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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. Well, AFTER the thesis, get ahold of Chaosium and offer to make the real deal. Chaosium could then sell books to import as updates and give you a piece for coding them!
  2. As far as functionality, I believe your project should have a goal of being flexible. That is, users can customize enough aspects of software to be useable in multiple incarnations of BRP. Growing up I used Core Rules software for AD&D exclusively because it was very customization friendly. I paid around $100 for the software and expansions. And this was 20 years ago! Software on par with Core Rules... for BRP? I'll throw $$ at THAT!
  3. Wow. Very nice suggestions/advice guys. Thanks so much!
  4. I've made a Magic World character generator using NBOS and posted here: Wouldn't be too hard to convert it to BRP. Just change some of the skill names, ect... Also, Lonewolf has HeroLab which does CoC and some BRP. I've been trying to get them to release a full BRP datapack for awhile now. A few more people there pushing for it couldn't hurt! http://www.wolflair.com/index.php?context=hero_lab
  5. Any chance of getting this re-uploaded? It appears the DL is broken...
  6. I'm thinking about starting a new PlayByPost campaign over at the Unseen Servant. It's a zombie apocalypse fasioned after The Walking Dead. Haven't set it in stone just yet but wanted to invite anyone from here who might be interested. http://www.unseenservant.us/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=4313&p=183352#p183352
  7. I'm not sure. You'd have to check the NBOS forums.
  8. Also as the Chronicler, you don't HAVE to call for obvious easy skill rolls. I will typically only call for a skill roll from perception list if the target of the skill is actively rolling a skill to hide or deceive. The person skilled in hiding or deceiving, as example, might be much better at doing so than the one initiating the perception skill roll is at spotting it. That's just tough. Put some of those free experience gain points in perception skills. If there is NO target rolling against the initiator, such as a hidden door as example, I usually make it an easy Skill roll if tthey're actively searching.
  9. Bah! I was screwing with an update and might have accidentally messed the code up. Looks like you got it working. It's not TOO difficult to figure out, but can be a pain. Lemme know if you have other issues. On that note, does anybody fInd a use for this? Like it? Hate it? Suggestions?
  10. Hey Ptingler, can I link that from my FB page?
  11. So you gain different types of bonuses by being Allied (more points in) each Force(Light, Shadow, Balance). When you eventually (if ever) reach 100 AND 20 more points than any other Allegiance you can gain Apotheosis, which is pretty much like becoming a faithful servant of that force, gaining some wonderful benefits based on that force. The book reads: Champion of Shadow: 1. Magic Points double 2.Chance to commune with a higher power of the Shadow 3. Chance of resurrection Champion of Balance: 1. Hit Points become SIZ+CON+POW (instead of SIZE+CON) Champion of Light: 1. Settle a new land and rules over d100+100 sq. Miles 2. Chance to commune with higher power of the Light. OK. Here's my question to those who are familiar (or the number crunchers): Would it be game breaking if the benefits of Apotheosis weren't restricted by the force? I was thinking of allowing a player who obtains Apotheosis to pick any 2. Thoughts? Also I'm thinking about adding some other benefits. Chaosium is releasing a new supplement called Chroniclers Companion, that will supposedly give new perspective to the Allegiance system and I was thinking how certain deities might reward Allegiance. Any suggestions on different benefits would be appreciated!
  12. C'mon guys. You could at least toss the page some "likes"
  13. So....now we have a Group AND a Page.. https://www.facebook.com/brpmagicworld?ref=bookmarks&__nodl
  14. Well crap. I'm no Facebook genius. Didn't know the difference... *facepalm*
  15. I didn't mean it literally. Just seemed to become a contest of wits. Arguing back and forth.
  16. Wow. Some people really derail like a pro! It saddens me that someone can take a thread and turn it into a "my di*k is bigger than yours" A couple pages of good content (IMO )... 7 pages of psycho-babble BS. Will keep trying.
  17. They're both good. In my campaign I merely have a single Knowledge (sorcery) skill to roll. I thought about individual spell skills for specialization, but with the inclusion of Deep Magic in my campaign this didn't seem logical.
  18. Yeah. The more I look at that the more I like it...even over my mentalist book. *sigh* It really does need more powers though. Anyone know if super World covers psychics better?
  19. Curious as to what Psionic system you plan to use, Chaot.
  20. PS: I've created a FB group page for Magic World if anyone wants to join... https://m.facebook.com/groups/437050293124748?ref=bookmark
  21. Please feel free to add to it! Tell people your success stories. Mine might be a bit long winded but I'd love to read more. I imagine there's a lot of people with similar rpg background. I just don't want people to follow the herd blindly if they're not happy with their game, like I did.
  22. Not exactly the OP recommendation but... Whatcha think? http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?752408-Ignorance-Isn-t-Bliss-Experience-from-a-Veteran-RPGr&p=18850871&mode=linear#post18850871
  23. Mankcam has some good ideas up there but I would also include sacrafice to gain allegiance, attone, and/or for magic points. Sacraficing prized animals was still a major practice prior to The Lamb of Gods ultimate sacrafice. It was "pleasing" to God, and well.... who wouldn't want their deity to be pleased?
  24. ATGXTG: "and there are no saving throws vs. God"

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