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Everything posted by Agentorange

  1. So, if I go into Waterstones and say in a loud voice " I demand you sell the wonderful BRP and it's many fine supplements do you reckon that'll work then ? Joking aside I take your point, any book dealer or gamestore isn't a charity there's got to be something in it for them as well. If the product doesn't get people to open their wallets and shell out the cash it's simply dead stock as far as they're concerned. As for getting people to go in ask for it, I have done that back in the early 90's when we got our local hobby store to stock RQ3 and Star Fleet battles with that very approach
  2. I feel precisely the opposite to Frogspawner...I want locational HP. Better to include it and people not want to use it, than not include it and people want to use it... Never mind, they can always be posted here as downloads. I have the money put by for my copy already :thumb:
  3. But, and this is the big thing as far as I'm concerned will it be available off the shelf of my local gamestore ? I feel that what BRP needs is publicity. When I go into my local Waterstones I see a bunch of 4E D'n'D, some exalted stuff, a few MRQ books and now and again some CoC stuff. What I'd like to see and whats going to get people interested is BRP products on the shelf. Folks like ourselves are going to make the effort to seek out BRP products. The casual gamer or someone new to the hobby may not even be awre of BRP and it's products on the shelf that are going to attract them and draw them in.
  4. A bunch of stuff added from the Elfquest book I have given the real earth name eg Glyptodont rather than the Elfquest name eg Shellback. Rather handily the Elfquest book tells which earth creatures these actually are Finback and Strangle weed added with original name as no Earth equivalent given
  5. Sea Turtle, Squid and Nalargrun added, I think the rest are either in the BRP book or on the list
  6. That was the idea behind starting the list up ( in a sort of vague wishy washy way )
  7. Dear Murfin , As you're working on a bestiary I thought you might be interested in the following, I've been compiling a list of creatures and monsters from BRP related games to form a sort of BRP monster list/bestiary. My criteria were: 1] The beastie concerned must have been published by chaosium or one of their licensees at some point. 2] The creature mustn't be unique to settings that Chaosium doesn't have legal rights to, for example Glorantha or any Moorcockian setting. What does this mean in practice? Well, if we look at the Gloranthan bestiary for RQ3, creatures such as Mistress race Trolls, Charnjibbers, Dwerulan etc wouldn't be acceptable, they are unigue to Glorantha and don't exist outside that setting. However creatures such as Scorpionmen, Cockatrice, Sabre tooth cat etc would be acceptable as they are derived from real world creatures or real world mythology. They are in Glorantha but not of Glorantha if you see what I mean. Likewise from the old Elric system the Eloinen and Graahlur ( spelling ? ) don't make it as they are purely Moorcockian inventions. but the Kraken would for the same reasons as the Cockatrice etc 3] No cthulhoid mythos stuff, CoC already has it's own bestiary. However non cthulhoid supernatural creatures and animals appearing in CoC supplement sare fair game. I've deliberately not included Dreamlands stuff ( with the exception of the Yak and Llama ) as I felt most of it it was unique to that setting , and as Dreamlands has a fairly extensive bestiary it seemed a bit pointless 4] ....I've forgotten what 4 was. Ah yes, full stats block was provided for each creature I'm compiling this list based on supplements I own, It's a work in progress as I've got boxes of stuff up the loft I need to ferret through so I'll be adding to it as I go along. Which brings me to a plea to all reading this thread, If you've got A BRP related supplement that's got a monster or creature in it that could be added to the list please post it in this thread and I'll keep updating the list ( if