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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. But isn't Gonn Orta illuminated after sitting and thinking for 100's of years and so he wouldn't really care about the Bright God's parts. Beesides he's got lots of other good stuff the PC's would want besides body parts!
  2. Just curious if something like that is on the menu in the back alley kiosks in Lur Nop!?
  3. But if you save his child, he sponsors your trollball team and you are Jon Mith's trusted friends as well. What else might you do to get Mr. Orta to let you have the pick of his treasures.
  4. I also didn't know he was an old adventuring friend with Mr. Goodsell. This is perfect. They trade with and befriend Mr. Goodsell and he has them interact with Mr. Mith who in turns after a few trading seasons agrees to have them accompany him to Balazar. The time is about right for Mr. Mith's first trip north. Curious if Gringle had set up his pawnshop by 1600? I could make it so IMG but it would be nice to know about when it was made.
  5. Maybe its Speaking Wheel and not what you are suggesting!?
  6. Does anyone have a map of this city? I'd like to tie it into my Backford Campaign either on a trading trip or perhaps a pilgrimage to the Earth Temple in Ezel via Nochet after Getting of Wisdom but what would tie Notchet to New Crystal City? Mr. Richard posted: New Crystal City is an odd place. NEW CRYSTAL CITY (SMALL CITY) After Belintar dug the New River, he constructed this city using a fragment of the Gift of the Sun Crystal. Belintar grew the fragment into a huge crystalline building with spires of green, blue, yellow, red, and white. Around the crystal palace, he laid out a city to guard passage along the New River. New Crystal City has around 5,000 residents, and it is an important offloading point for trade going into Dragon Pass. New Crystal city has major temples to Ernalda, Orlanth Thunderous, and a local variant of Yelmalio, minor temples to Argan Argar, Orlanth Adventurous, Chalana Arroy, Engizi, Issaries, and Lhankor Mhy, and shrines to Babeester Gor, Maran Gor, Humakt, Esrola, and Ty Kora Tek. So of course there are trade caravans that go from New Crystal City - and I suspect most are Grazelander pony caravans. Rich Post is only about 40 km away after all. But the volume of that trade is dwarfed by the caravans that go from Karse to Boldhome to Alda-Chur to Furthest.
  7. Sorry, I was thinking they would go into a rage with there family (from Yellow Bear Hills) mounted on the wall... Maybe they get attacked not unlike that inn near the Woods of the Dead? Maybe its better that a distant relative owns the inn, naming it after their homeland? Maybe they know about the Halfbird? Good info on Jon Mith, thanks Sten!
  8. Various threads dealing with mountain passes got me thinking about trade again. Trade caravans from Backford up to Sun Dome, Quackford, Clearwine, Apple Lane and on to Jonstown... Gonn Orta's Castle, Wyrms High Pass and Jon Mith's caravan heading north, did he always head out from Jonstown and if not where else would he have been based? What year did Jon Mith stop heading north? When would his first trip have been? Also on the road to Wilmskirk there is a Yellow Bear Inn. I am having some dark thoughts as to either a stuffed werebear from the Yellow Bear Hills or the head of one is on the wall in that establishment and the PC in this campaign happens to be from there and goes berserk killing the owners and guests... If a werebear dies in bear form would they go back to being human like in Werewolf in London?
  9. Sorry if I am missing the "more than a game" point but with Mr. Zit's suggestion the PC's could be part of an armature trollball team and head to the armature championships at Gonn Otra's Castle? Who has the list of the trollball teams? Redstone and Sazdorf had teams and with Troll Woods, Styx Grotto and Blackwell not to far from Backford I'd assume there would be plenty of opportunities for matches? I am thinking an exhibition game is in order: Backford Ballers - Agmoiri x2, a Werebear maybe a minitour friend from the Grazelands and a young friendly giant, only 3.5m tall so about the size of a great-troll as goalie? Round out the team with a few oversized Orlanthi? Maybe the Werebear is the ball and cheats for the non-troll team in the Ota Championships!? is it every five years? Maybe the PC team has a strong relationship over time with Orta and his giants and they are permitted to enter the tourney with some minor illusionary modifications? I assume there is a trolball pitch near every troll settlement of more than a few hundred? Darkseason would be when most games were played? Likely the full season would span 2~3 seasons? What was the old Dungeon Magazine game with monsters playing football against humans, elves and dwarves?
