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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Yes, my back of a beer mat exercise assumed it used the D10 table and was random.
  2. If it happens to one of my players, i'd use this: No. that will depend on their man/beast rune and other traits. I'd say that it basically changes their form in into the standard goat broo - goat head, horns and hooves (3pt armour on head). As broo stats and human stats are roughly the same, i'd keep those as is. They look like a broo. At this point they are likely illuminated so how they detect is up to their illumination skills.
  3. This back of a beer mat exercise tells me that Yanafal Tarnils Broos amongst Red Goddess initiates are not uncommon: Note that slightly under 20% Yanafal Tarnils Swords have a permanent Chaos Gift, of those that join the Red Goddess, over 30% will have turned into broos. 1 in 10 initiates have a permanent Chaos Gift if they choose to take a gift = Chaos Rune 20% 1 in 10 Scimitars have a permanent Chaos Gift if they choose to take a gift (not including those who have one from being an initiate) Chaos Rune 30% (roll to turn into a broo) Initiates of the red goddess get a Chaos Rune boost of +20% Chaos Rune 50% (roll to turn into a broo).
  4. Are they Lunar broos or Chaos worshipping broos? Are they up to no good (murder pillage, disease spreading) or are they on their way somewhere, maybe to pay a visit to the local Seven Mothers temple? They may already be members If he's the right kind of officer, no. If the wrong kind, yes. He doesn't care. If he finds out that means someone isn't doing their job. If they are doing bad things, normal procedure would be followed (as bandits etc)
  5. Given the average lunar citizen isn't an illuminate, and that the Lunar cults tolerate chaos, any response by the authorities is likely to be on a case by case basis: So if your local Seven Mothers priestess (who already has a secret chaos feature), joins the Red Goddess, accepts her free Chaos feature and succeeds in the 30% chance to turn into a broo. When she returns - it's clearly a joyous transformation - the goddess has smiled on her and your priestess has embraced that wonder. You're probably a bit nervous that she's now a broo - but she's Lunar Chaos and that means she's your broo priestess. You need to up your Loyalty passion! Given the above, and the defining Chaos Gods, they realise that these cause problems - this is Chaos, not Lunar Chaos. Until you do or don't get caught doing bad things. Those that don't get caught Everyone - just like real life.
  6. As all Grain Goddesses are associates of each other.
  7. oops. She's the classic earth sorceress, reaching maturity fast and emracing the earth and its cults at a young age. A secret daughter of the Emperor who uses magic and beauty not violence. I see her like Xilonen (the young Maize, before she becomes mature as Chicomecoatl), as the washer woman's daughter whose parentage is revealed allowing her to become the Maize.
  8. She's only really important as one of the Seven Mothers and as that provides a bigger Earth elemental than the Young Elementals. Her secret is that she knows how to survive and return after dismemberment, which is not that important to most people. She doesn't appear as a separate cult in the Mythology distribution charts either. Dendara is a more important Earth Goddess (Deezola was a priestess of Dendara), along with the Grain Goddesses (see the mythology distribution numbers). As a former Queen and Dendara priestess, she doesn't really fit the bill. As her cult is often subsumed into Dendara's, where her sister Gorgorma fulfils the role of defender.
  9. I'd look to the development of Firshala in Griffin Mountain and Orgorvale Summer in the GM Screen Pack - start small. In the The Daliath Prophecy (GtG 743), the Unholy Trio walk free. Modelling Ragnaglar after Thed and Mallia for this case (see Broo cults in RQB 93), both have a few common spells, Mallia has four Rune spells and Thed six. I'd give them Mastery & Chaos as their Rune (no air), so maybe: Common Rune Magic: Divination, Sanctify Special Rune Magic: Command Worshippers*, True Horns**, Charisma, Chaos Gift, Command Priests*** * As RBM, but works only on broo ** True (weapon) for horns. *** As RBM, only works on broo priests (any cult) Naturally Thed, Mallia and Primal Chaos are associated cults with usual spells Cast it all using the chaos rune. Or as these are all NPC cults - do as you want - it's chaos.
  10. Masks of the same god. I'd really recommend Joseph Campbell's Masks of God as a good grounding for this concept, likewise Hero with a 1000 faces. Ignore that thay maybe dated in some concepts - these formed the basis for much of Greg's work.
