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Everything posted by Jose

  1. HI, one of my players is playing a praxian initiated to the thunderbird and told me he provides cloud call spell, Is that true? Thunderbird It's not in the official books. Thanks
  2. Jose

    Breather Sisters

    A very useful explanation, thank you David, that explain how it was posible that their magic worked during the Evil year when Orlanth was trapped in the underworld. Very useful indeed.
  3. Jose

    Breather Sisters

    My player read about them in Jeff's facebook post and asked me for details, that obviously I don't know, that's the reason I am asking. If that is the only information that is fine for me and he must choose Orlanths cult as it is in RQG. Thanks.
  4. Hi, We are about to begin our campaign (boldhome 1614) and I have questions because one of my players want to be initiated in the Breather Sisters as part of an Orlanth secret resistance movement. Are they goddesses with a spirit cult? Are they the air equivalent to the ernaldan snake daughters or feminine versions of thunder Brothers? Thanks
  5. Hi I have the red book of magic now so I am thinking about their cults and maybe plan to use firshala's cult as template. What do you think. Instead of firesoul I will use Charisma for dolphin Sister, great leap for frog sister, clear sight for owl sister. The others I accept suggestions. Thoughts?
  6. Its funny, but I have a soft spot for Lodril really. Is my opinion that he is more like us that most of gods "most of us like sex, drink and eat with friends and family or celebrate, even working to live not living to work" and I am eager to read the cults book to create an adventurer.
  7. I always think about Nysalor as Morpheo's speech to Neo at the virtual dojo or well... a draconic being teaching Argrath "do you think that what you breath... is air Argrath? All of this is an illusion, liberate your mind! "
  8. What do you think is Tada's Cudgel? 😬
  9. So, that is how Maran got her disorderly nature... Nice!
  10. Jose

    Maran Gor

    No subcults? Uhm... Broad space to be creative, I am thinking about snake daughters for start, Maran gor priestess can summon them. The bestiary rules says that they act as a subcult in earth temples. Thanks!
  11. Jose

    Maran Gor

    Hello Tribe! We know Maran is an important goddess for the Tarsh exiles, so my question is this: Will the cults book allow us to play a full Tarsh Exile campaign as Maran Gor worshippers with subcults, more associated cults and all that jazz...? Thanks
  12. Jose

    Graymane campaigns

    I wonder if being orlanthi those raiders don't have big troubles with their ernaldan rituals for spoiling the earth in those raids.
  13. Hello everyone, Does anyone know how this guy lead his campaigns against the holy country? Did he use a lot of warbands? Various groups at regiment level? A couple of armies of legion level... Maybe a mix of everything... It seems odd speak of an ambush in "lion feast" Battle. A lot of calvary maybe? And how, in Solara's name, did he manage to keep together all that people? Thanks.
  14. Jose

    Yara Aranis

    I just wanted to be prepared, just in case 😈
  15. Jose

    Yara Aranis

    What kind of spells gives Yara aranis? I think absorption, terrify horse, sprout arms. I am planning the adventure "Stealing the Eye". So any info would be appreciated. Thanks
  16. Thank you David, I had no idea it was a subcult with Pain tooth included. Thanks again, I will follow your recommendations.
  17. Hi, what kind of cult would have one of the silver age heroes if rediscovered through a heroquest as Argrath did to the white bull? I was thinking use the Orgovalte cult as a guide (common rune spells +3 special spells) Example: Aram ya udram: all common rune spells + command swine + dismiss or control shade all sizes (one of them, not sure which one) + detect honor or fearless (one of them, not sure which one). Heroquest: Gorger/earth pact: appaise earth Kero fin (Uleria's necklace of diamonds: Charisma) Thoughts? Thanks
  18. Thanks for the info, I didn't know if the cult would change, kimantori and all that, in Cults book again. No rune lords then. OK for me. Thanks.
  19. HI, I realise that argan argar has rune lords in troll pack but not in RQG. Those who have seen the pre_cults book can tell me which is correct? Thanks
  20. Hi I found information about this forest and the "Wise Stag Monarch" in the Guide. Do you know if it is a demigod as Ironhoof? Where can I find more information about this forest and its ruler? Thanks
  21. Hello, I am to allow to a exiled follower of Dezzola the spells summon earth elemental, charisma, regrow limbs, heal mind, bless crops, heal body and all common spells. And use the ernalda cult as template for skills and advancement. Something I should change? Thanks
  22. Jose


    It will be a lot easier to recover rune points participating in Orlanth holy ceremonies while part of an orlanthi group.
  23. Jose


    Thanks David, I am surprised about Orlanth being associated but my friend will be happy with that because his party has orlanthi in it. Thanks again
  24. Jose


    Hello people, a friend of mine want to play a grazelander follower of Oslira. Can he use Engizi as a template? Or has Oslira different spells? Thanks
  25. I feel a disturbance... in the cosmic matrix... Better you get the pdf first🤣🤣🤣 and wait for reviews.
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