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Everything posted by DreadDomain

  1. I am curious to know why it is deemed beneficial to time the PDF with the physical publication. Was it discussed?
  2. Oh the delicious excitement of rolling a DEX 16 is RQ3. Oh the bitter disapointement of rolling a DEX 16 in RQG. I've done both. A benefit of RQG is that all modifiers end in 5 and 10 so for some it might be easier to leave them out and add them on the fly. Another pro for RQG is that the modifiers are generally higher than in RQ3. Now if it counterbalance the annoyance of the breakpoints is a matter of personal preferences.
  3. I don't disagree with having more "Bouts of Madness" or "Temporary Insanity" options but I am curious to know which other updates you would like in the Keeper book.
  4. Ohhhh, now this is cruel to @Bill the barbarian as earlier draft seemed much closer to RQ3 (it would have been my preference as well) Hmmmm, is that French Bill? Je ne sais quoi? 😉
  5. I've always loved structured character creation and the RQ3 method has been my preferred method for decades (choose race, culture, religion, profession, etc.). The main difference for RQG is the family bacground section which is inspired from Pendragon. Pros: Great for players who like character creation to be a mini game. It immediately roots the characters into the setting. It connects the various characters (or their families) through past events. Con: Too long for players who don't care for character creation mini games. Players may fell forced to look up events they do not know about. Limited to a specific areas. Fortunately, all the cons are easily bypassed by not rolling on the family background (see p.29). I really do not like the options for creating older characters. Every 10 years give only minimal bonuses. This section is useless. This is highly optional and only serves for creating a rich background for your character. If it is not useful for your game, don't use it. I never used player character creation to create NPCs. In any games. It might guide me but I will mostly assigned numbers that make sense.
  6. Félicitations à nos cousins Français! Indeed. Replace "Glorantha" by "France", "Russie" or "Europe" and the weirdness of the sentence becomes even more obvious. Material similarity? Both edition are very, very different. Art, focus of the game, quality of the physical products. I don't see a lot of similarities to be honest.
  7. Fortunately it was mentioned within the context of the 50th anniversary. A new edition in 10 years is not unreasonable but clearly not for the 40th anniversary!
  8. Cool. It's seeems like the situation is embroiled enough that beyond a gentle poke to "whomever holds the rights", energy should be spent elsewhere.
  9. Let's see: Martin (STR 45) wants to move the Raft (SIZ 150). Since the raft SIZ is 100 above Lucky STR (150-45). Lucky automatically fails (no roll needed). Cecil (STR 40) shows up to help. This help is mechanically represented by substracting the lowest of the two STR (Cecil) from the raft SIZ (150-40=110). Martin STR does not reduce the SIZ of the raft. Only those assisting do that. However, because of Cecil's help, Martin now needs to roll against SIZ 110 and because that value is less than 100 over his STR (110-45) he can now attempt the roll. The contest will pit his STR 45 vs SIZ 110. Because Martin is rolling against a value over 90, he needs top achieve an extreme success. I hope it helps.
  10. Je ne sais pas d'où viendrait cette info. Je ne crois pas qu'on ait jamais communiqué quoi que ce soit sur ce sujet, et on ne compte pas le faire. On ne s'appelle pas pour rien le Département des Sombres Projets ! Haut Which translates more or less like that : After re-reading his answer, I realize that I may have misunderstood him, and the thing they had no intention on doing was communicating, not doing the translation... Maybe it's a project they have, but thought it was secret. I would have read it like you did first but I see how both interpretations are possible. It would be interesting to compare with the quote/link @Jason D was referencing above.
  11. To be fair to Mugen, Jason was also giving a vague "they indicated..." instead of posting a link or a quote.
  12. For some reason, the extract you quoted is not from me. Irrespective, It was my understanding from quotes from MOB and Jason that the rpg rights were not available (Jason adding it was tied up with the BBC). I would be happy to be wrong.
  13. Just to be clear, my comment was not anchored in reality. Chaosium said already the rights were not available and even if they were, they could not produce a new edition in 9 months. My comment was absolutely fantasy.
  14. By the way, I believe this year is the 20th anniversary of Stormbringer 5e. What a wonderful year would it be for a 6th edition.
  15. Lately I was wondering how come Mask looked more beautiful that the Core books. While the layout/template of the later might be better, I still like the core books. The real difference for me is the sketch like drawings that are more prevalent in the Keeper and Investigators book (I really do not like them). However, an "aligned" layout doesn't sound worthy of a 40th anniversary special release. It may be not something that I am after but it absolutely sounds like a good idea for a 40th anniversary special release.
  16. It looks like a very good combination. For Riposte, I would tend to wave the requirement to have two weapons (but that's just me). To reduce lethality (if it is a goal), you could use the CoC rule that upon reaching 0 HP, the character is dying only if a Major Wound was inflicted (in this combat or before if still untreated). If no Major Wound was inflicted, the character is simply unconcious (but still bloody and battered). Of course, once incapacitated, anyone could just kill the character with the appropriate means (no need for a Major Wound).
  17. It'd make me happy too. I believe Chaosium might see RuneQuest occupying that spot.
  18. I was wondering what "Uncategorized" meant and how it was different than "Other Games"...
  19. I have to admit that a new edition of Stormbringer by Chaosium (especially with the much improved quality of the products under the new management) would feel like things are right again. In my youth, Chaosium was Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest, Pendragon and Stormbringer (with a good nod to SuperWorld). It feels like almost everyone is back home.
  20. Not sure which version of Stormbringer you are comparing Elric! with. Stormbringer 5 and Elric! are basically the same game. Elric! has a better layout, some of the art in SB5 is better and I prefer how the nations are integrated into character creation in SB5 (by giving clear, languages, culrural weapons and cultural skills pointers). I also prefer the extra detail given around cults and gods. Stormbringer 1 to 4 are also very similar. The nation a character comes from have a lot more impact (with bonus and penalties to characteristics) and skills having skill categories and modifiers (which I prefer even if I am not too excited about how they are implemented in SB1-4). Along the way, editions move away from Sanity and to Elan before they end with Allegiance in Elric!/SB5. All in all, Elric!/SB5 feel more streamlined and realised compared with SB1-4. Magic World is a direct successor to SB5. EoM is a supplement to Mongoose RuneQuest II (aka MRQ2, which became Legend but also evolved into RuneQuest 6, later renamed Mythras). This line of BRP is possibly the crunchier but also possibly the most internally consistent. A feature or a bug? Totally depends on your preferences. EoM doesn't look as nice as Elric! or SB5 to me but the material inside is very good and feels more "developed" than Elric!/SB5 so even if you might prefer the Elric!/SB5 rules, you should still look at the setting (including gods and cults) contained in it. If I would start a Stormbringer game, I would hesitate between: 1) Stormbringer 5 + Elric of Melnibone with: Skill categories and modifiers (from Magic World or RQ3) A reworked Major Wound table where the tens die indicate severity and the digit digit indicate location (so when you aim at a location and get a major wound, you only roll the tens die for the severity) Fixed armour points instead or rolled (maybe) The riposte rule from SB1-4 The skill distribution at character creation from Magic World 2) Mythras + Elric of Melnibone.
  21. Quoting a fairly old post but this sounds good. It made me buy the first book to try it out. This summary somewhat reminds my of The Watch Series by Sergei Lukyanenko.
  22. Nothing to contribute except to say that I always loved Gene Day's work.
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