  11. I think that these spirits should be looked in the context of Summon Cult Spirit and Command Cult spirit. So why would you summon these spirits. and then do they need commanding and if they can be commanded what do they do: Note that all of them can be commanded into a binding, which is likely the best use. I suspect that as every Issaries initiate has a statue, these are the obvious place to make a spirit binding. I'd also give them some context by associate them with Issaries Runes of Movement and Harmony. Build them using Creating a Spirit 164, RQ Bestiary. I see these as specialist spirits. For skill levels, use INTx5. roads - Movement. Give them a point of Pathwatch specific to their road, or mobility, and Farsee. You could fancy up the mobility by allowing it to multispell a caravan once to get it out of danger. as well as Farsee. They may have Customs (any), and able to augment interactions where the trader is off their normal route. pathways - as roads, but specific to a tradepath. I'd let them have Detect Enemies too. commerce - Harmony. Let them have any Issaries commerce skill to use as an Augment - Bargain, Customs (any), Evaluate, and maybe Glamour. Make them specialists like a gem evaluator. They may also have Glamour. communication - Harmony. Let them have any Issaries communication skill to use as an Augment - Orate, and Speak (any) Language. Make them specific translators. They may also have Glamour. If you apply this to other cult spirits, it forms an easy to use template: Lhankor Mhy is served by spirits of knowledge and by the guardians of such knowledge. Knowlege - Truth. Let them have any Lhankor Mhy appropriate skill to use as an Augment: Read/Write (Any Languages), Any Lore skill, Bureaucracy, Customs (any), Evaluate, Library Use. Make them specialists, eg Read/Write New Pelorian, Customs (Balazar), etc. Some may have an appropriate Rune spell. Guardian of Knowledge - Stasis. Bind these into valuable texts or objects and they will attack transgressors in spirit combat.
  12. FYI Sanctify is a Ritual spell: Ritual spells generally take one hour to cast per point of the spell. (Red Book of Magic, Characteristics of Rune Spells, page 9) When the ceremonies cease, the spell effects expire. (Red Book of Magic, Sanctify, page 76)
  13. Cast sanctify on it. If it's correctly built and has the appropriate symbols, idols and enough worshippers, consecrate it (big ceremony) on an appropriate High Holy day. Cast sanctify on it, have the High Priest add in some POW (to enchant it), and repeat for a few years. If it's all done right, the link to the god will be permanent with enough worshippers. See also Qualify to Found Own Temple of the Cult, Mythology 148 / RQG 282. If you've Weapons and Equipment, see Site 107 Shrine 110 Temple 110
  14. For reference GtG 647, [Mastakos] the Doraddi claim that this planet is the celestial home of Jmijie, the Wanderer.
  15. Yes. It's as Casting Associated Cult Rune Magic (RQG 283 / Mythology 149): This Rune is often different from the Runes of the initiate’s primary god. It's the individuals Runes that are important for casting Rune magic, not the god's.
  16. Spryness is from the Travelling Stone which is a broken piece of Larnste who is now embodied by Mastakos. Fleetfoot is from Jmijie, who is the Pamaltelan mask of Mastakos. Leap, Orlanth Adventurous is defined by the Movement Rune, but isn't the owner. The owner has the greatest scope in the Rune, so the root of the magic is Mastakos. So you could have a Mastakos shrine that gives Leap. As as he's usually only worshipped in temples of Orlanth (and Magasta) Orlanth Adventurous is far more common. You don't need the Rune to have it cast on you (Jmijie has the Movement Rune). If you take Fleetfoot as Pamalt initiate, like all associate cult spells - you'd need to improve the relevant Rune affinity, in this case Movement.
  17. Which Sun County is this Prax, Sartar, etc?
  18. You can find their origin by consulting Rune Magic by Cult and Associate Cult and Master Lists: Rune/Divine Magic in the MIGIII.
  19. For reference: RQG 303 and Lunar Way 31, 115, 130
  20. The spirit world isn't silent - spirits make spirit noise that to discorporated humans is perceived as sound. Spirit creatures make spirit creature sounds - so spirit horses make galloping and neighing sounds. River horse is accompanied by the sound of rushing water and it makes watery neighing and snorting sounds that sound like splashing puddles.
  21. Yes, if the spirit has INT, then they likely have their former language (RQG 365). If they are cult spirits, then they likely have an appropriate magical language (Stormspeech, Firespeech, etc) When you learn a spirit magic spell, there is a teacher who is the intermediary. For bound spirits it's mental communication per RQG 249 (so no language is involved). see above They can't communicate. Spiritspeech is a magical language available to shaman and their assistants, Daka Fal, Jakaleel and the Seven Mothers (via Jakaleel). It's very specialist, showing why shaman are the master of spirits. I've always imagined it like Makaton, with its symbols, signs and speech geared towards the spirit world. I always allow any adventurer who has Discorporated and encountered spirits to receive a free skill check on spiritspeech. I don't allow it for Middle World spirit combat.
  22. I've run Superworld (and the WoW version -but not with the new BRP editions BGB/UGE). I'd say it depends what you've got. If you've Superworld and the companion, you are all set (as that's what I know). If I were to run supers again under BRP, I feel I'd be starting over again. If you are not going to publish anything, then whatever licence each has got is irrelevant.
  23. See also https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/?s=Octamo
  24. I'd say training is more effective - no skill roll needed, the increase in illumination skill being 1D6-1% instead of 1%. I also wonder how widespread skilled riddlers are due to the POW cost in learning each riddle, and the rarity of those illuminates able to learn them. Those illuminates can train with no POW cost.
  25. FYI - It's all archived and searchable at The Library of Lhankor Mhy. Hardy has done an amazing job of putting this together. You can also find the link to it on the side bar of the Well of Daliath in the Links section on the right of every page. For those interested, the Gordayan is here.
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