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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. Remember kids, Aliens aren't real 😎
  2. I've placed a color and printer friendly version of the character sheets in the files section for convenience! https://basicroleplaying.org/files/category/55-other/
  3. Version 1.0.0


  4. Version 1.0.0


  5. I'll try to set up a pdf Character Sheet of DTRPG today. This WAS on my to do list early on and got skipped. My apologies! POD is a bit more of a problem as DTRPG is picky on formatting. I'm working on this as well. (Promise!) But need to get my Starship Construction & I.D. book published first as it really is necessary for the mechanics. Systems and Starships will each be cheaper than the core because of this. πŸ‘
  6. I know I'm a noob "author" and some of you veterans will probably laugh at me, but its so strange to me how different my trials between my three QUASAR books have been. The core book was frustrating figuring out how to make small changes to the BRP mechanics for more of a futuristic and somewhat unique feel without tainting the beloved original. Oh, and HOURS UPON HOURS of listening to podcasts on futurism, fusion, astronomy, "physics for dummys", and pouring over alien encounter stories for the Sentience & Sapience racial section. Star Seed children who think they're originally from Andromeda. Kinda my fault because I wanted to use "authentic" aliens and real stars... (Do you know HOW MANY people think they're from another galaxy and YouTube about it???πŸ˜€) The STAR SYSTEMS book was SO tedious and time consuming mapping all the various stars and solar systems, showing orbital paths, and adding extraterrestrial civilizations and some descriptions to the systems and technology. Nevermind hours spent in space simulation programs and the GIMP editor. Then figuring out the distance in light years between each of the stars from EACH OF THE STARS.πŸ˜€ The 3rd book STARSHIP CONSTRUCTION & IDENTIFICATION is all mind rattling number crunching, mechanic grinding, writing and rewriting trying to make all the starships and their components compatible in the (hopefully) easiest way for others to figure out how to design. Ships power levels, power to shields/engines/ and weapons. Movement, fuel consumption, starship combat, associated skills, upgrades...then rewriting parts all over again. πŸ™„πŸ˜€ Wrote an excel page to make creating the dozens of starships unique to each of the races easier. That really helped...until I made them all before realizing I left something pretty important out of ALL of them. Rewriting that part again nowπŸ˜€. I don't really mind. I know it happens, but MaAaAan... OK, so I'm pretty sure I had a point to all of this but now it escapes me. Maybe I just needed to vent. You should be a psychiatrist. I do feel a little better πŸ˜€
  7. QUASAR isn't Platinum level yet but thought this was cool πŸ˜€
  8. QUASAR STAR SYSTEMS IS NOW AVAILABLE ON DTRPG! (had a little hiccup in the formatting πŸ™„) https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/463491/QUASAR-STAR-SYSTEMS
  9. These are each stars you can find on real star charts. While some stars actually have discovered exoplanets planets orbiting them, the solar systems of each are mostly fictitious. An example would be the Trappist system that astronomers have found planets orbiting. I've used that and added moons, races, etc...That system is included in the book.
