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Everything posted by hkokko

  1. Fonrit has its own languages and is vast in population and relatively civilised in its way so it fits that it would have own words for the money. The Closing of Northern sources for 600+ years might have given rise to further own development of language. Middle Sea empire was rebelled against just a few years before Closing and I would think that one of the signs for independence would be own money especially if you are disconnected for a long while - and it is quite traditional to stamp the money with your own face as well. For example: " Augustus (63 BC – 14 AD) ascended to the throne as the first emperor. Taking autocratic power, it soon became recognized that there was a link between the emperor's sovereignty and the production of coinage". There were also cases when the previous emperor's coins were demonetised and melted by order of senate. In every day life the money might be named a dollar but it usually has lots of usage names - often by denomination. It seems to be quite rare to have multi syllable words for money in real world usage - so I find for example "Imperial" one that would be "technical" name but would probably be shortened to "imp" or something similar in every day life. For example Lunar Imperials (the word Imperial there had not noticed before GoG) seem to be called Lunars. Clack, wheel, bolg, Lunar are all quite pithy and Gloranthan. Navar is the new one and also quite pithy. Guilder seems to be from Holy Roman Empire and Dutch , Ducat from the 11th century Europe and Cash (for Kralorela) are clearly loaned from real world so why not others. So to me it looks neither fun nor linguistically or politically realistic to have "imperial" as the name of the money especially in Afadjann / Fonrit. It also does not have the right "feel" for the area. Perhaps vestiges of some northern coin names remain in Umathela and certainly since the closing coins are flowing in but materially the trade is probably a fraction of commerce so local coins minted in last years probably form the majority. Will keep hunting for better names for local money for a bit. The other question is that how long a coin will remain in circulation after it has been minted. So what is the tribe's view on that. How much of the coins in circulation would be from relatively recent years - say last 10-40 years. The Roman Empire is told of minting coins of lesser and lesser purity as the empire grew older... Depending on empire's wealth this might happen here as well and cause turbulence. "Epictetus jokingly wrote: "Whose image does this sestertius carry? Trajan's? Give it to me. Nero's? Throw it away, it is unacceptable, it is rotten." ...and all this started when the players wanted some money and I thought Lunar is not a good word for silver piece in a remote corner of Fonrit.
  2. Does anyone have any idea what Kresh tokens would look like?
  3. Some of the bolded ones I think I still saw at Fantasiapelit store in Helsinki couple of weeks ago. Fantasiapelit.fi
  4. Barging in on the money thread. Silver coins in and around Fonrit might be called dirhams and deniers (to have some variety)? Wheels would still be wheels or would Pamaltela have some other gold coins. What would Kresh tokens look like?
  5. Glorantha being flat - how would Moon and its phases be visible in Pamaltela (especially in general region of Fonrit)... Similarly to Dragon Pass or different? Would like to see Full Moon from Loral for a reason....
  6. Yep. Many poems are very difficult to get right in another language - the tone, the rhythm, the nuances, the implied culture
  7. Classic Fantasy Monsters for Mythras With Some Blood Tide Welling In Classic Fantasy is a Mythras supplement for dungeoneering in the percentile world. Here are some of the monsters (some of them classics we grew to love in the early days of RPGs) in the Mythras Encounter Generator format. Doppelgänger Giant Killer Frog Poisonous Giant Frog Ghast Gorgon Lesser Hell Hound Nightmare Horse Demon There are also some encounters adapted from the evocative Blood Tide supplement for pirate campaigns. Chupacabra Demon Fish For the fun of it here is an undead variety of the crocodile of the Pamaltelan continent. Undead Horror Crocodile You will likely find more useful encounters with the Encounter Generator. There are users guides to finding encounters and creating encounters and monsters https://notesfrompavis.wordpress.com/2018/01/21/classic-fantasy-monsters-for-mythras-with-some-blood-tide-welling-in/
  8. it is lovely to see non Finns debating our folklore. Not being a scholar and having read the book long long time ago - Kalevala can be a narrow lens to the folklore that it reflects. Some sources say that for example the more down to earth (racy) bits were not accepted (and so not written down in) for Kalevala by the main gatherer. The time it was gathered we were occupied and that might reflect also a bit. If I recall it was written so it conformed to the gathererer's vision how it should be - edited, collated etc. So I would perhaps consider it a fiction book instead of 'fully' reflecting on the traditions and folklore of the Finn and Sami people etc. It contains good stories... Who would not be moved by Joukahainen's mother or the story of Kullervo, hero questing and tragic flawed hero story.
