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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. I am happy for everything I write in fanzines to be used to reissue those fanzines. However, many authors/artists just can no longer be found, so cannot give consent.
  2. I play a Chalana Arroy Healer in our current RQG Campaign. He does not fight, at all. In fact, I have removed all combat skills from his Roll20 Character Sheet. He is a combat medic for the Black Spears, so is fine with other people fighting. If there is a combat, or an ambush, the first thing he shouts is "I'm a Healer, do not hurt me". He has cast Peace to end conflict, in the past. The Party fought zombies and he stayed out of the combat, except to heal, as he doesn't want to fight. He sometimes casts Sleep, but there was a discussion in the party about when his protection ended, some thought that the prisoner could be let out and than attacked, but I said I wouldn't heal anyone who did that. They didn't want to ransom the prisoner, so let her go without armour or weapons. He is a vegetarian and refuses any dish that contains meat, preferring to starve than break his vows. I have found him to be eminently playable and have not yet seen anything that makes me think "What if ...", some things are black and white.
  3. She gathers the sunshine in her canopy and it glows at night. Nothing wrong with that, is there?
  4. The God Learners had a Great Temple to Eurmal, where they collected every single RuneSpell that Eurmal taught and made them available to all the Eurmali in the Great Temple. Apparently, they thought that this would be a wonderful idea. Who knows if they were right or wrong? In any case, the Temple was sunk, so now lies at the bottom of the sea, still populated by the descendants of the original Eurmali. I think that they have not yet realised that the waters are about to crush them, in cartoon fashion, so they are waiting for reality to re-exert itself.
  5. For me, most people won't have good maps. As has been mentioned, most people rely on "4 hours to the red rock, veer right for a day to the great marsh, then follow the marsh northwards until you reach Marshton". However, there was a scenario where a random encounter was some Yelmalian Surveyors, I think, so formal map-making techniques are probably available. If there are maps, they will be of the "Lots of trees near lots of hills" style, rather than a topographical map. The maps that people get in sourcebooks are probably better than maps available in Glorantha.
  6. I think it is a really important myth. It shows how Argan Argar could defect Lodril, and how Zorak Zoran could defect Yelmalio, and also shows the limited nature of their victories. In terms of Illumination, I have always played that Xiola Umbar has a secret school of Illumination that preserves what she saw. Argan Argar probably doesn't, and Zorak Zoran is very anti-Illumination, due to being burned by the Light.
  7. I like it. That is how an optional rule from RQ2 played, without the Dodge/Parry restrictions. I would drop the Dodge/Parry restrictions, for my game.
  8. Holiday Dorastor: Seven Hills has rules for generating Ogre Adventurers, assuming that Ogres are playable. Holiday Dorastor: Spider Woods has stats for Spiderlings and Arachnaurs, they surely must be playable.
  9. Trollballl is definitely not just a game, it has religious significance. I thought that it was sacred to Kaarg, so of Kyger Litor, instead of Zorak Zoran, but it has been a very long time since I read about it.
  10. Aldryami almost certainly have HeroQuests for this. They might be of several types: HeroQuest for a power that you put on your current Elf Bow, but this is lost when you lose the Elf Bow, i.e. It is specific to your Elf Bow. HeroQuest for a power that you store in something that you put on your current Elf Bow, but this can be moved to another Elf Bow when you change bows HeroQuest for a power that you store in the seed from which your Elf Bow grows, so your current Elf Bow doesn't get it but new ones do HeroQuest for a power that you store in the seed from which your Elf Bow grows, but your current Elf Bow also gets it, as it grew from that seed, and new bows also keep the power HeroQuest for a power that affects you and your Elf Bow, so it affects whichever Elf Bow you have There are, potentially, lots of ways to do this: HeroQuest to Yelmalio to get a really powerful Sunripen effect that gives your bow some light magic HeroQuest to Flamal to bump the power of your Elf Bow Seed HeroQuest to High King Elf to make your Elf Bow better Steal abilities from archer deities on a HeroQuest, so you might steal Multimissile from Golden Bow, Sureshot from Hunter, or whatever Abilities gained could be varied and could stack with other abilities Elf Bow can store more Magic Points (Maybe an extra 2D6) Elf Bow becomes a Spirit Magic Matrix (Speedart, Multimissile, Light, Heal) Elf Bow becomes awakened (3D6 INT, 3D6 CHA, Magic Points become POW) Elf Bow regenerates any damage taken, at 1 HP per round Elf Bow gains more Hit Points Elf Bow puts Speedart, or Multimissile 1 on each arrow fired (Extra points gets you Multimissile 2, 3 and so on) Elf Bow allows you to add your Missile Damage Bonus to the damage done, through a longer pull, stronger bow, or something Elf Bow fires arrows that ignore vegetation cover Penalties Elf Bow fires arrows that ignore Range penalties Elf Bow fires arrows that do double penetrative damage against a certain kind of foe Elf Bow fires arrows that do double penetrative damage to a particular Hit Location Elf Bow fires arrows that never miss, impale, critical or fumble, they only do a Normal Success. Elf Bow fires arrows that increase their Damage Rating by one level, so from Normal Success to Special Success, from Special Success to Critical Success and so on If you gained the same ability more than once it becomes more powerful. So, Multimissile Matrix increases by a point per time, regeneration increases the amount healed, and so on. How would the HeroQuest work? You go to a God Time event and replicate a Hero getting special bow magic or powers. You steal an ability from a Hero. You ask Aldrya/Flamal/Whoever for a boon for your bow, they only agree if you defeat their sworn enemy, or do something spectacularly heroic.
