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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Welcome to our RuneQuest Glorantha supplement, Holiday Dorastor: Woods of Terror, another in our odysseys around the delightful place that is Dorastor. Here, you will find descriptions of Hellwood and Poisonthorn Woods, a Bestiary with eight new creatures, both flora and fauna, twelve new types of plant, two new skills, seven new magical items, twelve new Runespells, ten new Sorcery Spells, two new Spirit Magic Spells, five Full Scenarios and thirteen Mini-Scenarios. So, come to the Woods of Terror, explore Blood Grove and the Forest of Pikes, brave the manhood tests, prove that you are stronger than the poisons, explore Venom Creek and Broken-Tree Inn, and follow the Yellowprick Road. If you go into the Woods today, you are sure of a big surprise … https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/407421/Holiday-Dorastor-Woods-of-Terror?affiliate_id=66807
  2. The Pavis Map did not have a Vinga Temple, either, so it was in the Orlanth Temple. I followed Jane Williams' lead and put a small Vinga Temple between the Orlanth and Ernalda temples. Presumably, Vinga would be worshipped in the Hidden Orlanth Temple in the Big Rubble, set up by Garrath Sharpsword/Argrath.
  3. Of course, I have used an Adventure Race several times in the past.
  4. Of course, your playstyle is much better than mine, or the groups I have GMed and played in. After all, munchkins like us wouldn't have enjoyed playing in campaigns that lasted 10 years, or a weekly campaign that lasted 15 years, would they? I wish that I could play ever so serious games that last for a few months, rather than fun games that last for many years.
  5. No, it ignores all winds. As the GM said, he forgot I had the cloak. As a GM, I don't write scenarios specifically to penalise one Adventurer who has something that could cause problems. Instead, I like to make the Adventurer feel good for being able to overcome the obstacle. Exactly, as a GM, I think it is awesome. Perfect. You play a very different style of game to me. In my games, there are no Untouchable people, no NPCs who cannot be killed, or who always avoid being defeated. Or, the Adventurers right the wrong they did and take Argrath's place, or fight the Lunars themselves. I use the material from King of Sartar as a guideline, not as a steamroller that cannot be stopped. As I said, we have different game styles.
  6. Write some Jonstown Compendium supplements and use the royalties to buy RQ stuff, that's what I do.
  7. Sure, you can have something when you start, just not something too powerful. For a game that prides itself on not being balanced, that kind of thing annoys me a bit.
  8. Pathfinder and Pathfinder 2 are adventures become HeroQuests, Whale Rider is a HeroQuest through and through.
  9. Soltak Stormspear (Who he?) had a Cloak of Cat Hair that swirled around him impressively when he was in any wind, but left him unaffected by said wind. He was on a HeroQuest where a particular item was held in the Cave of Winds, where Hurricane-force winds whipped around it like a Tornado. I looked into the room, the GM looked at me, said "Sh*t, I forgot about that", as I calmly walked into the cave and took the item, my cloak whipping around impressively. And, for those GMs who said that they would have had the wind rip it away, that was specifically mentioned in its description, so stop nasty GMs.
  10. Maybe their Vary varied. YVMV
  11. That reminds me of a convention game that I played in a week ago. The GM helpfully listed a number of camp-spy series so that we would know the flavour of the game, things like The Avengers, Man from UNCLE, Gambit and so on, with a twist of Austin Powers. Most of us were in our forties/fifties, so understood all the references, except a chap in his twenties who had never heard of any of them, not even Austin Powers. That brought home how cultural references are often age-related. I haven't played King of Dragon Pass, as I don't play Computer Games and don't really understand them, so the cultural references in that, and Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind, passed me by. For a younger audience, they might have passed by because they were popular several years ago. That is why media posts, such as this one, are useful, as they tie the look and feel of Glorantha to TV Series and films that people are likely to have seen.
  12. Indeed we do, so thanks for posting. You enjoy, we enjoy it, everyone's a winner. I am patient, I can wait. However, I was flamed for saying that recently, though, so there are a lot of people who can't wait.
  13. And if people get confused by the two descriptions and want to make them work together, just assume that Goldgotti started in Esrolia, then became even richer as a Wolf Pirate and returned, ignoring the bit about him being born among the Wolf Pirates.
  14. People generally ignore such messages.
  15. I haven't because it is a rare occurrence. There are many possibilities, not all covered below: The Clan Ring performs a particular Initiation Rite for them They can undergo the standard male/female rites, but can also attend the corresponding rites, revealing their physical nature when challenged They can choose which rites to participate in They are barred from participating in Initiation Rites and have to go elsewhere
  16. Well, yes and no. My version of the Seven Hills has 7 Cacodemon Shrines, each atop a hill, with a Cacodemon Great Temple in the middle. Each has an area of influence that affects Ogres, so the whole of the Seven Hills area is affected by Cacodemon's Influence, which means that Ogres behave very Ogrey. So, basically, some come to the Seven Hills, as they can stop pretending to be something they are not and let their Ogreness hang out. Temple of True Being: Cacodemon Great Temple, where Ogres are taught to be themselves Carnival: A yearly Carnival sponsored by the Seseine Cult, its purpose is to gather Mana for the cult Sweat Lodge: A place for bathing, or for ritual purification House of Many Pleasures: On the face of it, a brothel, but with added layers of pleasure, it has a lot of Succubi and Lamiae present, all worshippers of Seseine By the way, if anyone is interested un running scenarios set in Dorastor, Secrets of Dorastor is 1 sale away from becoming a Gold Seller.