  10. ** UPDATED ** QUASAR STAR SYSTEMS is NOW AVAILABLE at DTRPG! Over 50 mapped out and somewhat detailed Star Systems, the planets/moons/and other heavenly bodies, and the terrestrial race inhabiting the system. Also a Galactic Economic system aimed at starship captains wanting trade for profit and fun! While Star Systems was created with QUASAR in mind, it could be used for any sci-fi system
  11. So I've been working on a space opera world based on the ORC BRP. I realize Sci-fi has a limited interest, and I haven't even released all 3 books in the series yet. (HOPEFULLY ALL WILL BE RELEASED BY CHRISTMAS!) β€’QUASAR CORE β€’STAR SYSTEMS β€’STARSHIP CONSTRUCTION & IDENTIFICATION But if there ARE gamers/writers among you who have an interest in the far (or near) furure and would like to put your ideas to paper (or pdf😎) and maybe generate some short scenarios or even longer campaigns, I would adore it if you used my lovingly created works as a springboard for your own ideas! I'm just one guy trying to bring others into the BRP fold. (As I've always been.) Bring more people to the table and show them the light. πŸ˜€ QUASAR is meant to be a futuristic game and can be based anywhere from ten to a thousand years from now. While it's FAR from an established staple in the BRP community (duh), I would love if other members (who are interested in Sci-fi (or Post Apocalyptic, Alien Invasion, or post scarcity) worlds took an interest and released their own ideas/ materials, under their name. I don't expect a bunch of response. It's OK. I know fantasy gaming is the popular norm. I love fantasy as well, and will likely release more in THAT genre eventually. But there ARE some of you who have felt the Star Wars, Star Trek, Dune, Gamma World, Star Frontiers, Traveler, Alternity, ITCH over the years. Some who have entire scenarios /modules / campaigns written out in their imaginations over the years. This is NOT MY game world. It's EVERYONE'S HERE who has a dare to dream of what could be. Chaosium made it possible to explore those dreams. (THANK YOU CHAOSIUM!) Where are YOURS wanting to take you? Show us! I'll help if I can, as will SO many other incredible people in these forums. Step outside the proverbial airlock, or Nuke shelter! There are hundreds, thousands, of fan made projects for all the above mentioned systems. Let's spark more interest in the Basic RolePlaying system together by sparking Sci-fi fans interest in another incredible system, BRP! Just a few years ago I never even looked at BRP. Imagine if your contributions help make a couple dozen or even hundreds players/ game masters look at the vast array of what Chaosium has to offer! I know many of you have more influence and MUCH more talent than I. Yes, I'm talking to you! If you're not interested in Space Opera/Sci-fi then please look at putting out your materials for your specific genre! I'm no premier author and have only posted fan made projects up to now, but I really believe they've made at least a small difference in this community and beyond through my play by post, local game store run throughs, and online games. I KNOW many of my players have bought the BRP Bronze Book and Magic World books because they show up at the next game session with a copy. (There's a reason so many like the Bethesda games though I was only recently made aware of the connection.) Didn’t say I was a genius. YOU can make a difference in the support for the system you enjoy! Don't be shy. We're all waiting to see what ideas YOU manufacture!
  12. Forgive me if this is a sub-topic here somewhere. I really did look (a little). I've never been a big Cthulhu RPG fan, although I really liked Alone in the Dark. Does that count? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ I've read/listened to a lot of Lovecraft and tons of fan fiction audio on YouTube over the years. Maybe that earns a little cred in these circles. I dunno. Anyway I'm working on a Space Opera system under ORC for BRP and was wondering if anyone has a good springboard for a horror based game in the black of space. Doesn't have to be tentacles, cults, and submerged cities...but can be. Give me even a little bit of inspiration and I'll give credit of course. Thinking something Event Horizon but outside the normal Hollywood tropes.
  13. This is so often the case when a bunch of rules are thrown together into 1 set. 4 people working on it with specialization in individual aspects. Stuff gets mucked up occasionally. Thank goodness the system mechanics are so adaptable and forgiving. Honestly for some of my MW supplements I was pulling my hair out trying to differentiate between one set of rules and another to make it work. Trying to figure out what makes the most sense. Then I EVENTUALLY remember that it's an RPG that's supposed to be fun. Make it make sense (balanced) but try to leave in the fun part. Some of my supplements probably don't make sense to some. That's alright. Use them or don't, but hopefully there's SOMETHING there that helps make it fun for the players and (sometimes) for the Chroniclers. Gotta be fun for both, afterall. If I had ONE piece of advice for either in the BRP system based games it would be that. Don't try to rationalize every written word. Every "rule". Make it make sense in a way that makes it enjoyable at YOUR table. If something seems over/under powered then add a bonus asthetic that makes it COOL AND FUN. I once wrote an entire Necronomicon of spells (that I could NEVER post here because of reasons) for a player who wanted to play a necromancer in the Southern Reaches of all places. It utilized a LOT of the core spells/material and made some of the spells look REALLY cool without a lot of mechanical benefits over the original spells. Fun was had by all. That's what it's all about. As a side note, I'd like to apologize to a lot of the very patient people on these forums that I've riddled with "Rule" clarifications over the years. You know who you areπŸ˜€
  14. I love that Southern Reaches setting are still being written up. Thank you for your continued support! There's so much open ended material that can STILL be written for this wonderful world, even if it was meant as an example. It's wonderful!
