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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. I've always assumed that as Allied spirits are limited in number, the animals that house them are specially bred for that purpose in a temple environment (otherwise where do the bats, doves, hawks, etc come from), and their spirit returns to be one of cult's spirits that can be summoned (per Cult Spirits) Alternatively, it could be seen that the persuasion of the spirit is just the animal awakening as an allied spirit. Either maybe true in my games. If you want your Rune priest's investment ceremony to have an allied spirit vs. animal spirit possession contest, then go for it.
  2. I just realised that I didn't add inspiration to the title as usual.
  3. It says they inhabit it. You persuade them to be your allied spirit. I'm just saying what the book says. The Q&A says the same (5.5.9 How do you bind an Allied spirit?)
  4. See Rune Magic by Cult and Associate Cult, Some Common. Associate cults don't usually share Common Rune magic, usually just some skills, spirit magic and a special Rune spell.
  5. Allied spirits are spirits sent by the deity to inhabit animals or sacred cult objects. RQG 277 They can discorporate if they have access to the Discorporate spell.
  6. An allied spirit is not a bound spirit. Rune levels must persuade the spirit to ally. Sure. The cults books are more specific, but if your Rune level wants something different thats fine. Not bound, see above. IIRC there's only one cult where the allied spirit is actually a discorporate spirit. I'm not saying you can't have them in your game. In my games they don't exist. You can always ask in the Q&A, although I suspect I know what the answer will be.
  7. Sorcery is a literate discipline, and a sorcerer cannot know a spell better than their Read/Write skill. (RQG 388) Given that LM put their allied spirits in writing instruments (so no eyes or limbs) and IO into bats, I suspect that even if sorcery using allied spirits were possible they would be very rare.
  8. Every so often the Ancient origins site comes up with a Glorantha related topic, this time: Tracing the Origins of the Powerful Serpent Cult. There's quite a bit of snake and serpent related glorantha content: from the Serpent Kings, serpents, to snakes...
  9. Just send a Herald - W&E 50 at 5L/ week of travel. Note that 5 RPs are effectively worth 100L, that's the equivalent of 20 weeks travel...
  10. You confusing the effect of casting spells within the Glowline with the effect of the spell. So the spell can be cast within the Glowline as All spells available and freely stackable. Once cast, the spell follows the Moon phases. No Yes Yes. Note that if cast outside the Glowline on a Full Moon, its base duration is two weeks (stacking can then double, etc)
  11. Yes, but I think there's only a few who are this powerful with at least one based at the temple in Torang, with the others acting as advisors the Emperor, Great Sister, and one is almost certainly an Examiner. I'd also had one be a troll. As Illuminated and Red Goddess initiates, they need to join the cult (roughly 30% chance per year) and gain the Chaos Rune. They also need to spend 100% of their time in the activities of both cults (90% Jakaleel and 10% Red Goddess). Don't forget the cost of Spell Extension. A shaman gets one shamanic ability plus one for every round they defeat Gbaji. Most Jakaleel shaman likely start with one ability. If that's Spell Extension thats fine. Increasing it from 1 to 2 is going to costs 1 characteristic point, to 2 costs 2. I'd suspect they do little fighting, at this level they are effectively the Empire itself and because of their links to the Lunar College of Magic are likely summoning and binding huge lunes and demons, to unleash on enemies. It's always fun to run a game where every one is a Rune level, I've done it with troll, but a group of Seven Mothers Red Goddess initiates would be great.
  12. See https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/prosopaedia/deities/a/avivorus/
  13. Don't forget the Colors entry in the Prosopaedia 24.
  14. Has it happened in your games or in anyones for that matter?
  15. It's not automatic. Per LW 94, Requirements for Initiation: To gain the Illumination skill, a person must first experience something that can trigger Illumination. If they don't have the experience, they don't have the skill. If they do have the experience, then it's 1/5 moon rune, plus magic category bonus, plus any bonus from the event. So if Vasana is Mindblasted, she gets the skill at (Moon Rune 10) + 10% Magic category bonus + lets say a 3% from the mindblast = 23%. Note that she's been a vegetable as a result of the spell for at least week, it's a nasty spell. In my games, no one has ever been targeted by these spells, although some players have Mindblast.
  16. See the last paragraph in LW 99, Is Involuntary Illumination Possible? That covers it for me.
  17. It hasn't happened (yet) in any game I've run, but I'd go for the An American Werwolf in London (1981) style transformation (mainly for nostalgic reasons). The transformation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGe_iwOGfiI Trust me it's a classic...
  18. It just says mistrust not cannot associate with Chaos. That Yanafal is a subcult of the Seven Mothers, does give a lot of scope.
  19. If they are obviously a broo and joining the cult is forbidden (as you look like forbidden chaos), it's more a practical consideration. If you have a priest that will initiate you then that's the first hurdle gone. Next - recovering Rune points at a holy day ceremony, if the entire congregation are forbidden members, that's fine, but otherwise there's the whole "look there's a broo here..." If you're not a broo (scorpion folk, or any other non-human chaos folk, etc, except of course ogres) it's so much easier. Yes but see but see above. Illumination is a mystical state of mind that doesn't solve or counter everyday problems.
  20. Only if they have that power. As it's number 6, it's down the list. LW 96 says those that involve retribution from the god. But not including sprits of Reprisal is as immunity to those is a separate and rarer ability (number 7). If they don't have sense illumination in others, neither may know that each other is illuminated, and there's not actually a restriction on women joining the cult. If it was a cult like Waha which is male only, they could do it in secret, but publicly that's going to be retribution from those who have seen what has happened. Waha won't care (in towns I imagine there are more than a few female Waha initiates in the butchers guilds). Not if the cult specifically prohibits creatures of Chaos. Broo can join Chalana Arroy, but not Storm Bull. That's between the initiate and the temple's priests, so no. Illumination wont hide you on the chore list. However if they went away for years and never returned, when they did they could lie and no one would know any different, so yes. You could probable not sacrifice magic points on holy days.
  21. Yes, my back of a beer mat exercise assumed it used the D10 table and was random.
  22. If it happens to one of my players, i'd use this: No. that will depend on their man/beast rune and other traits. I'd say that it basically changes their form in into the standard goat broo - goat head, horns and hooves (3pt armour on head). As broo stats and human stats are roughly the same, i'd keep those as is. They look like a broo. At this point they are likely illuminated so how they detect is up to their illumination skills.
  23. This back of a beer mat exercise tells me that Yanafal Tarnils Broos amongst Red Goddess initiates are not uncommon: Note that slightly under 20% Yanafal Tarnils Swords have a permanent Chaos Gift, of those that join the Red Goddess, over 30% will have turned into broos. 1 in 10 initiates have a permanent Chaos Gift if they choose to take a gift = Chaos Rune 20% 1 in 10 Scimitars have a permanent Chaos Gift if they choose to take a gift (not including those who have one from being an initiate) Chaos Rune 30% (roll to turn into a broo) Initiates of the red goddess get a Chaos Rune boost of +20% Chaos Rune 50% (roll to turn into a broo).
  24. Are they Lunar broos or Chaos worshipping broos? Are they up to no good (murder pillage, disease spreading) or are they on their way somewhere, maybe to pay a visit to the local Seven Mothers temple? They may already be members If he's the right kind of officer, no. If the wrong kind, yes. He doesn't care. If he finds out that means someone isn't doing their job. If they are doing bad things, normal procedure would be followed (as bandits etc)
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