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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. I would make a case for separating elemental cults from cults only tied to Power (or Form) runes. There appears to be a gender bias in elemental orientation, with Earth hogging female roles after the loss of most male Earth deities, and Fire and Storm with a strong male bias with a few exceptions. Water and Darkness enjoy indetermination. Humakti are a lot less common than their numbers among player characters would suggest, and practically all female Humakti in canon are player characters. (The tales of the Household of Death sound like a campaign log, too, possibly played with WBRM rather than an rpg.) That said, Humakt recruits his initiates from those drawn to him by experiences of Death (personal or in close kin, and/or a deep desire to repay that in kind) which doesn't really discern between genders, as much as by the way of the blade. To become Humakti as a fighting woman is a significantly stronger step than to join Vinga, and is rivaled by Babeester Gor (or similar axe woman cults) which may draw a good number of potential female initiees away from the sword god. Depending on the prevalence of axe women, the cult of Humakt may have between 5 and 35% females in a given locale. The cult of Chalana Arroy is a Healer's calling beyond Ernalda or similar fertility/harmony cults, and with the lack of any elemental connection, has less of a cultural selection bias against males than Ernalda the Healer. Its stict pacifism still goes contrary to the notion that all males are potential warriors, but that is little different from the taboos e.g. a shaman takes on. The solar cults appear to have a strong selection bias against male Arroyans, and even among the Orlanthi few male Arroyans are named - possibly because of the voter's identification which demands martial gear for the males. Whether the job as a physician or surgeon of Arroin is less gender-prejudiced (or even in the opposite direction) is another question.
  2. And the first page looks like a front cover.
  3. There appears to be a page missing or too many? That's an odd number of pages.
  4. Sure. But then, that's the definition of geekdom, isn't it? But look at it in another way. This is Glorantha. We are expecting very high standards for this background, and we like having field days explaining apparent inconsistencies in the setting with myth or other such workarounds. Those aren't holes, they are plot hooks. Pigs are a way of turning the barely human consumable stuff growing around the citadels into meat that is reliably available. Over here, there are farmers herding their pigs between the future christmas trees for clearing the ground of weeds and other unwanted growth. A monoculture of firs doesn't really offer much in the way of human-compatible sustenance, but the pigs get by fine. The curse (or the blessing of the Wild) appears to prevent all forms of horticulture, but may be quite helpful for fire-farming, increasing the yield of both hunting and certain types of gathering (such as wild grains) if done in moderation. Around the citadels, fire farming would probably have to exceed moderation a lot, and lead to a devastation of those lands. Hence, a different method is required. I disagree. The Votanki are hunters and gatherers, and the citadel folk are, too, except for the swine herding. Yes, acorns and beech nuts are possible parts of a human diet, but fed to pigs they are a lot less unbalanced for the human consuming them. The pigs also gobble up earth worms, beetle larvae etc., few of which are welcome dietary components outside of famine. At least as far as urban life goes. Chicken would probably have a similar good conversion rate from fodder not fit for humans to human food, but I suspect that Balazar had some of the "eat no bird" geases when he quested for the pig mother to sustain his citadels. Apart from the pig herding, Balazar is a mesolithic culture. The citadel dwellers may not have been volunteers for the pig herding - Balazar will have recognized the problem of having to feed his templars (distributed over the citadels) by just relying on hunter-gatherers, a life-style that rarely produces surplus food for trade or tribute. Sure, pigs will "gather" all the edible stuff human hunter gatherers would focus on, but unless their human counterpart, their appetite isn't limited to that. I don't know about the Votanki, but pigs will cheerfully feed on insect life, roots and herbs that humans would eat in small amounts at best. As to conservation - stuffing cut-up or crushed meat into intestines (together with grease and unspeakable filler materials) with some salt and drying it (using smoke or just the air) must have been a tradition known to Balazar and the Mralota holy folk he brought from across the EWF heartlands. There may have been traders teaching their preferred conservation methods to the pig herders, too - happened with Hanseatic traders and herring fishers on the outskirts of the League (they did much of their herring fishing nearby themselves, as part of their lucrative fast period food delivery business, but they would buy additional supply from further north). In light of this possibility, there might be a small cooper industry in the citadels, using wicker for barrel hoops, and a significant salt trade to conserve the meat as one staple of the templar and citadel dweller diet. So why Balazar didn't opt for goat herding rather than pig herding? Possibly RQ2 anti-goat bias: with rampant broo trouble, one might want to reconsider that option. But then the usual prey of the Votanki is as prone to broo impregnation as are domestic goats in the forests. But then, pigs aren't safe from this threat either. Another reason to avoid goats might be that the Votanki experience with goat herders mey have been as slaves. Apart from the salt trade, there might also be a trade in ice to the citadels, or otherwise a major harvest of ice in Dark and Storm Season. Joh Mith's trade paths make more sense when you give him salt as one of his staple trade goods. Then there is of course the slave trade - possibly the main source of income for Balazar and his templars when he established his rule over the land. This would mean systematic slave-taking on the more distant Votanki tribes, possibly delegated to rival Votanki hearth groups, buying up captives from mutual raids as they were rounded up. After the Dragonkill, that commodity would have been even more valuable, and I don't see as significant a loss in warriors among the Votanki as there must have been in Carmania, Dara Happa and Saird or among Balazar's Templars.