  17. isn't there a jonstown update that isn't Avalon Hill? Does it not contain the same material? Secrets of Dorastor is basically a writeup of my Dorastor Campaign, on steroids with a hefty dash of acid. Half of it was written before Dorastor Land of Doom came out, so differs from that quite a bit. I used very little from Dorastor Land of Doom, except when describing a very select group of Places. It is on 500 sales at the moment, so 1 more sale makes it a Gold Seller. If you liked Dorastor Land of Doom, you'll probably like Secrets of Dorastor. If you like gonzo, over the top Glorantha, you'll probably like Secrets of Dorastor. I cover them unofficially in the excellent, and very nearly Gold Selling, Secrets of Dorastor. Chaosium's take on them is likely to be different but fairly similar. Personally, I think the Illumination Abilities from Cults of Terror are OK, but don't lend themselves to different Schools of Illumination teaching different things. In Secrets of Dorastor, I have the following Illumination Abilities. Common Abilities: Ability to Learn Nysaloran Riddles Ability to Sense Illumination Immune to Cult Spirits of Reprisal Immune to Sense/Detect Chaos/Law Secret Knowledge Special Abilities: Combine Runes Conquer Nature Escape HeroQuest Consequence Hide Passion Hide Rune Ignore Cult Restriction Immune to Sense/Detect Learn Special Magic Mystical Defense
  18. This might be useful: https://www.pdffiller.com/en/functionality/convert-qxd-to-pdf-online.htm
  19. You can pretty much play with this idea however you want. Someone who was in Nysalor's Inner Circle would be very Illuminated. However, just a citizen would probably be Illuminated but no more than someone alive today. They might have some Illumination abilities that have been lost, so could teach that to other Illuminates. What does Ralzakark think of the newly found Illuminate? Does he welcome them as a fellow disciple of Nysalor or does he reject them as a rival? Does the imp Illuminate the Adventurers? If so, do they gain new Illumination abilities? Does the imp have an agenda? Do they want to reform the Bright Empire? Did they serve Gbaji rather than Nysalor?
  20. I would echo participating on the Lightbringers Quest as a good place to start. Alternatively, a hero who gives a small Spirit Spell or Runespell to the local Chalana Arroy Cult might work. All you ned is the story of how they gained the power/ability.
  21. "Why, in my day we just got on with playing RuneQuest instead of whining about it" Is that what you meant?
  22. It is a matter of what is seen as being essential. Some people think that a good Cults book is essential, as Cults drive Glorantha. Others think that Scenario Packs are essential, as Campaigns are what people play. Many think that a GM Pack is essential, as it allows people to shape their RuneQuest scenarios and campaigns. There are even some of us who think that a good HeroQuesting supplement is essential, to allow us to interact with, and become, Heroes. So, which should be produced first? What order should they come in? There is a lot of background for Glorantha that is in older supplements. If Chaosium simply redid that background in new supplements, a lot of people would complain, as they did when this happened in RQ3. Nobody is taking pride in waiting for the supplements. In fact, I grew so tired of waiting that I wrote my own. However, it is what it is. We can accept it and wait, or complain and lose interest in the game. I have done the former, you have done the latter. Neither of us is right or wrong. That is a shame.
  23. You keep saying this like it's true. It's not. It's demonstrably, verifiably false. Ok, true, HeroQuesting rules were published by Mongoose. The Mongoose HeroQuesting rules were interesting. I liked some of them and the rest wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. However, I think that I am safe to say that HeroQuesting in RQM will not be using the Mongoose HeroQuesting rules. My guess is that they will be doing exactly that, starting at first principles.
  24. This is not a defendable position I'm afraid, that something didn't happen for 40 years so we have to wait more. I will be selling my books it seems. I purchased the box set, source book and the red cow campaign book in the hopes that the company has a release schedule and will be slowly filling the void that is left by not including a GM book in the initial release. Keep in mind Earthdawn's newer editions did include the GM book in the initial release line when they decided to split the core book into two volumes. And that is not a new and hip product line or fantasy world either. It is a shame that you are planning to sell your books due to the perceived lack of support. Is the Red Cow Campaign for RuneQuest? I thought it was for HeroQuest/QuestWorlds. You might have a bit of work to do to convert it to RuneQuest. This forum is very friendly and will happily support you in whatever challenges you have. Sometimes asking old-timers gets you really good advice. Have you tried looking at recordings of actual play? They give a lot of tips and you can see how a session gets played out. If you have played something like Call of Cthulhu, then you might already have an idea of the mechanics for RuneQuest, as they are quite similar, to an extent. This actually is a very supportive community, if you let it. People have been offering lots of advice, which you have refused to take or listen to. There are always workarounds to the lack of an official supplement. However, you seem to be fixated on the lack of a GM Guide. That is a shame, as RuneQuest is a really good, fun game to play. At the risk of sounding snarky, I echo your "Wow, what a great attitude.". Call of Cthulhu pays the bills. This has been the case for a long while. Some of us have strong views about that, but the RQ Line will be slower than Call of Cthulhu. We would also like those things. How fast can people type? It takes time, or a lot of people, to create such content. Jeff is unlikely, from past experience, to share a release date for a supplement until it is almost complete. The most he could say is "We are working on this and it should be published after <supplements>". RuneQuest is older than Call of Cthulhu, it is just not as popular. Both RQ and CoC are adults, in this sense. I agree that Glorantha is obscure, yet it can be very rewarding and fun to play in the world. It is a real shame that you think like this and I am not sure what we can do to help.
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