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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. Ah, thanks. I did some websurfing and found an interview with you from around 2010, where you explained how it was supposed to be an updated/Elric! version of Hawkmoon, but ended up getting bounced around from one company to another following the CCG crash. Pity that there doesn't appear to be much chance of any more Eternal Champion RPGs
  2. It's most likely a sign of the times. For 1940s she was very "modern". By today's standards though, not as much. So they just try to update her outlook at values to modern standards. Plus the whole idea of Amazons being warriors who actually kill people in battle was really downplayed until recently.
  3. What was the differences between the monograph and the Hawkmoon RPG from the 80s?
  4. True. I stand corrected. I forgot which forum this was in. All this does beg the question just what (or whom) is summon-able? Can anybody be yanked from their home into another world by a summon spell?
  5. MR stood for Melee Round, which is what they calla Combat Round (CR) in BRP. So yeah, it's probably a typo from porting the tabel over from a similar game. Not quite. There is a difference between DEX ranks and SR. Strike Ranks an an optional rule in BRP. You're mixing different sequencing systems, although in generally you got the right idea. 2/SR means that you can fire two shots in a round, and and is seen with double barrel weapons or automatic shotguns. For example someone could fire both barrels of an elephant gun at the same time. Some high tech weapons can also fire quicky and get mutltiple shots that way. Generally yes. Although with some weapons (lasso, net) it might just reflect how much time it takes to gather up the weapon a ready it for another attack. The best way to tell is to check how much ammo the weapon holds. If it is a single shot weapon, then you know that it's empty and needed to be relaoded. If it is has the ammo, then there must be some other reason for the dealy, for instance a laser gun might have to "cool down" between firings. Tough Question. It kinda depends.The Strike Rank system in BRP is closer to the one used in RQ3, so I'd think that characters would move on their DEX SR. You'd add 1 SR to their attack per 3m moved. So if someone normally attacked on SR7, but they had to move 6m they would move 3m on their DEX SR, 3m on the following SR, and end up attacking on SR9. What makes it a tough call is that the normal movement rules assume you are using DEX ranks, which work a little differently than Strike Ranks.
  6. Sorry, but they are not the same maps.. The Salisbury map looks similar, but has different lettering and the features, such as hills, are drawn in a different style. The Logres Map doesn't appear to be in KAP4. Now I'm going from my PDF copy of KAP4, and will try to verify that with my hardcopy, when I can find it. KAP4 does have a lot of maps that aren't in KAP3, and some cover the same area, including a smaller black and white travel map which seems to fill the same function as the Color Map of Logres in KAP3.
  7. An interesting view. I'm not sold on it though. I think it might hold true for some demons but not all. One interesting tidbit in one of the series (Hawkmoon or Corum, I forgot which one) is that one of the baddies summons Yyrkoon as a demon. If this is the same characters from the Erlic saga is unknown, and if so, if the the summons occurred before or after his death. If it is the same Yyrkoon, then either way, it opens up some interesting lines of thought. Maybe sorcerers themselves are vulnerable to being summoned, or maybe those who follow Chaos or are slain by Stormbringer can be summoned? I don't blame you. But I do think as this is Moorcock's Multiverse that we are dealing with beings from some other plane/dimension/sphere.
  8. Would that mean that a "normal" human from another plane of existence would qualify? For instance imagine a Granbretan soldier with a flame lance in the Young Kingdoms.
  9. That seems logical to me. Basically, if the crew of the Rogue Mistress have any idea of what they are up against, they could just keep their distance and blast the black galley into bits, assuming the galley isn't faster. But we don't know how fast those Moon-Beast can row a Black Galley. Reason would suggest not more than 10-15 knots, maybe 20 on the outside, and the Rogue Mistress should be much faster than that, but Lovecraftian stuff doesn't exactly adhere to the normal laws of physics. And it's possible the the black galley could be armed with some sort of weird weapon like a Moon-Catapult or something, which could open up a whole new can of "what ifs". The biggest pitfall for the Rogue Mistress, as a pirate ship, it's standard tactic would probably be the absolute worse thing it could do. Namely to try and board the galley while inflicting the least amount of damage to it. So I suspect that Captain Maria and her friends would probably be surprised and over matched. They'd probably lose some people and retreat back to the Rogue Mistress and then fire the cannon into the galley at point blank range. And that's assuming they are so used to strange beings that they don't have to make any SAN rolls. Adventure-wise, it might be a good idea for the PCs to encounter the Rouge Mistress after such an encounter. Maybe even team up with Maria to try and rescue those who didn't make it back to the ship-maybe even her friend Hilda? A group of PCs from the Young Kingdoms, armed with Demon Weapons, could really turn the tide in a boarding action.
