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Everything posted by Agentorange

  1. Actually three people is officially a crowd. as evidence I offer the following saying: " two's company and three's a crowd " Seriously though what kind of page count are you looking at with the Witchcraft monograph ? You can definately put me down for a copy
  2. I'm not sure that BRP needs loads of supplements, but it certainly needs more than it has now. Back in the day when D20 was all the rage I bought a fair bit of it. Not because I play d20 ( I'm a BRP loyalist through and through ) but simply to plunder it for ideas. Stuff like Bastion press' Alchemy and Herbalism book, The Mythic Vistas stuff from Green Ronin ( eg Testament and Trojan war ) all sorts of little PDF's on interesting subjects. I bought it because it was there and filled a gap that BRP wasn't filling. I'm not a designer I'm a player. I have a job and family committments which means I don't have the time to generate everything I'd like to see. On my shelves I can see all sorts of GURPS books: Arabian nights, Greece, Imperial Rome, High tech, I didn't buy them because they were GURPS but because they filled a niche. I would have much rather been buying BRP Arabian nights...... Which is to say that whether it be chaosium or third party licensees there needs to be more material out there. My own personal opinion ( I'm never short of one ) is that Chaosium should aim at a 'core ' series of books consisting of: Rule book Bestiary ( two volumes maybe ) Magic supplement Science fiction supplement Psionics and powers supplement Now from that any halfway clever player or Gm, even a total newbie should be able to construct a good solid game in pretty much any genre. doesn't stop having his own ideas or input but it provides a solid background. Add in monographs and third party products like Rome and your looking at a healthy game. As regards how it's available well, print, POD, PDF all should be out there. if your local game or hobby store doesn't stock chaosium stuff on the shelf, nag them into ordering it for you. Orcs nest in London have ordered stuff in for me before ( in fact it's where I got my copy of the BRP rule book ) Orcs Nest Online Roleplaying Games Shop If the profile of the game is raised then more people will give it a go. BRP is I think always destined to remain a cottage industry compared to D'n'D or GURPS but there is no reason why it can't be a successful cottage industry
  3. Besides Amazon you might want to look here: NOBLE KNIGHT GAMES - Role Playing Games, RPG's, Board Games, Miniatures, Dungeons and Dragons - New & Out-of-Print and here: Magic The Gathering Cards & Decks both do out of print and second hand stuff, I've bought all sorts of stuff from both of them EDIT; for some reason the link to Troll and Toad is coming up as magic the gathering, ignore what it says and just click on the link....they actually do out of print and first and second hand RPG's as well
  4. Besides the name the whole thing had a feel of being oriental. Japanese mythology has a tradition of good looking mysterious young women who turn out to be something different to that which they seem to be. You've got the Yuki Onna, Fox women and so on. It seems to be a common theme.
  5. He was a politician wasn't he ? I think it goes without saying....
  6. Strangely ( perhaps it was the name ) I felt the Kishi had a sort of oriental feel, something from of China or Japan
  7. Good lord ! I haven't got as far as the compiling process yet. I'm still rummaging through old BRP related books and products to get the list as complete as possible
  8. I must admit I'm a sucker for monsters, you can never have too many as far as I'm concerned. As an aside between the stuff I posted on that monster list I'm compiling and your own stuff on the RQ3 message board Australia is pretty well served on the monster front
  9. Must of missed this when you posted it, I rather like it: post more ! I'm curious about the happy to have got it to BRP standard comment. BRP and RQ3 aren't that far apart are they ?
  10. Added creatures from Terror Australis, a CoC book. They count as they are either prehistoric megafauna or creatures from Australian Aboriginal legend. Strangely although Procoptodon ( giant kangaroo ) is mentioned several times and has a picture no stats are provided for it...
  11. Cthulhu by Gaslight might be useful as it's set in the 1890's ( more or less ) As an aside I've never seen Howls Moving castle but I've had it recommended to me on several occasions, any good ?
  12. Added creatures from Elric/stormbringer publications: Rogue Mistress, Sorcerers of Pantang and The Unknown East In a rather arbitary fashion I have excluded creatures described as "demons " but have included creatures ( like the giant sea slug and archnar ) which may be chaotically tinged but which are not described as demons. why ? Well, partly because you've got draw the line somewhere, but mostly because I feel demon breeds and abilities would be better in a magic supplement of some description. Obviously if a bestiary had a section called: Creatures from other dimensions/planes you could include a lot of the demon breeds as well.
