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Everything posted by Simlasa

  1. I always find it bogus when RPGs are called out as 'dated' or 'showing its age'... "Oh, this game is getting old, it doesn't work any more... I can't even roll up a character with it!" One man's 'innovation' is another man's 'gimmick' when it comes to games... what you really mean is it doesn't look like the 'hot new thing' over on RPGnet... that in a few months will show itself as having just as many (probably more) flaws than BRP. People here seem awfully insecure about a system they supposedly like.
  2. Post-apocalyptic scrap cars, trucks and motorcycles built out of random parts and weapons... for automotive combat. Bi-planes for... bi-plane combat. Robot tanks?
  3. I guess that's why BRP is one of my all-time favorite systems... nothing mentioned so far bugs me much at all... or maybe the workaround/optional rule was so simple that I didn't notice. Still, it would be cool to see Atgxtg's vehicles ideas...
  4. For our fantasy games I've wanted to retain a fairy-tale feeling... keep the creatures that are unique and strange... elves, goblins, undead, etc... scary. So I kept the Sanity rules in place... you shouldn't ever get used to them, they distort reality just by being in the room (like various Mythos beasties). But lions and tigers and bears do seem like they need some other way of being scary... on first meeting you might run from them, but you oughtta be able to get used to them after a while... like the big game hunter.
  5. I get that from Rackham's setting for 'Cadwallon' and their wargames. Just enough info to inspire... endless room for expansion.
  6. That's cool... real life takes precedent as always, but it's good to know you still have Jorune BRP on the brain. I've been using some of the ideas I've seen here in our Saturday games... experimenting a bit with Jorune-style magic in a non-Jorune setting (that still resembles Jorune in the corners). I'm not sure how the kids feel about it... it seems less showy and mysterious/romantic compared to the stuff they've read in Harry Potter, etc.
  7. Nope, not substantially different at all... IMO you're just impatient and looking for attention. Whatever, I've voiced my opinion, I'm done with you.
  8. I count three threads you've started on here over the past week or so that ask the same basic question regarding this 'urban fantasy/horror' game you want to start... asking for pre-made campaigns and adventures. People have given you suggestions in every one of them... which you seem to ignore or find fault with. Why was one thread not good enough for you? Did you not feel right bumping your own thread so decided to start another... and then another? To my way of thinking that sort of thing pollutes the forum. So I'm pointing it out to you. That's all.
  9. So maybe if you start up a few more threads about it someone will give you the answer? People have recommended a fairly wide variety of resources to you... GURPS, COC, Nightlife, Nameless Streets, Nephilim, WOD... borrowing ideas from horror movies... how much more hand-holding do you need?
  10. I get the impression Daddystabz is going to keep starting threads about this until someone breaks down and writes one for him. We keep telling him to convert from COC or GURPS... and other systems... he keeps on asking.
  11. Why would you? The SIZ is outside the limit of 10. There are plenty of things I am capable of picking up but cannot throw with any accuracy... either because of weight or general awkwardness.
  12. Simple formula version: (16 - 14) x 5 = 10 10 + 50 = 60
  13. Suggestions you got in your Urban Fantasy thread would probably apply here as well...
  14. Never seen that before... interesting. Or like I keep suggesting... have a look at GURPS Cabal. No pre-made adventures, but lots of hooks and a chapter of solid campaign advice/options.
  15. If I were doing it I would go get a copy of GURPS Cabal... a setting book with a chapter of campaign guidelines/suggestions. Cabal reminds me a bit of the Nightwatch/Daywatch books/movies... and Clive Barker's book of the same name... various supernatural creatures hanging together in the shadows... intrigues and mysteries and conspiracies... the ability to go into shadow worlds. There are no pre-made adventures in it... but Hite drops loads of plot hooks to start from.
  16. Yeah, I'm happy doing that... very quick (I didn't get out the stopwatch). Much faster than some of the math we regularly do in our Earthdawn games. I'm not claiming it's an important degree of detail in the game... as long as whatever is done is consistent... just that I don't see it as unwieldy.
  17. Yeah, I could see making charts for someone who had an issue with it... I'm just surprised if it's all that common. I'm certainly no math wiz...
  18. What's all this nonsense I hear about RPGs teaching kids math then? Percentages and rounding is pretty damn basic, and easy.
  19. I guess I don't find that fiddly... it's how I generally do rounding for everything... unless there's instructions not to.
  20. I don't know of any ready-mades for BRP that feature vampires and werewolves as PCs... I'd probably go convert some adventure from another system that features such (WOD, Buffy, GURPS Cabal, etc...) or rework an existing non-mythos CoC adventure to allow for such things.
  21. 5% is just half of whatever 10% is... 20% is the 10% x 2... no charts necessary.
  22. It's not some code for Furry lovers is it? What's the alternative? 'Rabbit Deniers'?
  23. See, 'excellent' is a MUCH less controversial word than 'best'...
  24. Oh yeah, that's a shining endorsement...
  25. Yeah, I've pretty much worn my disdain for Mongoose on my sleeve. Though my opinions extend from some of the stunts they pulled with their earlier forays into miniature wargames. They were already on my bad list when they decided to co-opt the BRP system and start buying up all sorts of RPG licenses... "Oh, let's sacrifice some beloved old settings/games to our slash and burn business tactics. Maybe we can make six months rent off of Runequest." Your entitled to your opinion, of course... but from my impression of your past posts you're not overly familiar with previously existing implementations of BRP... which, as has been pointed out to you elsewhere, already included a whole lot/most all of this greatness you attribute to MRQ2. MRQ2 seems to be a pleasing combination, for you, of options that most BRP fans were already aware of.
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