  10. BRP/RQ3 SIZ is entirely exponential between SIZ 8 and 88. The SIZ formula was taken from the Superworld boxed set, but values at the low end (1-7) and above 88 were adjusted. The low end adjustments were probably to prevent negative SIZ scores for small creatures, and values at the high end become linear. Since the formula woks out as +8 STAT is double the value (i.e. +8 SIZ is double the mass) and the damage bonus is +1D6 per 16 SIZ then it's really +1D6 every time you multiple the force by four.At least in the 8-88 range, which covers most things in the game.
  11. Most of the stuff like that were done in error. A lot of the time Greg wasn't aware of a change in the rules until it was pointed out to him.
  12. Yup. I think the biggest difference between RQ3 and EQ was that EQ didn't use skill bases or categories but instead determined the skill scores by characteristics. For example Dodge was (INT+DEX) x2, and one melee and missle weapon started at (STR+DEX)x2. Possibly to simply and streamline things. I wonder if things had gone differently, and Steve Perrin written and RQ4 if skill categories would have been eliminate d, or maybe simplified down to a formula such as STR+DEX for manipulation. EQ in general was kinda an 80s thing. It was also a bit of a cult thing. People seemed to either love it completely or be pretty much indifferent about it and bewildered by how much their friends liked it. That might be why it didn't do so well as an RPG. You needed to find a whole group of gamers who loved EQ to run a campaign.
  13. You're the GM and will know the situation and players better than any of us. Use your judgment over most of what you see posted. As I mentioned before if I were running something as a GM I'd probably not be quite so strict about enforcing something like range bands. 89 meters or 91 meters is really about the same. So for the most go with what seems to make sense to you, and don't bog down play over some technicalities. If you later discover that you did something wrong, or something bugs you, you can always figure out what to do differently on your downtime, and then telling your players how it will be from them on. All GMs have to do stuff like that from time to time. The important thing is to relax and have fun. If your all having fun then the rest doesn't really matter. You don't have to take it in one bite. Just take it in at your own pace. Most of this stuff plays a lot easier than it reads . Maybe, but the Devil is the bad guy in RQG, so don't let him bog you down. Despite how some of us sometimes react to things (myself included somewhere near the tops of that list) there aren't any RuneQuest police out there who will come and haul you away for doing something "wrong". The worse you'll get is teasing from your players. Relax, do what you can, and have fun.
  14. It's a tough call, as the Dreamslands, by their nature, don't adhere to the normal laws of reality. Also, while I didn't think of it earlier, I support a galley that can fly through space could build up speed with constant acceleration. So the black galleys could be fairly slow.
  15. Sorry, that's because a lot of us have been playing RQ in one form or another for decades. So we probably get into a lot of special cases. Actual gameplay will help a lot. In most cases it goes pretty quickly, and the trickiest bit is remembering who goes first when SRs are tied. No and yes. In RQG it appears you can't, as was the case in RQ2. In RQ3 you can, but there is a SR penalty. But assuming you are playing the newst RQ, RQG, then no you can't cahnge your statement. Yes, the order of declaration is important. There is no official order, but some GM's always have the NPCs or PCs declare first, while others mix it up or alter it to reflect the circumstances. Generally speaking SOIs are free form, and under most circumstances the order isn't all that important. Some of the examples here are rare situations, and some others are cases of people trying to exploit a loophole for their own advantage.
  16. Tough to say, since you're mixing authors and universes. My initial though is that the Rogue Mistress is probably more maneuverable, and I think, better armed. At least I don't think the black galleys have anything like cannon or lasers. But the black galleys can sail from the Dream Lands to the Moon, so they must be pretty fast to cover approximately 240,000 miles in any sort of reasonable time. Do you have any idea how long it takes for a black galley to make that trip? In a boarding action I figure the crew of the Rogue Mistress are probably outclassed matched physically, at least by the Moon-Beasts, but they do seem to be better skilled, and Moon-Beast and Men from Leng are some of the Lovecraft nasties that can be hurt by normal weapons.
