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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. No, some of us are attending Continuum, which happens to be at the same time.
  2. They might lose access to Humakti magic. However, there is probably a Yanafal Tarnils HeroQuest that allows them to transfer Humakt Rune Pool to Yanafal Tarnils, and a Humakti one for vice versa. In RQ2, Humakti could cross-train, increasing the Broadsword skill cheaply, by converting the Scimitar skill. I would expect Yanafal Tarnils to have the same kind of thing, maybe not with Scimitars, but with other curved bladed weapons. So, they would keep their Broadsword skill until the Scimitar, Kopis or whatever skill they had exceeded it and then would use that skill. They might still retain Sense Undead, especially if Yanafal Tarnils allowed them to keep the Geas. The same might apply to other Humakti Geases. They might replace their Humakt Passions with equivalent Yanafal Tarnils ones. However, they might also keep, or rename, the Humakti ones. So, they might keep the Love (Sword of Brightness Temple) Passion but use Loyalty (Yanafal Tarnils) instead of Loyalty (Humakt), or they might gain Disloyalty (Humakt), depending on how they left the cult. It might be easy to replace Worship (Humakt) with Worship (Yanafal Tarnils), but GMs might prefer to start Worship (Yanafal Tarnils) at half Worship (Humakt), or start Worship (Yanafal Tarnils) at Base chance. It might be a case of cross-training the skill, in the same way as Broadsword, so it takes a bit of time to become familiar with the way that Yanafal Tarnils is worshipped. Other spells/abilities might be retained or lost, depending on whether they were gained from a SubCult shared between Yanafal Tarnils and Humakt. Now, to read everyone else's comments ...
  3. Shield clearly acts against enemy touch spells. No, it's part of MGF. If a GM's MGF is to make Adventurers punch through Friendly Countermagic, then fine. After all, it's cruel and torments Players, so is good for me. My personal MGF is to make things like this easy for the Players, so they think I am a soft GM, then I hit them with Dorastor, or a shower of acid, or incontinent harpy flocks, once I have lulled them into a sense of security.
  4. 🙂 However, not necessarily. There are examples of becoming pregnant from touching a deity or even being shone on by a deity. For example, Hon-Eel because pregnant by standing in Yelm's Light, in the contest with the Horse Priestess. But, I can't see Yelmalio getting jiggy, except under very prescribed ritual conditions, and even then he probably wouldn't enjoy it. 🙂🙂
  5. I have to check most of them, or I just skip them and ignore the abbreviations. As I am old, I tend to avoid them myself, wherever possible.
  6. I am not sure, I have not looked that one up. BTW (company), a Chinese manufacturer British Traditional Wicca, a set of Wiccan traditions originating in the New Forest region Buckfast Tonic Wine, a fortified wine licensed from Buckfast Abbey in Devon The Brotherhood of Timber Workers, 1910s labor union Burlington Trailways, an Inter-city bus company btw - ISO 639-3 code for Butuanon language BTW - IATA airport code for Batu Licin Airport, Indonesia
  7. If I recall/remember correctly. I had to look it up on Wikipedia, though. Alternatively, it could be: International Integrated Reporting Council IIRC, a reporting mark for Indiana Interstate Railway International Interdisciplinary Research Center, Sigmund Freud University Vienna, Austria
  8. Well, Yelorna is clearly a good deity for hunters, with Catseye, Solver Track and Shooting Star, plus missile-enhancing spells.
  9. Some people pick on a spell and say "Look, this deity has the best spell in the world so makes a better hunter than other deities. See ...
  10. My Mum remembers her Dad taking the Sunday Dinner down to the Bakehouse, then popping into the pub. She used to go and fetch the cooked dinner and pick him up from the pub on the way back. So, the same applied to rural England in the 40s.
  11. Dating his Dad's MILF ex-girlfriend. Yelmalians as rednecks works really well.
  12. Come to Dorastar and experience the might of Ragnaglar's Breath!
  13. I remember the Goddesses involved in the Goddess Switch being named somewhere, but cannot remember where it was. They weren't Dendara and Ernalda, though. One of the long-term effects was that all marriages ended in divorce in one land, but I can't remember the other land's effects.
  14. I always liked this. i saw it purely by accident on UK tv ( BBC 2 ) I think. it was on late at night- I watched the first few minutes out of curiousity, got caught up in the story and enjoyed the rest. It is a funny, heart warming film and describes a HeroQuest. Even the remake, with Vikings in North America, is pretty good, not as whimsical but still pretty good. It doesn' I love the brilliant skiing practical joke, though.
  15. Does it really matter? If we want the canonical Humakt, we can use the one in the rulebook. The other versions are local flavour.
  16. Because life is too short. Your life may vary, of course.
  17. This, for me, is important. I typically have a third of my Campaigns using published scenarios, a third using my own scenarios and a third riffing off what has previously happened. So, most of my Campaigns don't use published scenarios. We play weekly, or at least we used to. So 52 weeks in a year means 17 weeks for published scenarios. At one per week, that is 17 scenarios per year, at two sessions per scenario that is 8 scenarios per year. I can't remember how many Scenarios Chaosium have published over the last 2 years, but I am guessing it works out at nearly 8 per year. Now, up to The Howling Tower, the Jonstown Compendium had published a massive 154 Scenarios. Even at one Scenario a week, that amounts to 3 years of gaming. Sure, some of it won't be in your gaming location and might not be suitable for every game, but it is still a huge amount to choose from. I am always surprised when people don't buy Jonstown Compendium, or other material, because it isn't Chaosium. Of course it isn't, and that is good. It is not constrained by the things that constrain Chaosium, it has a lot more people writing for it, and doesn't always need to worry about producing print versions or shipping from across the world.
  18. Yes, I have used a lot of geases that aren't in the published cult. Some are variants of published geases, for example "Never let a [Something] suffer needlessly", "Never eat [food]", "Cast no [Type] magic", "Always challenge [Deity] Cultists", "Never talk to [People]", and so on. However, I have also used different geases, often gained on HeroQuests. Can I think of any examples? Of course I can't, sorry.
  19. Unfortunately, we are a bit odd, on these forums, as a lot of people like HeroQuesting here. Most people probably don't, which is something I can't really understand, so many GMs would prefer a big Campaign Pack. Personally, I'd like both, now, with the Cults Book, now, but I understand why we can't have them all, now. I have waited 40 years for HeroQuesting Rules and can wait another 40 years, if necessary. That sounds like a Proclaimers song: I can wait for 40 years and I can wait for 40 more ...
  20. Sure, let me know when you need it by. I am working on a few things at the moment, but can start on this in a few weeks, or maybe in August.
  21. So, they worshipped Yelmalio and Tharkantus, if he was a Sub-Cult of Yelmalio.
  22. The last Gloranthan Campaign I ran lasted from 2002 to 2020. We didn't wait for new material, nor did we count any years as lost years. What I did was to write my own scenarios, use published scenarios or riff off what happened in sessions. We started before Mongoose RQI came out, then had MRQI, MRQII, RQ6 and, finally, RuneQuest Glorantha come out. Of those, I used nothing for my scenarios, as they were either Second Age, which didn't fit, or had no scenarios. Had the Jonstown Compendium come out while I was running the campaign, I would have freely used things from it. So, don't treat a year without a scenario or rules from Chaosium as a lost year, instead treat every year with new Jonstown Compendium or Chaosium supplements as a good year. Treat every year that you write and run a scenario as a good year. Treat every year that you play RuneQuest as a good year.
  23. Never flog a dead horse to death needlessly
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