  5. https://www.sat1.de/tv/die-martina-hill-show/video/21-wo-ist-spike-clip
  6. The Twilek dancer sacrificed at Jabba's court let those tentacles swirl, but I can't recall lany manipulation performed by those "limbs". But then, those things would be a puppeteer's nightmare, and any such manipulation would probably go the Davy Jones way. Having calamari for hair... do these extra limbs have their own brains, like octopuses do? This would also make Twilek mentally different from humans. Interbreeding with Twilek - could it be that the Twilek already are some form of hybrid species from interbreeding with or otherwise assimilating humans? Are those head tentacles a dominant trait?
  7. I would argue for round huts (Fire or Heat rune) with conical tops, probably shingle rather than thatch so that brimstone can roll off. Possibly dry stone tuff walls. Possibly fairly large houses taking in an entire bloodline, with little privacy. I don't expect them to be very much like Heortlings, really (except in terms of initiation probability and how their sacrifices work). There is a possibility of them sharing some characteristics with the Lodrilites of Peloria in terms of village and family structure, with gender-segregated roles but rather little difference in political or domestic influence. From their rulership over Porthomeka, they might form groups of males settling down somewhere before entering a group marriage with wives they attract to their houses. Much like birds, the burden of personal ornamentation for partner choice might be resting on the males, who have to persuade a prospective wife (or several at once) as a group, being tested for ability as well as looks. This might lead to just a single generation and their offspring sharing a house, possibly with special communal huts for the elderly receiving support by their grandchildren when they come of age (to take them out of the parental mating group and in order to pass on some wisdom). (These ideas build on the tales of the log walkers in Entekosiad.) The huts of the elderly might be where the prospective new family fathers present their petition, trying to get women to follow them to their houses (as the final test of whether they are willing to take a meal inside, acknowledging the male group's ability to provide for their wives). Such houses may well have been in cycles of use and ruin for many generations, allowing the land around the huts to fall fallow for long enough to become viable for another generation. They probably have a tradition of unfree servants living under them, possibly extending to temporarily indentured nonhumans (e.g. gorillas or newtling bachelors). Their gardening might be on terraced platforms, with significant overgrowth on the ancient terraces (think Angkor Vat or eastern flank Andes Inka ruins). Those platforms may be left to overgrow for some time before the next slash-and-burn cycle. Growth from the ashes is the main concept in Caladralander horticulture, IMO - whether from slash-and-burn or from volcanic exhaust. A top layer of pumice might be added around well-developed sprouts to reduce the amount of weeds and to stabilize humidity in the soil. What kinds of harvest are likely for them? I think that peanuts might make up a significant part of their diet, fruit seeking shelter by diving into the earth. The latter seems appropriate for their mythology. Sweet potato or tapioca might be part of their main crop.
  8. Can you edit posts made on your mobile devices later on on a regular computer? This is a real question - I found myself unable to edit some of my own posts after a while, whereas I was able to insert corrections to necroed posts at other times.
