demonic steads would be captured and Gagix or another lessor queen would utilize them in her breading program? What would the outcome be? Is it possible that Ethilrist is drawn into some of the Heortland battles and or is near Backford at some time? I recall him acting as mercenary for the Lunars but not sure as to the details?
  22. 8 legged flamingo with a stinger and wings? Chaos really does allow for maximum game fun. Can't stop laughing about the centaur thingy! Maybe it should have 8 hooves like one of those Greek or Norse god's mounts was it?
  23. Maybe they need something like the silver statue for this idea from the Haunted Ruins in Battle Valley, a different take on that HQ Adventure?
  24. That's where I got the funny duck head!
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