  11. Yes, there is Chaos Speech. It is how some chaos creatures communicate. Very few, but Priests might have a chance to speak it. Bagog is more tied to Darkness, so the cult language, I think, is Darktongue. If a Sprit of Law defeats a Chaps Creature it destroys the creature, so that plan is unlikely to work using the normal; rules set. You could use another spirit, though, just fine.
  12. We can say this about the Computer Game, GM Pack, HeroQuesting Rules, and so on. I want them all now, but am patient. Hopefully, I will see them all before I die. A lot of people, however, are not as patient and are far more vocal than I am ...
  13. That sounds fair enough to me. It was the result of a negotiation. Good reasons not to do it in the evil way that they did it. However, if you have a good way of doing it, then go for it. In my Glorantha, Vampires get False POW through a blood-drinking ritual. When they need lots of False POW, they round up all the local Lay Members and Initiates and bring them in for a nice Drink. Not a massive bad guy, to honest. But, yes, if enough people complain about such activities, some people are sure to come along and stop them. The reward would be a lot of matrices!
  14. If you have to run something by rules-lawyers it is probably suspect to begin with. It is entirely up to you. However, I would play that someone coerced cannot make the appropriate mental connection to donate POW. As to what that means in practice, it is up to the GM. Controlled entities are fine, as the Shaman has already made a bargain with them. Reducing their POW might make them renegotiate the bargain though. Sure, the dominant Spirit can consent to donate POW. The possessed being, however, cannot. Donating POW is an active thing and a possessed being cannot do those things. Unintelligent creatures do not have the mental capabilities to donate POW. Possibly, it depends on the GM. I probably wouldn't allow it, as the conditions of the Binding Enchantment do not specifically state POW Donation as one of the things the spirit has to do. My liability for free legal advice given cannot exceed what you paid me for it. All answers in my opinion, for what that is worth.
  15. It's a big room. Maybe High King Elf's bowery, or Golden Bow's Always Full Quiver. I don't think about these things too much. Of course, for those people who do, they could always HeroQuest to the big room, take out the Spirits and stop Multimissile working under certain conditions.
  16. Wraiths are scary and deadly, sure they can only use their main attack once, but it is a doozy. Here's how it went in a convention scenario I played in recently: Wraith appears. Adventurers ask "Is that an angry ghost or a wraith?" Wraith attacks. Adventurers scream and run away, or hack at it with magical spells and weapons. What actually happened was: Wraith appeared Wraith attacked me, matching MPs against INT and rolled low, reducing me to INT 2, because I had INT 17 Everyone cast Spirit Block Adventurers promised to do a service to the Wraith to calm its restless spirit I burbled in the corner Wraith let us go In another encounter with a Wraith: Wraith appeared Wraith attacked, devastating someone's CON, but just failing to kill them as someone else cast Vigour on them Adventurers cast Spirit Block Wraith attacked again but failed to overcome CON Adventurers cast Bladesharp/Truesword/Fireblade Wraith tried against a third Adventurer and failed to harm them Adventurers hacked at the wraith, rending it with their magical damage. Wraith vanished in a fit of pique It is a good job that Wraiths only do half their POW in damage. Beware the wraith that has the "Power Doubled" Chaos Feature. Wraiths also do double the MP damage in Spirit Combat to a random Hit Location. Fortunately, they only do 1D3 damage in Spirit Combat, so can only do a maximum of points of damage, but 6 points of damage should take out most Hit Locations for most people. To me, as a veteran RQ Player, Wraiths are deadly, dangerous and feared. As a GM, they are lovely.