  9. Griffin Mountain was way ahead of its time, IMO. And Jennell Jacquais also gave us a glimpse of deeper character development with the Central Casting products to provide deeper character backgrounds (in the mid-eighties), with concepts extremely close to those in the RQ3 Gamemasters Book as far as four of the five civilisatory groups are concerned. The Votanki are an offshoot of the Pelorian Culture detailed in the Guide, and they may not have profited from the Theyalan missionaries the way their Orlanthi neighbors (including the variant Orlanthi like the Sylilings, Imtherites and Vanchites) have. Likewise, the natives of Jarst and Garsting (also "Blank Lands" in RQ3 Genertela Box) are likely to be much less of participatory initiates and a lot more of congregational theists. What may be lacking are the ghosts of enemy deities - Pentan, EWF, even Alkoth and Second Council Heortling. Some of the tombs do provide them (Second Council trolls are present). Jeff and Robin talked about the Big Rubble sandbox and how it is a master class sandbox, but as sandboxes go, I rate Griffin Mountain a bit higher. What I would re-write are the mostali and aldryami encounters. The citadels - especially Dykene - are possibly the only Yelmalio cult even more backwards than the Praxian Sun Domers, for lack of rune levels to maintain cult lore after the Dragonkill. (The Praxian Sun Dome was affected, too, but maintained some form of literacy for at least a while). Exploring the roles of Yelmalio and Kargzant in the upper Arcos Valley might be another interesting side trip. Both are Lunar provinces, and probably have Durbaddath and Uryarda in more prominent roles, which sort of relates to the Votanki, and again doesn't. I would expect the Arcos Valley natives to have a way stronger earth cult. Possibly strange in a number of ways, even compared to Lodrilite Oria. But that's one of their marked differences to the Balazarings - both Votanki and Citadel Dwellers.
  10. I don't. I'm ready to take the flak... Accidental drone release in my region might lead to some raised eyebrows... But seriously, take a look at the functionaries of the Empire. Some black-ops work is given to non-human mercenaries, and the majority of the Storm Troopers might be second generation clones (assuming that the first generation was fertile, which might be regarded as a design flaw, or otherwise a continued mail order after the Republic became the Empire). So, who are the main minions of the emperor?
  11. The passions from character creation cover a very small section of a character's possible motivations, but they load significant amounts of percentage on these items. Great, so I end up hating the Lunars 80%, perhaps "Love family" 60%, and I might have "Loyalty chosen leader 20%". Sure, this doesn't stop me from roleplaying the character as a loyal bodyguard who manages to keep a seething calm while his leader negotiates with an emissary of Fazzur to my leader, but I often feel it hinders the character concept. There is nothing to stop me from house-ruling this, of course. No. If anything, I am complaining that there are passions missing from events of the character's life, like "like/loathe in-laws" or "specific in-law". Basically, a character might have a relationship map (like the ones mentioned in the Dramatic Interaction Master Class video from Kraken) which more or less generates a strong feeling or two with each individual and group they may belong to, and create a minor passion out of those as opportunity offers itself. Not at all. For every incantation of the passion to act in favor of the PC, the GM has the opportunity to "coerce" some reaction out of the character leading to possibly less wise courses of action (in the unlikely case you have players whose characters act sensibly), or to use the passions as some form of "idea roll" (aka lesser Divination). Passions and otherwise statted personal relationships are one of the core things tested in heroquesting. Quite often a heroquesting challenge is of a moral, ethical or personal nature. How many heroes have had to satisfy the crone they encountered on the boundary between this world and a more magical realm, whether sexually or doing other stuff that might go against their nature or personality? How often does their reaction to a plea of an otherwise insignificant encounter alter their magic or add another trump card in their sleeves later on, or otherwise aggravates a station on that quest? Tough personal choices, and possibly a character transformation from making that choice, are the stuff heroquests are about. When does the quester give up personality to become another imitation godling, and when does he stick to his human self rather than minimax for better magical oomph? A lot of the personal heroquesting experience is covered by "Dramatic Interaction", and the currency RQG has to offer towards this are passions and to a lesser extent runes. (HQ offers relationship abilities which cover a broader range of stuff and are somewhat easier to use.) But then this is a bit contradictory to my complaint that I look at the RQG character sheet to find documented dozens of things my character sucks at. I prefer character sheets and supplementary sheets that enable the characters rather than those that limit them. It isn't quite as bad as the madness that overcomes the Redshirt of the Week in Scalzi's Redshirts, and I think it may have come from playing with a group of minimaxing power players stress-testing both game system and setting in Greg's games that needed some formula to enable the use of some classic mythical plots. "My character has a geas against eating bird meat, there is no way she would accept a soup from any stranger!" This. Especially for heavily scripted "this world" heroquests where your fellow clan or cult members act up for the opposition wearing ancient masks. Where your heroquest surprise might be that you can see your fellow clansperson supposed to wear that mask sit dazedly in the background while the entity represented by the mask confronts the quester. Heroquests