you could mention the supplement as well that'd be helpful The colour coding: BLUE Represents real earth animals, including giant versions thereof BROWN Represents creatures that I know are drawn from Earth mythology The List: Allosaurus, Amphisboena, Ankylosaur, Ant ( giant ), Antelope (various),Archnar Argus, Assassin Bug , Aurochs, Baboon, Bakemono, Baku, Baluchithere, Bandersnatch, Barguest, Barracuda, Basilisk, Bat, Bat ( giant ), Bee (giant), Beetle ( giant ), Behemoth, Bison, Boar (wild), Bobcat, Bosatsu, Brachiosaur, Brollachan, Brontosaur, Buffalo, Bunyip, Bush Grandmother, Bush pig, Camarasaur Camel (dromedary), Camptosaur, Cat, Catoblepas, Cattle, Centipede ( giant ), Ceratosaur, Cheetah, Chimpanzee, Chimera, Chonchon, Clam ( giant ), Cockatrice, Condor, Crab ( giant ), Crocodile: sand ( Quinkania ), Deinonychus, Deer, Diplodocus, Diprotodon, Dog ( various ), Dolphin, Dragon (Ryu), Draugr, Eagle, Eel (giant ), Electric Eel, Elephant, Elk,Engineer ( alien ),Fachan, Faun, Fin Back, Flamingo, Fox, Fly (giant), Gaper, Giant (fire), Giant (frost), Giraffe, Glyptodont, Goblin, Golem, Gorgon, Gorgosaur, Grampus, Harpy, Hawk ( giant ), Headhanger, Hellion, Hippogriff, Hippopotamus, Hydra ( lesser and greater ), Hyena, Iguanadon, Impala, Jabberwock, Jackal, Jannoch Jellyfish, Jubjub bird, Jugis, Kappa, Kia, Kelpie, Kojin, Kraken, Lake Monster, Lamia, Land Walrus, Land Whale Leech ( giant ), Leopard, Lich, Lizard ( rock ), Llama, Lynx, Mammoth ( various ), Manatee, Man eating plant, Marine Iguana ( giant ), Marsupial lion (thylacoleo carnifex ), Megalania prisca ( giant monitor lizard ), Megalodon, Megalosaur, Manticore, Merfolk, Mihirungs, Mimis,, Monkey, Monoclonius, Moose, Moth (giant), Moray eel, Mujina, Mukade, Murex ( giant ), Myo O, Narghun, Ngarang, Ninya, Nuckalavee, Nymph ( various ), Octopus, Octopus (giant), Ogre, Okapi, Ostrich, Panther, Peccaries, Peripati (giant), Plesiosaur, Praying mantis ( giant ), Quinkans, Raccoon dog, Redcap, Reef Lobster, Rhinoceros, Rhinoceros ( woolly ), Roc, Sabre tooth Tiger, Sand dragon, Sasquatch, Satyr, Scarecrow, Schratt, Scorpionmen, Scorpion (giant), Seal, Sea Serpent, Sea slug ( giant ), Sea Turtle, Shark men, Sloth (giant) Snapping turtle (various), Solpugid (giant ), Soul Anenome Sparrowhawk, Sphinx, Spider (giant), Spirit ( various ), Sprite, Squid (giant ) Stegosaur, Stingray, Stingworm, Stoorworm, Strangle weed, Styracosaurus Succubus, Swan Maiden, Tarsier, Ten, Tengu, Termite (giant), Tick (giant), Titanothere, Toad ( cliff ), Trachodon, Triceratops, Unicorn, Vinegaroon (giant), Vough, Vulture, Walrus, Wart hog, Wasp (giant) Wa tha guln darl, Water Leaper,Were Bear, Were Jaguar, Were Tiger, Were Wolf, Whale ( various ), White Ape, Whowie, Wildebeest, Windchild, Worm ( large AKA nalargrun ), Wraith, Wyrm, Wyvern Yak, Yuki Onna, Zebra Ps I haven't included creatures from the BRP rulebook as I'm assuming everybody here has a copy, if folks would like me do so for the sake of completeness I'll happily do so.
  8. I have a friend who runs a military bookdealers and small press print Shameless plug Barbarossa Books, Military and Modelling Books, DVDs and Magazines Now a while back I did some research for him at the Imperial War Museum photo archives ( I got paid in books ) and went up to his workshop to visit, he said that in his experience the publishing industry , especially in niche areas is a pretty hand to mouth existence, he's been in the position of owing money and of being owed it. His comment on this sort of situation is to keep the lines of communication open and it's surprising what can be achieved. Even if it's a case of saying " we're completely broke, we're living on gruel and stale bread, I can't let you have the $1000 dollars right now, but how about $100 now, $100 next month and the balance in June ? " Most folks will probably go for that because if they work in the industry they've probably been there themselves and know what it's like. He also said the best way to get a lawyers letter through the door is to say nothing and refuse to talk to people, it just puts their backs up.
