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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. I don't have the book in front of me but it seems there's a formula box or example in this area that also contradicts this but makes more sense MP wise...
  2. Anyone know of a good combat tracker that's BRP compatible or at least editable to be so? It appears to be a D&D World out there still...
  3. Inspiration! Neat idea, Muminalver! That makes so much sense as many gods have several aspects. Each aspect COULD have different rewards for allegiance and Apotheosis.
  4. Chugging along on Mega-Dungeon. I was thinking I might make a full fledged Monograph for next project. Maybe. Part of the idea for my Mega-Dungeon is allowing the PCs to start a base camp that turns into a small village and eventually a town. Depending on how it plays out, they could be running a full sized city, perhaps starting a small kingdom of their own. This is where the monograph comes into play. I would like to make a set of rules/guidlines dealing with starting and maintaining a fledgling kingdom. A book that spells out in detail population, wages, peasant and nobility moral, taxes, imports/exports, construction of buildings/walls/keeps/castles, area agriculture /hunting, natural resources like mines...and whatever else I come up with. I don't know...think there's a market here for this? Might just do it out of love, like my other projects.
  5. Thought it might be fun to have a thread for people to post RP jokes/memes/pics.. One for my fellow Firefly fans...
  6. Guess I've gotten lucky with Chaosium. I've Only called them twice but got a real person, a real friendly person, both times. Everything I've ordered was on time. One thing I ordered they accidentally sent me two copies of and told me to keep the extra when I offered to send it back. Real happy with them.
  7. Out of curiosity, is anyone currently running a MW game on another site?
  8. For the past year or so I've hosted PbP games on a few sites to help get my RP fix between pen & paper sessions. It's not fast paced, as some here probably know (usually a round or two of action per day) but, like I said, helps give me my fix. My favorite site I've played on so far is The Unseen Servant. (http://www.unseenservant.us/forum/index.php) Most of the games here are inferior systems but a better group of players you'll not find. I've even had a few of my players purchase MW materials. Anyway, I thought I might share this with you good folk in the interest of allowing you some RP during your downtime and hopefully introducing more players to MW /BRP, should any of you desire to run a game!
  9. LOL. Working on a little side project to expand on Necromancy from Advanced Sorcery. Converting spells from a sister system, making up some new ones loosely based on Diablo IIIs Witch Doctor, and a few new ones. Found this thread on accident.
  10. Critical success on an Idea roll...that's actually pretty good. Common enough to make such a roll (at chroniclers discretion ) and rare enough because of the critical to make it special. I like it. Anyone see a downside to this type of house rule? Would the critical requirement be too strict? Perhaps a Special success? Guess it depends on how many times per session the chronicler calls for idea/luck/agility /stamina/ effort/ charisma rolls...
  11. MW lists one way to increase INT via successful resistance roll check and successful Characteristics gain roll. That's by playing Chess against a more INTelligent opponent. Seems to me Chess would be more of a skill roll than a resistance roll. A Mage occupation in Advanced Sorcery relies on INT to gain additional spheres and Glyphs. In an effort not to hijack another thread, I thought I'd ask here. Anyone have any idea what might call for an INT resistance roll necessary to allow a gain roll?
  12. I'm definitely looking forward to discussion concerning Deep Magic. I currently have a player running a Mage using it in my campaign and some things I just make up as we go along. Deep Magic seems pretty straight forward but when you get a creative player pushing the envelope it can get tricky.
  13. Have a feeling I'd like to sit in on one of these sessions.
  14. Don't forget to black out mistakes and scribble in errata...
  15. How cool is that! Would love my work actually placed in official material. An actual spelled out town with possible scenarios...
  16. One of the big things I'm looking forward to is redefining allegiance system to allow for pantheons or cults. (So Im told) Granted, anyone could probably house rule something like this but any companion matetial should be chocked full of gold nuggets to be used by chronicler. It's only the second supplement released for MW, which is a pretty good reason for me to be excited. The first, Advanced Sorcery, has gotten MUCH use by me. I've heard of some hints and teasers about CC but will wait and see. Wouldn't wanna ruin any surprises.
  17. 2 weeks...I do hope they're giving you a discount on rates. LOL
  18. NPCs are now a piece of cake for me thanks to my NPC generator and Peoples of the Southern Reaches books.: ) Shameless plug, yes, but they ARE free.
  19. Currently I'm only using forces of Light, Balance, & Shadow. When Chronicler Companion is released there will soon follow an alignment of the stars, or great cataclysm in the heavens, or war between those forces that will splinter them into individual Pantheons.(in my campaign ) I am planning a conversion of old school Deities & Demigods once I learn how Chroniclers Companion defines Allegiance system.
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