aren't exactly an all reflective experience, or in other words, they tend to be very agile and physical forms of meditation and possibly austerities. Genre-savviness by the characters may be helpful at times, and at times it may lead to deleterious decisions. The old problem of managing internal dialogue in a roleplaying session, as opposed to fiction, or the silver screen with the option for flashbacks. Yes. It isn't just about becoming more like the mythical figure whose path you trod, it is also to sharpen or blunt certain parts of your character's personality. A heroquest should result in some personal meaning for the character, not just some magical power or a decisive weakening of an enemy. Again, this might be expressed ruleswise as gaining a passion or relationship, or altering an existing one. The use of the Power Runes as opposed pairs always adding up to 100 is a game construct whose math I hate. The traits in Pendragon doing the same were a feature there that always appeared buggy to me, too, but then my Pendragon experiences were few and long times between. (When I discovered Fantasy literature, half the material I could lay my hand on initially were Arthurian pastiches (rather than Tolkien pastiches), and it soured the Arthurian genre somewhat for my. Seeing Richard Gere as chromium Lancelot killed off much of my remaining enthusiasm, and not even Monty Python managed to salvage much.) I only played the earlier version, 3 years ago, which had a much different prequel/preparation, but the activities available after successfully entering the Lunar ritual remain what the map of the Gloranthan night sky, Copper Tablet 7 and the description in King of Sartar frame - a bunch of Orlanthi questers representing Orlanth's Ring walking the spiral path of Umath (tracing the week of ascension that Orlanth's Ring inscribes onto the sky as the sky dome rotates beyond it), and this leads them past certain constellations and possibly planets which as a rule do their best to hinder the questers unless they have brought a mythical reason for the Lunar dancers not to do so. It is pretty much a fight against the clock, as the rite will be completed at Dawn. Leaving the path isn't really an option - the genius of the quest is to use all the magic the Lunars poured into this rite for their well-calculated alteration in the stellar mechanics. The questers themselves shouldn't be exactly clear what they are going to release (other than finally liberating Orlanth), except maybe for Minaryth and Orlaront. A good synopsis. If you don't want to make a roll, make a trade? Give up on some of your preliminary mythical ammo to clear that stage? We discussed this briefly in the vaulted cellar of the Schloss where Ian had run his scenario. As there is a prequel quest which gives the players the opportunity to collect such ammo, this was a consideration. But then player behavior would be different depending on whether they regard the quest as a last breath resistance they never expecterd to return from, or whether they expect to have enough of a margin to win this quest that they might actually wish to retain that power for themselves, their temple, or some other community after their victory (or as an existential insurance for their personal support group in case of a major failure). (This is harkening back to the Dragonrise quest discussion, really.) In one of the Kraken panels, Jeff voiced a similar concern about the Battle skill, and how he intends to change the RQG version from a way to decide the outcome of a battle into what the character experiences through the battle are going to be. It really depends how you set up the Dragonrise event. If you make this the culminating final and desperate move of the characters as the means to somehow avert the destruction of everything they had run through, and give them the heads up that return from that quest is unlikely, the outcome of the quest might as well be a massive failure. The dragon might fail to rise, the Lunars might slay it (at the cost of their temple and army?), stars might plummet, a chaos rift might rise instead... If this event is the final episode of the campaign, there is no need to stick to canon. Well formulated ones.
  12. While Hearthmother covers almost the entirety of motherhood, wifehood etc., she is lacking in earth magic apart from maybe minor plant magic (though nowhere near Bless Crops). I wonder whether Earth Witch has a role to play in this regard. The absence of metal weapons is especially weird as the Votanki (and the citadel dwellers) are the only humans the Greatway dwarves deign to trade with. What but metal items would it be that dwarves trade away? Mostali flint knapping ought to be no better than Votanki flint knapping. One answer would be that the Votanki make regular offerings of metal items to their ancestors or some other such power, but the pantheon listed above doesn't really look like it has a deity specifically receptive to this kind of sacrifice.
  13. Sure. But going after scientists with a conscience like Oppenheimer was purely and simply fascist. And somehow the Russians managed to do it better this time, infiltrating the White House. Calling him a patriot doesn't make old Joe any less of a monster on par with Eichmann. Or demand to be worshiped as a god (although he did accept this when offered by the Egyptian priesthood). Whereas the Trade Federation oligarchy led by the Kochs has kept your paycheck stable while exploding the cost, indenturing the population of the USA abusing the very pension fonds that were supposed to create social security for them. They suborned the Bible Belt Taliban by allowing them to throw the first stone against any dissidents to their "pro-life" indoctrination, and use them to destroy any trace of trust in science or provable facts. Different methods, same outcome. There appears to be a strong form of speciesism in the Empire, too - or why are the only non-human people of influence Sith? The imperial army and fleet is completely human, and not for a sensible reason as the police force in Farscape.