  13. What I'd like to see would be something along the lines of the following: 1] Creatures of nature Lions, tigers sharks etc etc 2] Unnatural nature Giant bugs, beasts etc 3] Creatures of the past Dinosaurs, mammoths, killer kangaroos etc 4] Creatures from the edge Yeti, mothman, chupathingymabob and other Cryptids 5] Creatures from myth and legend Does what it says on the tin 6] Creatures from other skies All sorts of aliens and extra terrestrial creatures 7] Creatures of weirdness Giant venus fly traps, jabberwocks and other weird and wonderful beasts that don't really fit in elswhere.
  14. No doubt the creatures would need a bit of renovating to bring them in line with the BRP rulebook. What I'm trying to do at the moment is just get a full list of whats out there, lurking around in all the various incarnations of BRP. MurfinMS is doing his own bestiary at the moment and I thought it might be useful for him as a resource so he doesn't have to re invent the wheel as it were. I do think a BRP bestiary would be a good move for Chaosium marketing wise as the rulebook was a bit light on creatures. Not only would it be handy for players and gamemasters for their own games, but also for people writing supplements either for chaosium or as licensees as it gives them a ready resource to use in their own material
  15. Saw these mentioned in another thread and was sufficiently intrigued to buy. Forked out the extra cash for the POD version ( four books rolled into one ) which arrived today. Obviously haven't had much time to leaf through the book but so far I must say I'm very impressed. I've started reading the first one: Atomik Alienz and it's pretty good. It's not just a bunch of alien race stats, but a whole primer on planetary types, possible life form types, methods of movement, technology etc etc.. To give you a flavour here's a listing of topics covered in chapter one of Alienz ALL THESE WORLDS Galaxies like grains of sand The milky way Drakes equation Abundant life Stellar classification Planetary orbital dynamics The biozone Planetary attributes Planetary classifications The moon and sixpence Multi star system and there's four more chapters after that: Children of the stars, Alien civilisations, Xenobiogenesis, Alien races. And thats just the Aliens supplement. I can forsee some serious reading in the near future
  16. Dug out my copy of the Gateway Bestiary, took out generic dinosaur names, replaced with more specific dinosaur types added a couple of creatures I'd forgotten and generally tidied up the list a bit. Which means if I've counted correctly that's 193 creatures which could go into a BRP bestiary just on what they've produced in the past let alone any new ones
  17. Just ordered my copy from Chaosium along with a couple of CoC monographs.
  18. I think I've got it all in there, but feel free to have a look when you get home and let me know if I've missed anything :thumb:
  19. Thanks for that Nick, I suppose it makes sense from Chaosium's POV, in that they make a higher profit margin. But on the other hand it's a very limited market if they only sell from the website. Good exposure in hobby stores and bookshops seems to be a way to ensure a long term set of sales for BRP and it's supplements, and that ultimately I would of thought would mean long term survival for Chaosium. How can I convince my local hobby store to stock BRP stuff if it's only produced for a limited market or is prohibitively expensive for him to get in ? Looking at my FRP buying habits most of the MRQ stuff I've bought has been straight off of the shelf at my nearest Waterstones....if there was BRP stuff eg: Ashes to Ashes on the shelf I'd buy that. Now of course I still can go to Chaosium and buy stuff, and indeed I'm going to do just that in a minute or two. But I've had to go looking for it in order to buy it. The young person just into gaming and browsing in his local store for stuff to buy isn't going to see that market, indeed they might not even be aware BRP or Chaosium exists. Likewise the older gamer rooting around for an impulse purchase to satisfy that gaming book addiction isn't going to spend money on a BRP supplement simply because it isn't there. I suppose we've all got our own ideas about what BRP/Chaosium needs to do to prosper, mine is that they need to get themselves and their products out in the market a bit more. It's all very well having lots of wonderful products on your website, but if nobody knows you exist they're not going to come and buy them...
  20. Just added a couple of items from the old Land of Ninja pack that I'd missed.
  21. It doesn't say so on their site, but on the other hand I've never seen them for retail sale. I ask because I'm going to get myself a copy of Ashes to Ashes. Now I could get it direct from Chaosium, but since I firmly believe that one of the things that BRP needs to flourish is publicity and retail support I was also considering ordering from my local book or hobby store.
  22. And maybe an Etruscans supplement ? Between us I think we've enough spare body parts for several supplements. Let us know which parts she hacks off and we can post you replacements....
  23. There's several available for D20, I would imagine the general principles around world building are pretty much the same regardless of the RPG system. Might be worth nipping over to RPG Now or similiar tapping in world building/design for a search and see what comes up. I've bought several bits ostensibly for D20 because they have general applicibility elsewhere. Simon ( Soltakiss ) used the term meta gaming for these kind of books.
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