  15. Thanks for your kind words. If QUASAR got as many downloads as my Big Damn Book of Monsters did, I'd be as giddy as a school girl πŸ˜€ But alas, I knew it was a smaller market when I started the project. Fantasy is where it's at! πŸ‘ I just really enjoy creating πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  16. I played RM for a few years. Had all the Core and Companions books. But I would have NEVER played it without Chargen and combat softwareπŸ˜€
  17. For years as a DM, GM, Chronicler, etc...I've loved random tables and charts. (Deck of Many Things is an all time favorite!) But now...I'd rather prepare something I think will be fun and challenging instead of rely on a die roll. Such charts are finding their way back into systems with Solo games (and I guess that's necessary if you're playing by yourself and need random factors) but I think you and your players will find it more enjoyable if you have a few custom encounters planned out ahead of time that THEY will find challenging or interesting. Something I've always done with preprinted "adventures" is tear into them beforehand and find ways to make them more fun. If your table requires a more random element, you do whatever it takes to make it fun, but I think you'll find they'll enjoy it more if you've planned ahead and have something nasty waiting for them 😎
  18. I find at my table my players ALREADY know if a skill roll will be easy, or the opposite side of the spectrum, difficult. I think adding these variables to the mechanics has two or three possible results. β€’The scene is more dramatic=win β€’The scene shows off the characters great skill=win β€’ The scene is a fatal mistake=funny Anything that adds to the fun (or tension) =WIN... even if occasionally it's a fail. The biggest thing to remember is its NOT you (the Chronicler) against them (the player). These are your friends (or acquaintances if at a tourny) Either way the end result is for everyone to enjoy the scenario. My players still talk about amazing successes AND stupendous, ridiculous failures their characters have had over the years. Even a decade later those stories still come up. Tension. Excitement. Success. Failure. Laughs. That's what it's all about.
  19. Maybe it's been said already but BECMI is a fun system as is. There are quite a few good fantasy systems for BRP, as I'm sure many have pointed out, Classic Fantasy is most excellent. But as a wise group member here once told me, if you wanna play D&D play D&D. If you want to play fantasy BRP play Magic World. It's easy enough to incorporate small changes without breaking the game πŸ‘ There's a bunch of great fantasy systems outside the D&D family and BRP as well. MERP was a favorite of mine for a long time. Way...WAY crunchier than D&D or BRP but still fun. Finding the right mix is important for the Chroniclers. But everyone having a good time is what's most important.
  20. Ok. I first wanna say I've spent way too much time making "profession" fan books to say this but professions always bothered me (at least in Magic World) I know medieval people usually had a profession they were either born into or apprenticed in, but one of the things that brought me into the BRP Fold was it being skill based progression. Few player characters "set up shop" until they're ready to retire (at least in my groups. Maybe we're weird) I actually took professions out of my Quasar Core book, relying on education instead. Your character might have been trained in a field but is not limited by it. Hell. Personally my first profession was aircraft mechanic. Then I went to school for professional photography. I did both thinking they were careers. I'm doing neither now. I know real life isn't RP but professions always seemed too close to "classes". That's why I LEFT D&D.
  21. Star Frontiers was one of my first Sci-fi TSR games. I REALLY wanted to like it and DID like the premise and the races but the core book was lacking SO MUCH. (Where the hell was ANY starship info?πŸ™„) I should point out this was WELL B4 I knew anything about BRP (MUCH to my chagrin). I thought Gamma World was a much better D&Dish mechanic...buuut I should say Star Frontiers (and even FASA Trek) might have inspired some little pieces of my Quasar System. I tried to leave a lot "open ended" so the Chroniclers could make it "their system" but a bit of SF is there. 😎
  22. So I've been thinking about what happens AFTER all the QUASAR book releases. (2 more to go!) I'm thinking a couple "adventure" modules to help Chroniclers introduce players to a new version of BRP Space Opera. The idea that is sticking out first and foremost in my mind is a space horror. I'm a sucker for Event Horizon. Xenos are fun, all out war between two races is a possibility, but something more... tentacly...seems like a better possibility for gaining some traction in this genre. Something...other worldy in the far future, instead of the norm men wearing fedors and beanie hats, without stepping on toes. What do the masterminds of this group think? Should I stay in my lane?
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