  14. I have never been quite clear about the extent to which local enforcers of the Empire were licensed to graft (or rather, to put extra strain in addition to the dues to the Empire) on their little pocket of it. "He came as a poor man to a rich province, he left a poor province as a rich man" (paraphrasing Velleius Paterculus' verdict on Varus' term as governor of Syria) Killing the messenger syndrome and venting your frust on henchmen "too inept to perform the perfectly reasonable impossible task" appears to be a part of US work ethics, as per "The Apprentice", and to make an institution more evil than your day to day workplace it seems one has to go over the top with this in fiction. You might want to add McCarthy's reign of terror in the USA to this list - another senseless decimation of the most innovative minds of their time. Or the current Hire and Fire disaster in Pennsylvania Avenue.
  15. One way to simulate a big dent in the resource ability is to impose a flaw based on the expenditure that may need to be bought down or quested against to regain full control over the ability.
  16. Jernotia is the archetype of walking in the other side's shoes, whichever issue may be concerned (although the issue with Daxdarius and Natha was a clear failure in this task). Rashoran was toted as the Last Born Deity, or last created deity. Of the Celestial Court, I would guess, since the lesser deities elsewhere kept multiplying. Jernotia on the other hand is one of the most ancient deities in their part of the world, and almost has the function of the local incarnation of Glorantha and/or the Spike. Rashoran may have been the coming of Vithelan mysticism to the Celestial Court of the Runes. The Vithelans had the mystic masters already from the beginning, every High God went to study with Oorduren for a bit, and many of the lesser beings of Eastern Myth like e.g. Kahar or Oorsu Sara had Oorduren or one of his disciples as their teachers (and ultimately another one as their nemesis, usually Mashunasan). Sure, the Lunars did some massive syncretizing. Both Jernotia and Natha - opponents in the Daxdarius myth - as parts of Sedenya. Both about balance, but in very different and incompatible ways. Rashoran is tied to the coming of Chaos (other than PreDark) to destroy the world, but also to overcome that destruction. Like Nysalor's, this was a teaching that cannot be conveyed as a meme. Rashoran may have been the bringer of paradox, or perhaps the bringer of the realisation of paradox. The last Green Age transition of the world before Entropy replaced Green Age.
  17. Basically, it was Chris Lemens who played this run of Ian's playtesting who brought up the lack of meaningful choices in the (necessary) series of encounters the dancers would have to go through on their spiral path. The following thoughts are all mine. The Dragonrise is fairly well described in King of Sartar. It is also a one of a kind opportunity - miss this quest, and the entire future timeline of RQG has fallen to pieces. So, where is the player agency in this? Are you just going through the moves, and do all your achievements and pain account for nothing, just like those of Dr. Henry Jones Junior in Raiders of the Lost Ark? If you are playing a scenario like this with the option to fail, failing completely means that Your Glorantha Will Vary significantly. Nothing of the new material will be of use to you. Playing the scenario this open-ended basically means this is the climax of your campaign, and what follows will be a coda at best. That's fine if you signed up for this kind of "trilogy" of supplements. I would probably go for something limited like that with a game club campaign or online play. There is the possibility for a "fail, but" outcome. The dragon rises anyway, but it identifies the dancers of Orlanth's Ring as part of his previous torture, and takes out their communities. What remains of Sartar still gets liberated. This gets into the territory of the 13G assumption that everything has gone haywire. Does something like this as the "fail" outcome of the heroquest suffice as an irretrievable stake of the players, or are they still feeling that their failure had no consequences? If you are unafraid to do high stakes intervention with Sartar, you could of course let the Lunars win, and play that out. The Hero Wars with Orlanth already half defeated, Dragon Pass lost. Maybe Arkat needs to set it right? Truth to tell, I'd love to play in a campaign like that, but it would be Hell on wheels for the GM to manage. I'm less sure I would like to run that campaign, although doing the strategic game in the background would be interesting. On a less concrete topic, how to deal with other heroquests, which after all are quite scripted affairs? If you have played King of Dragon Pass, you will most likely have solved the intermediate stages of the Orlanth and Aroka quest differently at times, like your Vingan quester fighting the Night Woman and seducing some other darkness opponent. There are certain amounts of deviation tolerated by KoDP's narrative engine before you get cast out into the unknown places of the Hero Plane, from which you may succeed to return to a thoroughly f'***ed up clan. Facing a GM with some more flexibility than a narrative engine and steeped in some Glorantha lore, you might find yourself in a different mythical path rather than straying along, or you might have the ability to determine the place you got shoved to and pick up that quest. That won't necessarily solve your original problem (e.g. drought), but it might lend you some extraordinary magic to get you through that loss. There is the issue of the HeroQuest surprise, and the stage with the personal challenge for some (or each) of the questers. Ideally, this should be played out with passions defining the character, but those passions in RQG gained from the family history still are quite gamist and not very personal to the player. (I'm probably using the term "gamist" in a non-Forge way here...) I have problems with both RQG and HQG to create my Gloranthan character that feels real to me rather than an optimized for success action toy. One of these is the lack of a supporting cast of NPCs (ideally NPCs shared with other players' characters) one has built a relationship to.
