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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. I have been looking at some of the larger creature encounters and their base weapon damage dice. Bigclub is size 69 but holds a puny stick that does 2d8? Bunscotto, Warren's, etc. all use broom handles for weapons or so it seems. I found one Great Troll (clip below) who uses a larger sword which does 2d10 but this got me wondering at what size would a creature be able to use a 2 handed sword one handed or say a 2 handed spear? Also would a larger sword, spear, etc. not do more damage? If you look at crossbows or say a siege arbalest, maybe a giant has someone make a ballista for them? Has anyone made a table where the weapon damage increases as the size of the creature using does? Also at what size and strength would 2 handed weapons become 1 handed. Say a large troll size 30 with sword and shield (likely they don't have swords but its an example). Won't the look funny with small broadsword that looks like a toothpick. Suddenly they become much more menacing in appearance with either a great sword in one hand or very large 2 handed human sized maul wielded 1 handed in lieu of a 1 handed size 11 human heavy mace and oh, they happen to have a huge kite or hoplite shield that would stop a truck... Any ideas or thoughts are appreciated.
  2. I have all these documents (for a change) and will reread and take notes extensively. After much thought she may be past any reforming but I do love the twisted idea of PC's saving her and then she becomes a high ranking Lunar after much "repenting"? Add some more red and silver to her kit and swap the Broo for Marble Phalanx troopers and it all fits perfect!
  3. Let's say the temple was hidden, not disturbed and the worshipers were killed or driven off never to return. The spirit had been bound by the god. Would it simply take divine intervention to relocate the temple spirit to something transportable, a crystal or maybe a spirit binding enchantment? Would it need to be a Rune Lord/Priest or could a lower level cult member be able to also attempt to relocate the spirit? I assume Rune Lord status would be required but possibly not? Still very much thinking this through and thank you all again for the input!
  4. What issue was this in and thank you all. Couldn't you see here come into the Duke's household and somehow convince him to marry her, magic or possession? There is much fun to be had no matter how this would play out.
  5. So the PC's come across an abandoned temple. It happens to be of one of their gods. It has bound spirits. Its a shame to leave said spirit where it is all lonesome and sad. They are Rune Lords or Rune Priests (as required to enter) how would one go about either moving/relocating a temple? In lieu of leaving any bound spirits how would they be moved? Would Command Cult Spirit allow a PC to transfer a bound spirit to another object? Just wanting to sort out the mechanics of it all. Thanks in advance!
  6. Reading about the Temple of the Wooden Sword and Alebard's Quest. If the PC's were to obtain Arroin's Blood... What would happen to a Mallia disease priestess touched by Arroin's Blood, who is cured of all diseases, any chaos taints, features, have immunity to disease for the next week per Plunder (in case spirits of reprisal attacked)? Would this not be like a Storm Bull Khan getting a chaos feature? Plot twists anyone?
  7. So eventually this campaign (again starting in 1600) interacts with the Temple of the Wooden Sword, they go on the Arcane Lore detailed Alebard's Quest the Wounding of Arroin and somehow get a bit of Arroin's Blood. What would happen to a disease priestess touched by Arroin's Blood, who is cured of all diseases, any chaos taints, features, have immunity to disease (in case spirits of reprisal attacked)? Would this not be like a Storm Bull Khan getting a chaos feature? Curious and than you all. She is kind of cute isn't she?
  8. So simple enough people crossing the ford actually pass through the specters in the fish roads and are able to see them. Curious if the converse is true. Are you able to see out of the fish road? Also if you decide to step/swim out of the fish road at the Backford ford into a person or entity not in the fish road do you or they get hurt?
  9. Trade center yes, not really a port besides possibly fishermen's crafts. We did discuss this in detail a while back with a potential for a tow path to be added to get larger craft back to the bay but that is something to develop down the line... The Syphon being only a ford at Backford has troubled me as the fish road runs through there. It'd be really cool to see a cross section of the fish road as it passes through Backford... that is unless beings/items in the fish road are somehow ethereal or something and couldn't really be interacted with? Maybe like spectral dragonewts that 99% cannot be when seen?
  10. I thought hero quests didn't actually change the past but rather allowed something taken on it to pick up something symbolic of the action or item. You wouldn't come back with Orlanth's whatever but some power derivative of it, doesn't weaken Orlanth? (I have never done a hero quest so I don't know but I thought it would be really interesting to obtain some anti-chaos power but not cause degradation of the Stone Wood... I'll need to read up! Thanks again Jaja.
  11. THE SHADOW GANGS OF NOCHET - In Trade Talk 06 from 2000, there is some info on thieves and Nochet, YGMV of course.
  12. Does anyone know if Londra and any of her retinue go with Leika into Snakepipe Hollow on any/either of her trips if she made more than one? I had to ask as I don't see it actually spelled out that I could see nor do I know why I am thinking she may have... it may have been listed in an article I read but might not have been an action of the Temple of the Wooden Sword? Skirmish at Wind Temple – seems they went to Sazdorf the day after this and were welcomed The Wooden Sword in Dorastor Snakepipe Hollow Quest to the Wounding of Arroin
  13. So how would one hero quest to attain similar powers to help fight chaos? Is there a hero quest path in Stone Wood? This would be fun or so I imagine. Take that power or a derivative of it with you into Snake Pipe Hollow with the Temple of the Wooden Sword? (Does Londra go with Leika into Snake Pipe Hollow? I had to ask as I don't see it actually spelled out?) A PC that could have pyroclastic cloud breath to fight chaos, that would be something to write home about?! An Agmori with some Lowfire power mixed with Orlanth winds, eats some ceremoniously prepared charcoal and voila... instant chaos suppression.