  9. It seems that I have missed some of the WD articles. Have to go to the garage to find the articles. Vrak, Nachak, Crypt Stalker, Kirin, sharp toothed Hydra, Night Shrieker, Fossergrim seem to be ones that do not exist in the encounter generator. Not sure whether they appear in any Gloranthan lore. Eventually might add them or if someone from the crowd wants to add them that is of course fine. Thanks for pointing to these resources for the articles.
  10. Here is the article - http://rpgarcanearchive.blogspot.fi/2014/11/down-among-dead-men-undead-in-runequest.html all of the things mentioned there are available in Encounter generator from a source or another. Redcap I think was in one of the Chaosium bestiaries...
  11. ..and if @Trifletraxorwants to move this to the other forum here, it is fine by me... Not trying to raise any waves.
  12. No, you can have larger numbers. This might help https://notesfrompavis.wordpress.com/2015/01/25/rq-encounter-tool-101-generating-encounters-guide/ https://notesfrompavis.wordpress.com/2015/02/01/rq-encounter-tool-101-part-2-creating-npcs-and-parties/
  13. Have not seen that, did not realise that Dragon had any RQ stats ever. Does any of the tribe know the issue...
  14. the generated ones can be printed as pdf or png from the generated page. You can print the template as a pdf if that is what you would like. It is just a template then and might not be as useful. Whatever is on the template gets printed but it depends of course what the creator of template has written there.... Statistics page shows now 2770 templates - most of us who have created these might not have had the intent of creating full detailed descriptions in the notes part....
  15. Some forgotten beasties from AiG, Mythic Constantinople and Monster Island Noticed that I have not published some creatures in the generator. Here are few of the unpublished ones, some of them from AiG: Flint cat Raptor, Giant Walktapi Nandi Bear Harpy, Elder Hag of Darkness Lesser Hydra, 5 headed From Mythic Constantinople Elder Ghoul Broukolak, Man Form Broukolak, Undead For Monster Island Gigantic Jellyfish Fast Initiate of Jaguar Goddess Initiate of Jaguar Goddess Initiate of Jaguar Goddess, Jaguar Form Servant of Jaguar Goddess Servants of Jaguar Goddess https://notesfrompavis.wordpress.com/2018/01/17/some-forgotten-beasties-from-aig-and-mythic-constantinople/
  16. The statement is: if a creature has ever had RQ stats on any magazine or publication it is in the Encounter Generator (except for the mechanicals). If it has had Hero Wars/Heroquest stats - 90-95% of those are there as well. So if you find something is missing do a few searches you will probably find it there - if not, raise it for example here and it will likely get added. You will find many of the encounters by using tags as well but that depends on whether the person has added the tag to the creature. Here are the dragonewts and sorpionmen currently in the encounter generator This is crowdsourced - I have created many for my. campaign or amusement but others have and can....
  17. Well scorpion men are there, dragonewts as well.., broos are certainly in the encounter generator
  18. All the creatures in AIG are there. All the spells are mentioned with the cults using them in the Glorantha one pagers and as far as I can recall spell names also added to the various cult members and cult descriptions within the Encounter Generator. If I recall correctly all the spells were from the original sources - just given AiG treatment.
  19. It contains almost all that I have found. There are some sea mammals from Anaxial’s Annex (an online resource) that are missing and may miss some of the rare outer plane thingies from Anaxial’s Roster but should have everything else. if you find something missing, please indicate to me... The rate of adding has slowed due to the above mentioned being quite rare and due one other hobby project I am working on In addition to real life intervening...)
  20. hkokko


    You will find one pager based on those here https://notesfrompavis.wordpress.com/2017/05/27/gloranthan-cult-one-pagers-renewed-main-page/
  21. hkokko


    I am using Finnish translations... Many of them are unofficial made in the early days of my campaign
  22. Yep. It starts to look like many sf books and movies and some games as well are getting out of date with their view what is likely or possible.
  23. In this case was mentioning this for ranged weapon scenario for scifi games in near future. Leaving the real world implications discussion to non gaming forum
  24. This combined with a startup from Finland which has created replenishing stations for drones.... Charge it there and then go back to patrolling... combine this with 3d printing creating these small things in local factories and small builder bots building those factories all of which solar powered you have quite a nightmare scenario...
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