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Everything posted by Agentorange

  1. The Dire Rhea ? Probably related to the Stool Pigeon if you ask me. Joking aside weren't there all sorts of flesh eating prehistoric flightless birds ?
  2. No, no don't show us now ! As you say where would the mystery be ? I'm just saying I like the sound of a BRP Lich/Wight
  3. I think it was , um, er, Chaosium
  4. Why not stick it up in the downloads section under Resources ? It might come in handy for lots of folk
  5. But you do get to learn a lot about flint knapping techniques, you never know when that might come in handy
  6. I must admit I'm keen to see what the Lich and the Wight look like in the flesh ( or the un flesh as it were )
  7. There used to be a BRP/RQ conversion available on the net at one time. I have no idea if it still exists.
  8. Mmmm.... the whole copyright thing is a tricksy business and no mistake. As regards the owlbear I'm not sure that saying " hey, I nicked it off of Everquest" puts you in the clear as : 1] Everquest might then go "Oi..thats ours that is " 2] Everquest might have it under license from WOTC in the first place Bugbear is pretty safe as it's an old English legendry term Thing is though, you have to ask have WOTC respected everybody's copyright ? Consider the humble Orc. Now in modern day RPGing Orc is shorthand for ' nasty, brutal, tribal thingy used as sword fodder for steely eyed heroes '. And that is pretty much straight out of Tolkien. Let's face it Tolkien more or less gave the term Orc to the modern world ( it was an archaic, forgotten English term before that ) So did TSR back in the 70's and later WOTC get permission from the Tolkien estate to use the term in such a fashion ? If not where does that leave them if they pick up someone for using some of their stuff ? Murky waters Watson, murky waters indeed.
  9. Makes me misty eyed with nostalgia, so it does I'm Looking forward to the release of this. I take it some of the subtle name changes are for legal reasons ?
  10. Sorry about the spelling thing, it's a terrible habit of mine :innocent: 100 new spells sounds good, the BRP ruleset was a bit light on spells so it's nice to see more coming up. :thumb: If it's not giving too much away, you say 'numerous' monsters can you give us a rough idea of how many and maybe a taster of which old faves we might see ? ( pretty please )
  11. Oh dear, Yet another BRP book that I'm going to buy This does sound like fun ! ps it's rigid not ridged
  12. Of course there is the other option... which is you don't bother trying to dispel the magic at all. You just get big swords, run at the other side and hack them to pieces
  13. So who is going to tentacles, anybody from the UK ?
  14. Certainly the saints rules are specifically designed for Glorantha, though a friend of mine did run a crusades era campaign with saints style blessings being used for the Knights Templar and Hospitaller, Thing is you can use the sorcery rules without having to use the saints rules I don't see that the rest of the rules have to be limited to Glorantha though, ok there are some Gloranthan references but they can be easily ignored. the actual mechanics are setting neutral most of the time.
  15. All of the above discussion is why I moved over to using Sandy Petersons sorcery. In some respects it was a bit more cumbersome but the notion of ' presence' did limit the amount of spells in play, especially if you went for a more low scale campaign where schools or guilds of sorcery were quite rare.
  16. Green Ronin also did a Rome supplement for D20 which includes a scenario.The testament supplement that Seneschal mentioned is very good, in my opinion the best D20 supplement ever produced, and there are some scenarios out for it as well. As mentioned GURPS has more historical stuff out than you can shake a stick at. Even if you don't use the game system they're usually chock full of excellent background material
  17. Same here, in fact considering this will have extra material I'm much more interested in this than the recent BRP release
  18. You've probably already got it, but if not have a look at Sandy Peterson's revised RQ shaman rules, available here: Philip Hibbs' Link Page Has some interesting shamanic powers and ideas, being designed for RQ3 it's pretty portable for BRP. After that simply google Runequest + shaman or RQ + shaman there used to be a lot of sites that had various bits and bobs for shamanry ( how many of them still exist I have no idea ) On the D20 front both Green Ronin and Mongoose had Shaman supplements out, obviously the ideas etc would need a bit of conversion work but there's useful material in both
  19. The Kenya book is good, lots of background material for a non CoC game, a largish African bestiary ( Giraffes, Cheetahs, Wildebeeste etc etc ). What else ? Eerrmm...First Book of Things has lots of nasty monsters that could be used in a non CoC setting. Cthulhu Invictus has already been mentioned ( there's a scnario book for that one as well, can't remember the name at present )
  20. So Mr Jealousy, when's that spirits and powers supplement coming out then ? http://basicroleplaying.com/forum/basic-roleplaying/1239-new-monograph-submitted-aces-high-12.html
  21. I didn't know Keith Herber had died, what a shame, his CoC stuff was ( to my mind ) the best stuff ever produced for the game.
  22. If this is going to be a regular thing ( and hopefully it will be ! ) I think they ought to consider paying people by the word, rather than just some free stuff. otherwise they are in effect getting a revenue earning product once per year without having to pay the authors.
  23. Almost completely of topic but.....does it say own or have a license to use ? I only ask because if it's own then that means millions of people and thousands of software companies owe me oodles of money. After all if I own the fonts then they've all used them without my permission.
  24. I suspect because we both live in what is broadly a christian culture we tend to think in terms of an all powerful, all knowing deity when the term 'god' is mentioned. But perhaps this definition of a god from dictionary.com is more appropriate in the setting: "A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people," You'd best start typing now then....
  25. Well, I've had a pretty good read through and I've got to say I really like it. There's lots of good stuff, but for me the bit that really stands out is the various powers the spirits in the not so natural bestiary have. To me the gods provided are more like really powerful spirits than gods if you see what I mean ( ie not omnipotent and so on ) but the powers section is really good. I can see lots of people using this not just in Aces High but as a basis for spirit powers in all sorts of settings. It would certainly lend itself to expansion even within Aces High. I would imagine that spirits in the far north might have all sorts of snow and ice related powers, spirits living close to major rivers and estuaries or the ocean might have water related powers. I don't know a lot about Amerindian mythology but I'd be very surprised if such spirits didn't exist Don't get me wrong, there's lots of other stuff I like as well but that's the bit that really hit the spot for me.
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