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Everything posted by Agentorange

  1. Perhaps for the super duper all singing all dancing magic supplement ? or maybe just for Magic Monograph Vol II
  2. Wow, I've never owned a limited edition RPG supplement before, form an orderly queue for autographs please....
  3. I suspect we won't see those included because 1] Nephilim is still available from the Chaosium website as a product in it's own right, and wasn't it leased from a French company ie: copyright issues 2] Pendragon is also owned by somebody else isn't it ?
  4. The idea of a full treatment magic book sounds excellent to me, much as I'm looking forward to the monographs I think a 'proper' published book is the way to go, certainly it strikes me that along with a bestiary it should one of the 'core' books for the BRP line. Stuff I'd like to see in such a book would be: 1] battle magic/spirit magic spells 2] ritual magic 3] divine magic 4] the balance of the 'sorcery' spells from Elric/The bronze grimoire ( about 60 odd I think ) 5] expanded and BRPised version of the runic sorcery system from The bronze grimoire 6] expanded and BRPised version of the Ki skills from Land of Ninja 7] more 'magic' spells Get that lot in and you've got a pretty meaty tome.
  5. When you say slated to write up Divine magic do you mean for publishing ie Chaosium product or monograph ? PS. The magic monograph sounds cool, you can count on at least one sale
  6. No need to apologise to me Al, or indeed to Sumtata, I think everybody got the joke apart from him
  7. I think Al was just appreciating the irony of your comment about proofreading.
  8. Which kind of makes sense, but on the other hand the monographs do clearly say on them what they are, that is: independently produced works with editing and production done by the author. As long as thats clearly stated it's upto the buyer if they want to fork out the money. You pays your money and takes your chances.... For the record though I've bought several monographs so far: Ashes to Ashes and a couple of CoC ones ( I have Outpost 19 and Aces High being shipped as we speak ) so far I haven't felt the quality has been an issue, indeed one of the CoC monographs ( first book of things ) was very good in my opinion.
  9. In that Chaosium are responsible for publication, marketing etc etc I'd say they do count, but I take your point Agreed, what they need is publicity and a higher profile in the marketplace. Certainly online PDF stuff would seem to be the quickest ,cheapest way to go. Now here's an interesting thing, I just nipped over to RPG now, they have no monographs of any sort there , be it CoC or BRP,also the BRP rulesbook doesn't seem to be available. I can understand Chaosiums desire to cut out the middle man and sell direct from their site as it maximises profit margin....yet they do sell from RPGnow as there are some CoC products there, and they wouldn't do that unless they were turning a coin. Surely they must be able to cut some kind of deal with RPGnow, drivethruRPG, Paizo etc etc to get PDF products out there ?
  10. I suppose it depends on whether you count monographs as supplements. If you do then things are quite good: Outpost 19, Ashes to Ashes, Aces high and Berlin 61 are all in print with several others to follow. BRP adventures is out in PDF ( though I'm holding out for the print version ) But in terms of actual Chaosium supplements things are not healthy, we have the rulebook and...and....well actually thats it. Interplanetary is moving apace and so is Rome others are in preparation. I do still think that Chaosium have missed a couple of tricks in not producing or commissioning a bestiary or magic supplement ( though there is a magic monograph in the works ) There is a lot of unused BRP material that chaosium could put together for either of the above or even a BRP companion.
  11. The swine ! How did they get into my house
  12. I bought $68 worth of stuff one day before the sale started never mind it means I can afford to buy more stuff now. Actually that's not true I can't afford it, but it makes it easier to justify it to myself: " well you see if I buy stuff at the sales price I'm actually saving money in the long run...." I'll probably go for a print version of the adventures though.
  13. Mea Culpa also....glances up at RPG laden bookshelves with a wry smile
  14. And yet if you go to the chaosium website what's the first thing you see ? A front page telling us about stuff that happened weeks ago...they've released a load of stuff since then, including a shed load of stuff for BRP but you wouldn't know it by looking at the website.... EDIT just checked the chaosium news page, CoC this, CoC that, a bit more COC...here's some stuff we'll release for CoC later. I know it's their primary seller but actually mentioning they've got at least four new BRP products in the space of two weeks is worthy of a news entry itself I would of thought.
  15. I know what you're saying, actually finding an outlet that will sell stuff at a financially viable price is always going to be a problem. In a small way we can all help by patronising our local hobby stores bookshops etc. I'm as guilty as everybody else here...after all i could have asked Orcs Nest: Orcs Nest Online Roleplaying Games Shop to order the two monographs I bought direct from Chaosium. I certainly don't think Chaosium should neglect PDF's, POD etc etc , they would be fools to do so as the technology is there to be used, but I also feel that the shop front has it's place. there's nothing that really compares ( in my mind anyway ) to rummaging through a shelf of supplements and thinking " hey now, that looks interesting " That's how I started playing Runequest, like most folks I started on D'nD, one day I was in my local model/rpg shop and saw a copy of Snakepipe hollow, the old RQ2 version with bigclub the giant fighting the giant snake, bought it out of curiousity and the rest as they say is history
  16. Well I have to say that from the doom and gloom of a couple of weeks ago things definately seem to have taken a turn for the better for BRP. two new monographs in print: Aces High and Outpost 19 ( both of which I've ordered ) with several more in the pipeline. Some Chaosium books in the works ( as opposed to monographs if you see what I mean ) and at least one third party publication ( Rome ) heading into the home straits. My only quibble amongst this welter of BRP goodness is that I'd like to see more products aimed at the shelves of bookshops and hobby stores, though my understanding from talking to others a couple of weeks ago is that monographs can be marketed in this fashion
  17. Seems an odd attitude to take, surely it's done when it's done ? ( as it were ) After all they've got the hardback Beyond the Mountains of Madness up at $75 on their website which shows they're not adverse to large campaigns or supplements. Ah well, just means you'll have to do a Fractured Hopes companion won't you
  18. Just ordered my print copy, look forward to reading it.:thumb:
  19. Ah, thanks for that, good to hear it's still going ahead, definately one of the supplements I'll be buying when it comes out
  20. I noticed on the projects listing that both Supernatural Western and Fractured Hopes were submitted to Chaosium in May 2008. Well, it's now March 2009, have they been rejected, accepted, forgotten about ?
  21. Perhaps there will be a blank page in the monograph with a little heading saying: " This would have been Jason's submission "
  22. I can say right now I'd buy a Bronze Age BRP monograph, I've always enjoyed ancients style RQ/BRP games. When you consider that a lot of the traditional monsters in role playing eg centaurs, harpies, giants etc come straight out of earth mythology it's a really fertile area for adventuring which so far hasn't been given the attention it deserves.
  23. I don't think there'd be a problem with a longer monograph, Ashes to Ashes came in at 180 pages and they were happy to print that. Better to put stuff in and have a larger monograph than leave stuff out and feel frustrated with the end result.
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