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Everything posted by Simlasa

  1. What are "goldcut pages"? Pages that are shiny gold on the edge? I hope it's not a typo meaning 'coldcut' pages because I really don't want to have to store the rulebook in the icebox.
  2. Yup, Dragon Lines and BRP Mecha are great supplements... I'm not using either one in the ways they were intended but both of them have been very useful to me in getting my homebrew game just right.
  3. Yup, that makes total sense to me. I wouldn't think that Rubble & Ruin or Aces High would need the full rulebook treatment... but a Future World rulebook covers wider territory and could be a great jump off for more precise settings.
  4. I'm not so hot on every setting being it's own rulebook... I'd rather that extra space be taken up with setting and bestiaries and maps and sample adventures. I'm mostly using it pre-game anyway so I'm fine with having it as a PDF on my tablet and a corebook on the table. GURPS, Savage Worlds and Fate all seemed to do fine with the corebook/setting book divide.
  5. Well, 'Huzzah' to that if it happens... that sounds to me like the ideal outcome of the situation (at least to me, as a customer). A fully fleshed out Rubble & Ruin book would be grand... as would Val du Loup and Agents of the Crown (IMO)... and Aces High of course.
  6. Oh man! I had that toy. One of the more intriguing critters to come out of that machine. I think it grapples his prey with his sticky webbings and drains... something. I was just now watching Horror Express and the creature in that steals memories/thoughts... leaving the victim dead with blank white eyeballs and a look of fear. In keeping with its origins I wonder if it might have some ability to go into a torpor state in which it takes on the form of a harmless looking solid mass. I'll have to think more on that...
  7. It's kind of weird that I'd ever complain about any of the monographs being weak because I LOVE all the various 'zines for OSR games people are gobbling together in their garages... near zero production value but great energy and fun ideas. I guess the BRP/CoC monographs are stuck in a netherzone between DIY and 'Professional' that can lead to bloated expectations. Swords of Cydoria and Witchcraft are two of my favorites... and Agents of the Crown (?) One of my favorite Monographs is the Dread Empire of the Tsan Chan for CoC... it's such a hellish setting that I'm not sure what I'd ever do with it except for a brief nightmare visit... but it is a fun/scary read.
  8. As a rule I stay away from RPG.net... too many bad experiences with the folks there... but the list looks to cover most of the stuff I know of. Does 'Worlds Beyond' qualify as BRP? 'Fractured Hopes' is a space fantasy monograph... what about 'Swords of Cydoria' and 'Chronicles of Future Earth'? 'Rubble & Ruin'? Edit: I'm also tempted to say that, based on its core assumptions, Call of Cthulhu is also scifi. It's about fighting off the threats of ancient aliens and extra-dimensional beings... sometimes using advanced alien science/technology that is 'sufficiently advanced' to where it seems like magic.
  9. My reaction to River of Heaven ran hot and cold as I read it. As a resource to mine for equipment and such RoH certainly has more on offer than Future World... but even with its minimal content there's a vague 'something' I prefer in FW... maybe just that its flavor of scifi is slightly more retro. River of Heaven leaves me wanting to play Eclipse Phase (which isn't all that far off from BRP itself).
  10. I don't much care what it's called... though the AtWM title doesn't put me off... that's just how I saw it named in a list of planned books. A well-done bestiary for BRP/MW might make a nice visual calling card for the system(s).
  11. I hope all the monographs will stick around at least digitally... they are a mixed bag but there's too much good work there to just toss it all out. Ideally I'd like to see them move to a POD status on DTRPG or somesuch.
  12. I thought there was some mention a while back about bringing back 'All The Worlds Monsters' as a bestiary for either core BRP or Magic World? (rather than the D&D supplements the originals were). I'd be another who would love to see a BRP Companion... a mixed bag of options, expansions and explorations. Shove the CoC 7 options in there as well... I won't complain.
  13. Nope, guess not... I was just remarking on something Mankcam mentioned. It's fine because, really, I've got all the CoC product I could ever conceivably use (and just bought more through the current sale). It's not the first time a game has moved on and left me playing an older version. If Chaosium adopts 7e as core... well, it won't be the first time a game company has moved on and left me playing older content either. Meanwhile I'm loving the read through of the new Luther Arkwright game for RQ6.
  14. I didn't know the 7e writers were British... which wouldn't have bothered me at all... but I did take exception to some stuff I'd read from them regarding the criticisms... along the lines of 'If it isn't broke why were we hired to fix it?' If New Chaosium were to give it a once over... move most of the changes to 'optional'... put the percentage stats back in the bottle... then release/print it... I'd happily buy a copy.
  15. I like them both for different reasons... different flavors of scifi. I never ran a straight Ringworld campaign but I did borrow from those books a lot and ran a tweaked version of at least one of the adventures for it. At this point I'd welcome a return of an Expanded Future World, similar to what Magic World is for BRP fantasy (or at least what I think it could be if it gets support).
  16. Yeah, I REALLY don't want the supposed 'fixes' of CoC 7 backdrafting into core BRP. Adding stuff in as optional at some point? Meh... none of the changes to CoC struck me as 'ooh shiny!' but as long as they're clearly labeled 'optional' it wouldn't bug me. Moreover I didn't like the subtle shift in language I picked up on while reading CoC 7 that, IMO, was pushing a more 'narrative'/'cinematic' direction... I'd hate to see BRP chase after the 'cool kids' like Fate and Savage Worlds instead of supporting the style of play it already excels at.
  17. Oh! Doh! Somehow I missed that bit. Cool! That cover image does pull me in. That's the future I was being sold when I was a kid. Also, glad to hear there's an R&R scenario in there... PA adventures are always an easy pitch to the guys I game with.
  18. I play in a regular face-to-face game and also in various online settings... Roll 20, Google Hangouts, Skype. Ideally I'd always prefer face-to-face, 'theater of the mind'. Some of the features of Roll20 are nice but can taint the experience a bit IMO. The last one-shot of CoC I played on there had a distinct boardgame feel to it because everyone focused so much on the map and markers.
  19. I'm another who really likes the MW cover. The art inside is a mix... which might bother folks who are used to some modern stuff, like Pathfinder books that have a set style all the way through. I'm definitely in the camp who prefer B&W non-glossy pages. I'm reading the thing to use in a game, not to leaf through as an art book.
  20. Looks interesting... How do the various adventures break down into genres? I'm assuming they're not all scifi.
  21. Congratulations to Ben, and the folks that recognize his good work by giving him more. For me, Magic World has been the brightest light shining out of Chaosium of late... and now I feel a bit of hope for it and BRP to carry on with great things.
  22. It does kind of feel like that to me, given my sinking feelings about the company for the last couple years. Resigning myself to, "Well, at least I've got the BGB... and great D100 stuff coming from other sources."
  23. This is good news! I've been playing online a lot lately. It's just about the only way to get a group for less mainstream (non-D&D) games. Roll20 has worked great so far. It's not quite face-to-face but balances out in letting me play what/when I can. Hopefully Renaissance can get on their search fields as well... it's kind of weird to me what games are listed there vs. what games aren't.
  24. I'll be in a holding pattern to see what happens. I really have no idea of what expectations I could/should have... but I know that I have NOT been impressed with Chaosium of late... and I'm NOT a fan of the changes to CoC (yes, I've played it). Quality has been slipping for a while and felt like they were thrashing around, trying to get on the coattails of popular trends. I'd like to see them embrace the BGB core and let it shine... and steer CoC back from wherever it was heading.
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