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Everything posted by Agentorange

  1. Shocking ignorance and all that, but what does FLGS actually stand for ?
  2. Might be worth seeing if you can get orc's Nest to stock some as well: Orcs Nest Online Roleplaying Games Shop They're the other major RPG stockist for London and do mail order sales as well. I've bought a fair bit of stuff off of them down the years
  3. Nearly forgot, The Otto Prohaska novels by John Biggins have proved to be excellent reads over the past couple of years. Basically the fictional memoirs of a officer in the old Austro Hungarian navy in WW 1 ( apart from the last one which covers his cadet days around 1902 ish ). Pitched perfectly between tragedy and comedy they're outstanding....shame he never wrote any more. He hints at other aspects of Prohaska's life: there's a mention of Prohaska being in Buchenwald, as an officer in the Paraguyan navy around the time of the Chaco war, so the scope is there if he ever wanted to.
  4. Ah right, I thought it was one title " The ransom and the promise "
  5. Memorable books ? Too many to mention really. But in the last two or three years the following have really stood out for me: The Etched City by K J Bishop The Terror by Dan Simmons Drood by Dan Simmons Schismatrix Plus by Bruce Sterling The Skinner by Neal Asher
  6. And there's more batrachian squamous tentacles in CoC
  7. On the contrary....you scored a critical on your 'make feeble joke' roll....it became so feeble nobody got it
  8. The Sorcery spell Summon Demon ( rulesbook P137-138 ) when dealing with the binding of demons refers to demons having POW expressed in multiples of D8, quote: " For example, a POW 3D8 demon counts as 3 levels of INT that your character cannot fill with sorcery spells " However in the Creatures section on pages 352-354 the demons presented there have all their characteristics including POW presented as multiples of D6 Which then is correct ? D8 or D6 ? My own guess is that the stats in the creatures section are correct, and that demon stats should be expressed in D6 and that the Summon Demon spell was ported across from Elric/Stormbringer without anybody picking up the change in the proofreading stage.
  9. I must admit this does sound good. What I'd really like to see is something set about 100 years earlier when the colonies in the north are even more tentative. Of course the Spanish and Portugese have South America pretty well sown up by that point. Still this will keep me quiet until my dream is fulfilled Mind you, if this sells well maybe there could be a early days supplement in there somewhere.......
  10. What was that you said " if you can do it in real life, you should be able to do it in BRP "
  11. Alas and alack I'm afraid you don't get off that easy. Galleys and galleases continued to be a feature of naval warfare in the Med right through until the 18th century, indeed it wasn't until 1617 that the first battle was fought where sailing vessels comprised most of the combatants. Galleys continued to be major combatants until about 1650 ish though their use declined extremely rapidly after that. Even so the Spanish, Venetians and Turks had galley units in the 18th century, though this was in a very minor way.. Sorry
  12. It's a fair comment. I feel Chaosium have really missed a trick by reissuing these as they are. I mentioned in discussion on another thread that what I would have liked to have seen for the Magic book was the following: Spirit magic, Divine magic and Sorcery : all tidied up and BRPised, possibly expanded and enhanced with spells taken from old RQ products, given some editorial work the Gloranthan stuff could have been taken out and some good generic spells added on The balance of the BRP rules style sorcery spells from Elric and The Bronze Grimoire, suitably edited ( about 40-50 of these if memory serves ) including the various necromantic spells The Runic sorcery system from The Bronze Grimoire suitably edited and with expansions Some new 'magic' spells Now that would have been a great product
  13. "Drugs for fun and profit ? " Then again..maybe not
  14. There wouldn't be a great siege involved at some point would there ?
  15. Precis Intermedia http://www.pigames.net/ have a series of generic add ons called the Atomik range which are systemless ( internally consistant but not tied to any particular system ). One of them is Atomik Cybernetics. I bought the whole bundle a while back and was quite impressed.
  16. I'm working on a review at the moment ( mostly I say very nice things ) but it's kind of taken a back burner at the moment , due to some annoying computer glitches, and trying to get some critiques/playtest stuff up for Tywyll's Grimoire monograph
  17. It just bugs me that the rulebook uses weight when it means mass, if you mean mass, say mass. After all that's precisely what Chaosium did in their Ringworld RPG. As Simon says there are elements of height in there as well. The write ups for giants in the Basic Creatures book ( and I think maybe the BRP rulebook ) give measurements in height, likewise dragons get measurements for length in the Basic creatures book ( well they did in the old RQ3 creatures book....and since one is reprint of t'other ..) It's the inconsistency of it that winds me up.
  18. BRP and the old versions of RQ that is 1,2 and 3 are pretty close to each other, indeed with the various options in the BRP rule book and the Basic magic monograph you can pretty much recreate RQ3. Mongoose RuneQuest ( MRQ ) differs in some salient points but is definately part of the BRP family. Heroquest on the other hand is a very different animal altogether. I've not played myself so I'll leave it to others to go into more detail.
  19. Ah, now you see I'd disagree with that. I think SIZ is a good stat to have, I just don't think it's done particularly well as it stands.
  20. It's possible I might have been doing the mental equivalent of throwing a large stone into a pond and watching the splashes here Joking aside as I've said before SIZ is the one stat that really bugs me. Ideally I'd like to see three tables: weight, height, length with SIZ being an average of the three.
  21. I know , I know. I keep coming back to this stat over and over again. But I've got to ask: if SIZ is a measure of weight ( as is stated inthe BRP SIZ table ) does that mean that in a zero G environment ie: weightless, everybody is SIZ 0 ?
  22. I'd like to see the fumble roll for a self pleasuring skill....
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