  9. That's Ok, the net is an imperfect medium for communication and mistakes are easily made by all and sundry ( including myself )
  10. I am sometimes amazed at how easy it is on the net for someone ( in this in case me ) to say one thing and for people to interpret it in a totally different manner.... Ah well, enough of this I'm going back to my pet project of collating BRP monster stats from as many sources as I can to make my own BRP monster manual
  11. I wasn't suggesting people should buy Chaosium products on the off chance that Jason, PK etc get paid, simply that if Chaosium go under they definately won't get paid. Now if I see a Chaosium product I like I'm going to buy it, simple as that ( indeed I have a mail order with them at the moment ). people should buy because they want the product , not out of a sense of loyalty just because it's Chaosium. it just seems kind of obvious to me that if people refuse to buy Chaosiums products as a matter of principle, it just worsens the situation vis a vis Chaosium having the cash to function and discharge their obligations
  12. Whilst I agree with a lot of what you say, I don't think people are being fickle. Mongoose got dubbed as evil exploiters because of the perceived injustice of not crediting/acknowledging the writers of the previous editions of Runequest....Chaosium are being thus dubbed because they're not paying what they owe, or having the courtesy to keep in contact with people. If anything I'd say people are being pretty consistant: they see that ( or feel ) that something is wrong or unfair and they condemn it. That said I'd agree that a boycott will only make the situation worse as it lessens the cash flow for Chaosium which means 1] less chance of new BRP material 2]much more important, it means that folks who are owed money by chaosium are less likely to get it !
  13. [quote=NickMiddleton;20065 I'm pretty sure that both Interplanetary and Rome would find buyers here, whether they have the Chaosium logo on or not. Nick
  14. First Deadlands and now Interplanetary, this doesn't look good. Deadlands I'm not too worried about, the whole zombie thing has never really floated my boat ( though I probably would of bought it, because I'm anal when it comes to collecting BRP related stuff ) Interplanetary though, well, I was really looking forward to that. Financial wrangles ? I'm not qualified to comment. But communication problems? How long does it take to email someone. EDIT: Jason ,are you at liberty to discuss the issues further ? I mean if we all mailed Charlie Krank and went " Hey, sort it out ! we want to spend our money on your product " would it help ?
  15. No apology needed, all thoughts definately wanted here. You've actually expressed my thoughts about mace type damage much better than i did myself. It's the whole notion of "impact" damage that I was striving for, and you've articulated that pretty well. There is a Japanese martial art technique ( can't remember the name ) which actually focuses on grappling and unarmed combat in armour, and how to use the armour itself as a weapon.
  16. This has already happened in a very minor way. Goodman Games has acquired a license to produce Call of Cthulhu supplements and has one out already. Certainly it's an avenue that Chaosium should be exploring. However for BRP to prosper they need to get some more in house material out fast. Noticably ( imo ) extra monsters and spells as the BRP rules book was extremely light on both. Now this doesn't need to be a major exercise for them. if you go back through the various incarnations of BRP a lot of Monsters have been produced. Problem is that they're scattered across a lot of different products many of which are long since out of print. Thinking of RQ3 alone there's a good few that haven't made it into the BRP rulebook, compile them together with things from other supplements and thats a start. Now veteran BRP players here will be saying " hey I've got all that stuff already, why do I want to buy it again " The point is though a newcomer won't have that stuff, and isn't going to want to fork out $30 for an out of print copy of a RQ3 product just to get a stats block for a panther.... ....On the other hand a newcomer might well tempted by a BRP companion that gives him new monsters, new magic ec EDIT just dug out my old copy of the creatures book from RQ3. This alone gives us: Allosaurus, Ant ( giant ), Baboon, Bandersnatch, Basilisk, Beetle ( giant ), Behemeth, Cattle, Chimpanzee, Chonchon, Deer, Elephant, Fachan, Gorgon, Grampus, Harpy, Headhanger, Hellion, Jabberwock, Lamia Lizard ( rock ), Manticore, Nymph ( various ), Octopus, Ogre, Panther, Plesiosaur, Satyr, Sea Serpent, Spirit ( various ), Stoorworm, Toad ( cliff ), Whale ( various ), Wraith, Wyrm, Wyvern. Now some of these might be considered Gloranthan, simply change the names to Lizard ( giant ) and Toad (giant ) and problem solved. Bear in mind that RQ was a fantasy role playing game yet all of these could be used in any Real Earth campaign, eg time travel, colonial, swashbuckler, ancients etc etc These Are all drawn from real earth mythology and so could be used semi historical campaigns where magical creatures exist See what I mean, thats just one selection from the old RQ book, involving non gloranthan monsters ( no copyright clash, hurrah ! ), get some artwork done for each creature, plunder the old RQ Ninja and Vikings campaign packs for more and you've already far surpassed whatever the BRP rulesbook has to offer. Got to go, so I'll talk about magic'n'stuff when I get back
  17. My own personal feeling is that you're looking at more damage from being hit by power armour, Ah well just a matter of opinion I guess. Totally agree about having to be trained to use power armour as a weapon without suffering some kind of penalty
  18. In the weapons section of BRP we have the Cestus ( described as being like metallic boxing gloves ) and also brass knuckles, now do you think it's resonable to suppose that someone wearing armour should get the equivalent attack damage if they punch an unarmoured character? Say: brass knuckle damage for chainmail, ring mail etc and Cestus damage for someone in full plate? More to the point how much damage would someone being hit by powered armour sustain. I know it says that you get +6 STR whilst wearing powered armour so a punch attack backed up by damage bonus could be effective, but it seems to me that the armour itself is also a weapon , the sheer impact of having a load of power backed metal or ceramic armour slammed into your face has got to be equivalent to being hit with a club or mace in my opinion, any thoughts ?
  19. Not so much castes as the fact that certain cultural groups had a tendency to worship certain pantheons so you got skill sets available depending on that pantheon. Also people had a tencency to worship deities associated with their profession or lifestyle, or was it that they had a particular life style depending on which deity they worshipped ? So take a cultural group like the Orlanthi ( think hill dwelling, storm worshipping barbarians and you're pretty near the mark ) The warriors and Thanes tended to worship Orlanth ( big storm god ) himself in one of his forms and so then tended to get spells like Lightning Bolt, Fly etc etc and all sorts of martial skills. Whereas a farmer might worship Barntar the ploughman and get skills like animal husbandry and spells like Bless Plough. Hardly the stuff of heroic adventuring I'll grant you but it filled a social niche. Add in the fact that until fairly recently in real world history social mobility was a dream for most people. Not so much a formal caste system as such more of a case that you learnt what was useful to you in your place in society.
  20. I must admit I do find myself a bit concerned about the lack of supplements actually hitting the shelves. It seems to be be falling into that old chaosium pattern of releasing a new product with a bit of a fanfare, then it slowing dying the death through lack of support. Nephilim, Elric, Stormbringer, Elfquest it seems to happen every time..... EDIT: Nick, have you let Chaosium know that uncounted worlds is available, free publicity for the magazine, and from their point of view it shows that stuff is happening to support the game. I've ordered a print copy from Lulu ( likewise Hearts in Glorantha 1 and 2 ) will let you know what I think when I've had a read !
  21. You might want to have a look at Tal Meta's webpage in the RQ2/3 links section. He's got a few elemental type spirit magic spells which might serve to spark your imagination :thumb:
  22. The more prehistoric critters the better as far as I'm concerned. Now if you could just convert all the stats from GURPS dinosaurs....... Seriously though thanks for posting it, perfect for lost world type scenarios
  23. C'est la vie and all that. On the other hand.... if this is going to be a freebie or even a cheap PDF style thing then I'm sure that Chaosium wouldn't mind you using some of their material ( as long as you got permission etc etc ) as for the dinosaur stats, well you can copyright a setting but not a games system. After all MRQ stole chunks bleeding from RQ2/RQ3 and never gave any credit to the authors.
  24. At risk of being a party pooper stats for some of these are already out there. I Think that CoC monster manual ( malleus thingimebob ) has stats for Megalodon and the MRQ Monsters II book has stats for Dimetrodon and Megatharium
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