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Canis latrans popus

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Everything posted by Canis latrans popus

  1. That's pretty much the purpose of a sword. Longswords (the so called bastard and hand and half sword), change from maybe being a main battlefield weapon, during the period that horses and mail armor was predominately used by men-at-arms, to being a side arm in battle and dueling and a personal defense weapon when not fully armored. While it would be inaccurate to say that no-one used their sword against other folk in plate armor as there are enough techniques in the treatises covering this that are intended to fight against someone so stupid as to use brute force and percussive blows with a sword in a lethal fight, it is also the suboptimal way to use swords in and against armor. And there are much better weapons, like spears and pollaxes. BRP as a default really isn't the game for people who want to full attack with daggers and other small weapons against folk in heavy armor. If you have players who want to stubbornly use suboptimal weapons then they should be punished within the game using the rules of the game, or fight smarter not harder. Daggers are excellent weapons, and they were used by folks in plate armor against other folks in plate armor, but they were also a backup to the backup weapon.
  2. Or tell your players to stop using daggers against enemies wearing heavy armor. Or crib the rule about grappling allowing the grappler to ignore the grappled's armor from Pendragon. Which was how daggers were used.
  3. I like BRP Mecha, but as much as I like it, the mecha creation sections will require a lot more guessing on the party of the GM if you want to use it for Transformers. All the information that BRP Mecha needs to translate mecha into seems to be totally absent from any write-ups I've seen for any transformer. If you do get it and do want to run transformers, treat them all as super robots and make up everything else.
  4. I suggest telling the wee dagger fighter to pick up a bigger weapon, and/or telling them to learn how to grapple as well as having successful grappling negate the armor and thereby letting the dagger fulfill one of its historical uses, shanking pinned knights.
  5. That is pretty much why I have seen only 3 or 4 episodes of Code Geass.
  6. Oh. Nice. I hadn't started figuring out how to do over-heating for mecha yet, but this looks neat and usable at first glance. I'm going to stash that away for when I feel like running Valrave or Break Blade as heat management is important to those series.
  7. I bolted it on top of Pendragon and even altered the way stats were derived for my game. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0RgpTvR3o_9ZFl2ZzkteGtqeGs&usp=sharing&tid=0B0RgpTvR3o_9S0toTU1PSDF6Tk0 Treating the mecha like RR while having kaiju and magic does interesting things to the system. It's got to weird trying to make balance the stats out so that a MOSPEADA or two can fight a small group of Inbit, but still make it worth the while to pull out an ARMO-fighter.
  8. What's weird I didn't notice that discrepancy when I was running my Mechanized Pendragon campaign. For MOSPEADA I would definitely stat them up as SIZ Class 1 mecha. I started using your method to determine stats for my macross and patlabor conversions. I think I went back to tweak the numbers of previously converted mecha. Now I'm interested in seeing you do a conversion of the inbit.
  9. What I would do if using d100 instead of d20 and using Pendragon as a model: Rolling over is a failure 96-00 is a fumble Rolling between the skill rating and 5 less than the rating is a critical success Highest roll that is a success wins in opposed resolution Or just use a d20 so it's: 20 is a fumble rating is a crit highest success wins.
  10. I would suggest picking some other series from which to copy the mecha from, and then juggled the numbers. If you're stuck, I was using VF-1s as ancient mecha in my Pendragon game. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0RgpTvR3o_9S0toTU1PSDF6Tk0&usp=sharing The only problem, and it's a minor one, is I was running them using Pendragon stats, but it shouldn't be too hard to take the base stats and rederive the armor and damage bonuses for the mecha.
  11. BAMF What is suggested is that you, the GM usually, figure out what mecha series you wish to emulate, or more specifically what mecha do you want to stat. So if like you wanted to run a campaign based on the SDF Macross/Season one Robotech, you would need to stat up the valkyries, and destroids and such. Then you could go to the internet and hunt for a fansite that has compiled the technical specifications of those mecha. Like this http://www.macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/vf-1a-valkyrie.htm One of the statistics is Power Plant: two Shinnakasu Heavy Industry/P&W/Roice FF-2001 thermonuclear reaction turbine engines, output 650 MW each. And BAM you got the powerplant output in Megawatts for a VF-1. Well how big of kaiju are you talking about?
  12. Exactly, why I want to do it. It will be a sort of SDF-1 Macross style set-up in the CthullhuTech setting before the notZentradi defect to humanity.
  13. It is exceptionally easy to modify. I mean I was able to shoehorn Mecha in Pendragon and it worked pretty well. And my next BRP Mecha campaign will end up including Eva style mecha part way through it, being a BRP hack of CthulhuTech. It's one of my favorite RPG supplements of all time.
  14. Hence the "well little" in parenthesis. That is exactly when I would give mecha CON.
  15. I was only speaking in reference with kaiju, as well as acknowledging that the addendum made the addition of CON for kaiju and saying I had already done that in my own game. As far as adding CON to mecha, it makes no sense (well little) sense for a mecha to have a CON.
  16. I had wondered about kaiju not having a CON stat listed, but had figured that was intentional. Didn't stop me from giving kaiju CON though. I had also started roughing out PacRim kaiju stats, but I lost the scrap of paper I was using.
  17. I totally agree, but I'm also one of the people who said BRP if I could only play one game. Odd thing is that when I run D&D(even Pathfinder) or BRP combat doesn't get sluggish, but when I'm playing Pathfinder most other GMs make is lag on and on and on...
  18. It's good at allowing you to take games of different genres and mashing them together because of the universality of its mechanics without being anywhere near as crazy as Palladium or (purportedly) extremely fiddility GURPs. I'm running Post-apocalyptic Arthurian Romance with Mecha. The bits I had to house-rule were only done so because I am using Pendragon as the base instead of something like Merrie England.
  19. You say it doesn't read like a BRP game, and I say it does. You say it doesn't play like one, but I say it does. I've played and ran both. Cheers.
  20. I consider KAP to be a BRP game. What makes it not BRP? D20 instead of D%? Both are a linear curve rolling under a skill, one is just graduated in 5% increments instead of 1% increments. Basing melee weapon damage off (STR+SIZ)/6 in d6s instead of the STR+SIZ damage bonus chart and pages of weapon stats? Seems like a nice simplification of weapon damage. Removal POW and INT as stats? They could always be added in if desired.
  21. It's an awesome project, because then the real world becomes the ultimate sourcebook.
  22. Technical is good even if my background isn't in physics or mechanical engineering. Having an idea about your reasoning is exceedingly useful in evaluating how to approach using your methods in statting up mecha for my game.
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