  17. No, it not just Strength but strength and mass. being able to back up the impact with more mass would make a significant difference. Using the idea of zombie pixies, realistically (not a word that remotely applies to zombie pixes, btw) if a pixie connected with something it relatively low mass would mean that the pixie would probably be thrown around with the impact. Yeah, but that because the "tree" doesn't seem to get any bigger. A 12m tall giant should probably be able to wield a bigger tree than a 6m giant, but RQ rarely scales up such weapons. It still mostly works through because functionally it doesn't make much difference where the damage dice come from and because the damage at that point is so high that a of a die or two one way or the other doesn't matter. When it comes to normal characters, the difference between 8 dice damage and 10 dice probably only makes a difference to whoever tries to identify the body. Oddly enough though, if you look at some of the bigger monster natural damages, they do go up a little with SIZ.
  18. Possibly. In RQ2/RQG it depends on who declared first. If the NPCs declared first then Y won't be able to move that round if he didn't already declare it, so he wouldn't have the option of moving up that round.. He'd have to wait until next round to declare that he was moving up. In RQ3 he would have that option, and depending on how long it took PC1 to reach cover, he might have been able to get a shot off before PC1 made it to cover. Both methods work, but are a little different.
  19. If you mean stats for the ship, in White Wolf/Sailing on the Seas of Fate format, no they don't exist. Based on the description I can come up with something if you need them. But, as it can fly, has cannon, and is at least partially armored it can probably fly circles around and shoot up any ship in the Young Kingdoms while being untouchable. There aren't any deckplans the book either, but you could use something similar.
  20. You'd calculate the range when the shot is fired, on SR2 , and again on SR7 if Y fires a second shot. Again in RQ2/RQG movement for unengaged characters happens before you resolve attacks and Strike Ranks. But in RQ3 movement would be integrated into attacks and Strike Ranks. So in RQ3 it's possible for the two shots to takes place at different ranges. Now, speaking as a GM, and not just with the rules as written, the 1/2 skill at X range thing is a game convention and simplification of what is really a gradual process. A shot at 91 meters isn't really all that much more difficult that one at 90 meters, it's just that they have to work out range some way. So, if I were running I might say "close enough" and use one range band or the other. Other factors, such as terrain, might be the deciding factor. If Y is on top of a hill, I'd probably give him full skill for both shots. If the fight takes place in a forest, then Y would be at half skill, if he could get a shot off at all.
  21. In RQ2 and RQG, yes, because unengaged movement happens first. In RQ3 no, because Movement and Actions are combined into the "Action Phase". In RQ3 PC1 would start to move on his DEX SR and would start to move at about the same time Y or Z attacked, and still be several meters away from X.
  22. Yes, SR1 doesn't start until Phase 3, but... if someone moves into melee or casts and then engages in melee he has to factor movement into his SR. The idea is that SR isn't really a measure on time, but just the order that things happen. That way you can tell if someone gets their spell off before they get attacked or not. Welcome. RQ isn't too complex, you should get the hang of it.
  23. Wait a minute, you can lose a limb in Magic World, Hawkmoon and Stormbringer despite the lack of hit locations!😲 Lost limbs are a possible consequence of a Major Wound- It's on the Major Wound Table. I guess Chasoium RPGs can still be D100 without hit locations, right?
  24. Ah, thanks. I don't think it's really as bad as that. For the most part players only change their actions when something unexpected happens that makes the previous SOI pointless. In most cases the 3 SR delay imposes something of a limitation. One of the other perks with imprecise statements is that it avoids an ever sneaker trick that the stopping short. In RQ2, if a character is facing two or more opponents, the one he declares his attack on could hang back, and the other opponent could move up freely without fear of being attacked. With imprecise statements, a RQ3 or RQG character is free to switch targets-and without a SR penalty.
  25. That's pretty much the same as in RQ3, if not verbatim. The idea is not that everybody can read minds, but that if a guy comes running up to you with a spear you should probably be aware of it before you get impaled. It also makes the whole stopping "just out of range" thing a bit risky because someone can decide to do something like attack someone who gets within 5m, and catch a clever PC. In RQ3 there was a section a few paragraphs down for altering intent. Is that in RQG too?
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