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Everything posted by AndreJarosch

  1. For the upcoming new second Quickstarter booklet i would like to see the cover of the first one, with the new logo (but in red). Here my quick photoshop approach:
  2. You can always make a dustcover for RQG of your liking, if you don´t like what the final RQG logo will look like. Even a unicorn cover with a pink RQ logo! :-)
  3. Great book! I have seen that a lot of the mysteries of "King of Sartar" have been resolved with "The Truth" (TM). :-) I still found one contradiction: page 46: Argrath was born in 1599 page 206: Argrath was born in 1596 Is it intentional that two different years are given?
  4. Two more errata additions: page 5 (same problem as in the errata so far "Left Leg 05-09" instead of "Left Leg 05-08") page 35 Sprukl-Pa (and again the "Left Leg 05-09" instead of "Left Leg 05-08") page 45 and page 46 Harmast and Sorala have the Fire Rune. The Rune in the font that was used in the bpottom of the sheet is the HEAT rune (small circle inside a bigger circle) instead of the FIRE rune (black dot inside a bigger circle).
  5. Hello Omro Gamer and all other people interested in our german language RuneQuest 6 edition Since the book will be in german language only the question of international shipping (except Austria) never came up until now. YES, we will ship to any place worldwide but will have to calculate the individual shipping costs based upon: destination, size of the package and (most important) weight of the final package. That is why we can´t state any shipping rates right now, because for most of the products we have no final weight, because they have not been printed yet. Available will be: - RuneQuest 6 Softcover Edition - RuneQuest 6 Hardcover Edition (almost identical to our our preview edition, which weights 1.55 kg, which will cost about 12,00 EUR to ship Economy to worldwide) - RuneQuest 6 Deluxe Edition (letherbound hardcover book, with the name RuneQuest and some runes embossed - is that the right term? - and metal corners) - Abenteuer in Meeros (two adventures in Meeros + GM Screen) More booklets and books are in the pipeline and can get into print shortly after the rulebook... but only if the Crowfunding succeeeds. Have a look at our crowdfunding site: http://www.startnext.de/runequest Our website: http://www.runequest-rpg.de and our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RuneQuest-Gesellschaft-eV-653122794700108/ Cheers André Jarosch Headman of the RuneQuest-Gesellschaft e.V. (aka The Chaos Society)
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