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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. Yeah, but what I'm trying to say is that there is no such thing as Javelin as a melee weapon, it is a short spear. So any Javelin skill mentioned must be a Missile skill.
  2. Yes, but is there a Javelin listed on the melee weapons table. In previous editions there wasn't, and Javelin referred to a thrown spear. Also check the weapon descriptions, wherever they might be.
  3. LOL! No Countermagic would have had me throwing in the towel on RQG.
  4. Javelin skill has always been defined as thrown spear. When you use a Javelin in melee you use the 1H spear skill. You used to be able to tell this because Javelin skill was listed on the missile weapons table, while 1H spear skillw as listed on the melee weapons table.
  5. Oh, okay. Not starting with it is or having a discount is one thing. Not having access to it at all is something else. Plus the associated cults things would expand that list to include all the Lightbrigers and most of the Praxian cults. So the Humakti has to pay full price for it, but they get Bladesharp 4, for free.
  6. Is that true? That bothers me a lot more than multispell or extension. Without countermagic no one else has any magical defenses.
  7. Especially when they can just get a massed Disrupt out of the rest of the group that accomplished the same thing and wouldn't lock down all that magic.. I'd rather try that multispell/extension trick with Multiarrow. Firing 9 arrows at a target (8 multimissiles) would be a great opening shot, and with much better damage and range than a disruption spell. I wouldn't extend it for a year though, maybe for a day. Ooh, is Speedart stackable?
  8. Uh, wait a minute. Are you saying that Disruption is now stackable (Disrupt 8 ) or that they will use Multispell to cast 8 separate Disruption spells?
  9. Atgxtg


    I found a few, but not a lot that fit what the GM is looking for. There are tons of 3 masted ships, and a fair assortment of smaller, single masted vessels, but there were only a couple that were close, and most of those were ghost ships and such with cobwebs and all that kinda give them the wrong mood. But thanks all the same. I'll give drivethru another look.
  10. Atgxtg


    Anyone know a good source for ship deckplans suitable for gaming on? I'm helping a GM find something he can use in his campaign to represent the group's ship. It's two masted, about 80 feet long, and probably something like a Brig or even a small frigate.
  11. No, just curiosity. But I do like the Baboon. The runes and clothing make them really look like an intelligent species as opposed to just primates.
  12. The enchantments were an RQ3 thing, and didn't exist in RQ2. It's (quite) possible that we might see a revised version of armor and life enchantments in a future book, though so don't loose hope.
  13. Oh. I see. Yeah. That's one of the limitations of the roll under, 5 success level percentile dice method. It really isn't suited for opposed rolls. Combat works out okay, IMO, it's the non combat applications that seem to suffer the most. One possible approaches would be to use multiples of the Special chance as new success levels, just go with the tens die, or a high roll, low roll wins.
  14. Yes, but that is really the only chance the lower skill character has to win the contest. Besides, no one complains about that when the roll and 02 and lose out to an 01. They might complain about their bad luck, but they respect the 01. And it would be the simplest "fix" for opposed rolls, with the current crit and special rules.
  15. Low roll winning on ties would be intuitive for RQ, and doesn't actually change the math much or hurt the higher skilled character as much as people believe.
  16. Now I got to wipe Coca-Cola off the monitor again.
  17. Oh, yeah, that helps but you still have to watch out for implales, crtis, and the guy who knows some bladesharp. Oh, yeah, does G use RQ2 implaes? Those were extra nasty.
  18. Thanks for keeping us abre- uh up to date on things.
  19. I would take that to mean that you got the shield's full hit point rating, not that it was an autostop.
  20. Yeah. Everybody will generally use the best armor they can afford. When your life is on the line you don't go cheap. Huh? A broadsword or spear doing 1D8+1+1D4 averages 8 points, which is 2 points more than 6 point plate (the best you can get without rune metals or magic). Toss in the impales, and criticals, I don't see how they can ignore those attacks.
  21. Okay, my RQ2 is out of date. Do shields just block missile attacks outright? I thought you just took the shield points off the damage.
  22. Yup. Likewise, cuirboilli really ins't all that bad compared to plate. Chances are neither is getting cut or pieced by a blow and it is going to be the impact that counts. Plus slicing through hide is going to take a lot of the force out of a blow. The 2-4 AP is probably about right for what the shield can take, but not really what it can stop.
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