  17. I think they can, at least that is how we played it. Just use the Vampire's Magic Points for defending. Zero Magic Points means the Vampire is unconscious, or zapped to nothingness. Either way it falls out of mist form.
  18. Poach away! I wouldn't complain if someone wrote things about Dorastor, for example. I am sure that others who have written about certain areas wouldn't complain if you wrote about those areas, either. They are really helpful. We got our retaliation in first! Things don't have to be original. My Secrets of Dorastor was essentially an expanded writeup of my Dorastor Campaign, and Secrets of HeroQuesting was just getting all my HeroQuesting ideas into one coherent supplement. The Book of Doom was essentially a writeup of all the spells I had made up in my campaigns. So, if you have written a scenario for a game, or a new monster, or a magic item, write it up for the Jonstown Compendium. We would all be very grateful.
  19. I based the Copper Army on the Terracotta army. You can find them buried under the ground, waiting to be discovered and claimed.
  20. All of my answers are unofficial. LARPing of deities is close enough to what happens. If you know the myths in detail, you can leverage them better, if not you know roughly what happens. You can change the story for yourself. If you change the story for other people then you have to do it on the God Plane, to make it into a myth that they can access. You get your gifts by living through the myths, yes, as a consequence of doing that. Heroes can make new stories and get new gifts, some of which that can teach to other people, as Spells or Skills. Pushing things to the extremes is one of the best, and worst, things about HeroQuesting. Gbaji, Arkat, the God Learners, the Red Goddess, Sheng Seleris, the Red Emperor, and Argrath did it and look what happened to them! Historically, the Seven Mothers performed the HeroQuest and returned with the Red Goddess. However, who is to say that the Red Goddess wasn't there all along and manipulated the Seven Mothers into rescuing her from her God Time Prison? Look at how Yelm called for Justice and brought the Lightbringers to him to make amends and cure the world. Yes, they can,.. but it is very hard to do. However, many people say that you can't do that. In my opinion, if you create a counter-myth then you have two myths, one where something happened and one where it didn't. One myth will be like a rampaging elephant and the other like a tiny mouse. Making the mouse stronger defeats the elephant and people only remember the mouse myth. Purging the Crimson Bat of Chaos is probably possible, but stopping it from having been Chaotic in the first place is very difficult. People in Glorantha know their own myths, because they are told and retold all the time. Worship Ceremonies often have a stage play telling a myth, or story. Sacred Time is full of them. Some people know different myths that are not known by other temples. Harmast Barefoot went to many Orlanth Temples and heard their myths, then he stitched them together to form a new myth of his own, that became the Lightbringers Quest. I have a story where Orlanth gave Yelmalio back his arms, at the Hill of Gold, thus creating Elmal. Yelmalians forgot that myth and their Yelmalio did not receive his arms back. Jar-Eel did exactly that to Belintar. She entered his story as one of the minor characters, and slew him with surprise. It didn't stop his myth, but changed it so that he couldn't use it to return.
  21. C'mere Rex! Whose a good boy? Yes you are. Look, baddies, go get 'em Rex!
  22. Yippee! Holiday Dorastor: Woods of Terror is now a Copper Seller, thanks to the loyal army of Dorastor fans. Now, let's get it to Silver! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/407421/Holiday-Dorastor-Woods-of-Terror?affiliate_id=66807 Also, the Book of Doom is 2 sales away from being an Electrum Seller and starting the journey towards having a Print on Demand option. Won't two lovely people put me put of my misery and buy a copy each? https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/343046/Book-of-Doom?affiliate_id=66807
  23. Yippee! Holiday Dorastor: Woods of Terror is now a Copper Seller, thanks to the loyal army of Dorastor fans. Now, let's get it to Silver! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/407421/Holiday-Dorastor-Woods-of-Terror?affiliate_id=66807 Also, the Book of Doom is 2 sales away from being an Electrum Seller and starting the journey towards having a Print on Demand option. Won't two lovely people put me put of my misery and buy a copy each? https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/343046/Book-of-Doom?affiliate_id=66807
  24. Easy, the spirits take them back once they have been fired. Simple. I have never seen the spell as being problematic in any way at all.
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