  14. Study only, catch (if you say picking up a rock is catching as its moving indiscernibly slow) and release after studying and not removing. No "Detect Enemies" registering on those doing the studying... thank you both. Maybe only at the east end of Stone Wood would anything Chaotic be transforming where the PC's stumble upon it in progress with any encounter/combat ending as the creature turns to stone and crumbles away back into ash again to continue the cycle. Possibly a group of very dimwitted creatures attempt a breakout or sorts through the Stone Wood and are subsequently transformed... will have to work on the timing/speed of said transformation. Maybe its more of a fuzzy line per say where Stone Wood ends and the Foul Blood Forest begins. I can make that work. Maybe there is a way to use Lodril magic to expedite, good stuff!
  15. Stone Wood Question: So the PC's escort Findilas Beastwise into the westernmost area of Stone Wood searching for small fossils to study and release (seems there is is opposition to taking anything from there for far it will offset the equilibrium). There were noted to be small animals, rabbits, squirrels, etc. in there. What turns things to living stone? Is this still happening and could there by chance be say a humanoid creature also turned to stone over time? If so could this happen to say a Scorpionman? I have ideas similar to Stone Crab Island way up north in the River of the Damned but on a less dangerous level to begin with... Any ideas on this are appreciated. Stone armor at 24 points would be interesting to say the least.
  16. Where would there be a Storm Bull Temples in the Heortlands? Hoping for a temple not just a shrine. Would it be in Bullford, where else might there be one? Any ideas what it would look like? How many Khans would there be or would they not call them that in the Heortlands?
  17. Back in 1982 these were cool and deadly to lower skilled adventures, not from RQ but gives you some ideas... I plan on using them in Sog's Ruins whenever I sort that out.
  18. Does anyone have a source for Heortland Aeolian heraldry?
  19. In the ToTRM 10 p.8, it talks about a Heroquest done with the Ice Helms, Boots Harder than Iron as well as the Red Boat of the Artmali. This is of course related to the Firebergs but I am more interested in the Ice Helms which I assume offer fire and heat protection. Where might they be found or how would one quest/heroquest for them in order to have a better chance at resisting fire or heat damage? Say the PC's want to be able to resist dragon's fire breath? (if you have done a Valind type Heroquest before or know where one might be found please advise) Would the helm provide one with a fire resistance at a level based on the number of magic points furnished or give unlimited fire protection for a certain time after sacrificing an actual POW point? Maybe they cut fire/heat damage by 1/2 or 1/4? I like the idea they have a few abilities rather than just one trait, 1/4 damage from fire, skin of life? What about ice javelins? Possibly the wearer is able to breathe a cone of cold like a frost giant or ice demon's thrown icicles? Do they have some Valind rune magic matrix on them, snow, increase wind, cloud call and the like? Any ideas are appreciated!
  20. Evidently the Special Humakt Skill Sense Assassin (00%) doesn't really work very well? This perception skill can only be gained by a Humakti gift. Success allows the user to sense that a nearby person (within 50m) intends to assassinate someone the Humakti is currently attached to, whether a family member, part of a temporary adventuring party, or a permanent fealty relationship, or even the Humakti himself. This sense does not tell the Humakti who the intended victim is, but does point out the assassin. Additionally why would none of them have been resurrected?
  21. Still filling in time-line events in the Holy Country from 1600~1613 or so. As this campaign runs from 1600 and Boldhome falls in 1602, Building Wall 1605, many Sartarites become refugees to the Holy Country, among them several decedents of Sartar. Of these some are named as having been assassinated in the Holy Country and so I am curious if there is any information on the assassinations, their locations and timeframes? Were they all in or near Nochet or possibly some were in the Heortland? Joerg had some thoughts on this but there was little follow up... • Loricon, son of Terasarin. He was assassinated by Lunars in the Holy Country. • Darnangle, son of Terasarin. He died in the Holy Country defending his sisters. • Tarkala, daughter of Terasarin. Killed by Lunar assassins in the Holy Country. Were Blue Moon Assassins sent to do the deeds? I know this picture is from Sarotar’s murder but its related and I like it... this info is from WFN issue 15, p.35.
  22. I see something more like this for troll art...
  23. Just curious how tall was the faceless statue? I saw a plan of Pavis with it prone I assume over the location of the quarry?
  24. I thought Pavis actually still lived in the temple as a divine if not, nearly-divine half-elf sorcerer who animated the Faceless Stature which wounded Waha? I'd say he wouldn't be frail unless he had aged like the vampires in Shadows on the Borderland? (I always thought feeble senile jabbering vampires at a carnival would be funny but off topic.) Maybe a good plot hook? But Pavis is surely not undead. Also if he had 100's of years to develop his sorcery skills he could, fly, teleport, whatever easily enough from the temple to the Garden? He'd not be at risk I assume?
  25. Is there any source for Pavis coming out of the temple and having relations with say an Elf maiden, her having a child in more recent years. Why would this not be possible if you don't think so and why not? The idea would be that the elf mother either keeps the info from the child (who the real father is or doesn't herself know it was Pavis) or leaves the child with others to be raised with the child/PC not knowing that they are an actual "Daughter of Pavis". It would be cool or so I am thinking, to have the PC come to Pavis and through some long-term plot find out they are Pavis' daughter. Anyone care to give some thought as to how this could come to pass beside, sounds fun or impossible?
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