  10. http://rpgreview.net/mob/trollball.htm I had to link this from MOB's web site. Trollball is much more than a game.
  11. So from the clip Mr. Hibbs posted the actual size of Orta is only as he choses to physically manifest and more like a dream dragon? Tobros Mountains as an example. Gonn Orta would be the same? Mr. Zit, curious where on any map was your trollball game played? I love that idea. Did any of Orta's giants act as referees?
  12. I was thinking the same, especially with urban planning and the like, models, architecture. Really detailed stuff. Maybe the distances between landmarks/towns were listed in an itinerarium and not detailed per modern cartography but still showing landmark details. How were Dwarves have this as a rudimentary device as would masons and artisans across Glorantha in more civilized areas? Again you add sight projection (RQ3), dwarfish ingenuity, aerial capabilities and nothing but the expense would stop a map from being incredibly detailed IMO. How would someone Heroquest for cartography!? What Lhankor Mhy myths would allow for an inherent power be gained to generate incredibly detailed maps? On a side note Windwhistler may be a good scenario link for mapping the Rubble and even the River of Cradles. A Daughter of Pavis wants a detailed map? (Do they have them already?) The Duke may also hire the PC's as a survey team competing against or working with the Lunar one lead by Dalamides and Hazphar?
  13. I love the ideas but trolls not wanting to eat due to the "smell of Yelm" is a really good one.
  14. What was the name of the Scenario and in what publication was it in where the Lhankor Mhy initiates were in the stacks in the Nochet Library and...
  15. Is anyone able to do a size comparison between Waha, the Faceless Statue and Gonn Orta? If Garrath is say 6' than Orta is 432' tall? Wasn't the Faceless Statue like 300m?
  16. "Go till the men speak Italian and continue until they speak something else..." Would typical math like that of Pythagoras not be available in Glorantha and if so by adding flight or flying mounts I assume any maps made would be quite detailed. How could they not be? A map to Gonn Orta's Castle, sure, I fly up on my hippogriff and see where its at... I have felt for a long time things like the Sog City architecture, use of magic, elementals, spirits and especially (sorcery RQ3) make most things unimaginable in our would (especially maps) easily attainable in Glorantha? I forgot to add sight projection and flying allied spirits...
  17. I'll take a good look at it as 2 of the PC's are Agmori and like wresting with Trolls...
  18. When/what year would the refugees have begun arriving in Nochet and other parts of the Holy Country? Would any of the great trading houses have been pushed out of the west landing in Nochet?
  19. There was a crazy amount listed for truestone. What is a rough idea what it would go for in trade goods/coin/jewelry/gems? Say one that was blank and could hold 8 rune points of spells?
  20. There was the article about studying the Print in Tradetalk I think where a Lhankor Mhy initiate was studying and saw trolls eat the scorpionman tails dipped in butter while the thing was still alive? I think his guide ended up trying to eat him and he ended up smashing him with the counterweight of his block and tackle hoisting system? Fun stuff.
  21. They are illuminated...? A Lhankor Mhy wants it to study and to question/interrogate so a larger strike against chaos may be had against the Print? Maybe the want to milk its poison to develop antidotes?
  22. So would he know you helped save his baby if the PC's went to his castle after the Cradle affair but didn't mention it? How much would PC's be paid by Boshbisil to help train the trollkin? What would the PC's really be paid in coin or trade goods for a piece of truestone empty or with spells? Would Gonn Orta trade with Gondo Holst? Will Gonn Orta pay for information? What would he pay for a baby flying mount, a hippogriff or a griffin?
  23. So 7 dog years equals 1 human year and how many scorpionman years!? Never thought about that but I guess it makes sense that chaos beasts must grow quickly or be eaten? So in about 10 years she becomes super-queen...
  24. C'est parfait! I do like Owain over Orngerin and the Players will never know the difference. Thanks yet again.
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