  18. Just to douse the embers with gasoline, the explanations in Darths&Droids helped my to answer "why Naboo" splendidly. BRPs Magic Point economy doesn't seem to model force abilities well. POW is more like a limit how much you can channel at any given time.
  19. Really? Well damn, that's news to me. Where is this from? E.g. Sourcebook p.120
  20. That's a generation ship already, if only one extra generation. Unsupported solar sailors starting from a neutral orbital vector will take that much to get up to speed. That's where mirrors or solar-pumped lasers come into play, creating a significantly higher light pressure. What's your assumed life expectancy for Jim Hawkins? Stevensons protagonists were approaching ancient around fifty. Our intrepid space-farers might well expect to be in good working order well into their seventies (provided space doesn't offer wildly deleterious circumstances to life expectancy). Aided with implants, their internal repair service might well make a sixty year term of service just the prequel to your civilian career. (Another development completely missing from Traveller...) How spry do you need to be in a lowered G environment? The effects of low G on the human body aren't known yet (unlike the efects of prolonged zero G). Solar sailors would need to rely on rotational simulation of gravity, probably some bola solution for their habitats, or possibly an aquatic environment in zero G (hasn't been tried yet, but might stimulate body musculature better than simulated G). They'd still want some "down" time, e.g. when catching a cold. Poor Chris Hadfield proved that our coping mechanism with the sniffles results in extreme unhappiness in zero G. Nubile 20-year-olds, rather. You don't need that many men on a generation ship. Information can be transported on flight, so what you would want is a small crew of experienced teachers/trainers, a bunch of POs with a solid foundation, and a batch of cadets (and wonder boys/girls) to train on the way. Or you might bring a nursery. That's not that different from deciding to emigrate at that age in an time prior to widely available inter-continental flights (e.g. back in the sixties of last century). The time lag between video messages may be half a day at your furthest, so you aren't entirely out of the world. Hands up who has reached 40 years of happy or at least tolerable cohabitation with their high school sweetheart... The biological problem is that you spend all your fertile time in that tin-can, so you had better frozen a bunch of embryos or at least viable gametes before lift-off. They (or the commune that brought you up) might raise some of your kids in your stead. It's like making the trek across the great plains - you assume that to be a one-way trek. If you get to see the kin you left behind again, that's only because they may follow on your trail. You might (have to) create a sub-culture preparing such spacers, or have them develop organically from their ancestors' choices (like in C.J. Cherryh's space trader families).
  21. Rashoran was a teacher of the Unholy Trio. Not sure it needed another dash... There hasn't been much musing about it, at least not on the internet. Most discussions I have seen were about the Osentalka project, not its main gadget. The Pseudocosmic Egg definitely contained Raw Creation, but encapsuled inside its protective shell. The unlimited potential of the Void is not entropic as long as it is kept away from ordered Creation, or only emerges under controlled circumstances (for limited amounts of control, like the tempestuous birth of Umath for instance). Good reasoning, and yes, that dip into the Ultimate may have earned her the raw creative power she needed to bring back to the world to raise her stellar body after cowing the opposition at Castle Blue. At a price, though.
  22. The land of Balazar has a different relationship to the deities than the Orlanthi, a more Pelorian way with initiates less ubiquitious. Rigtaina is a quite minor hunting goddess or demigoddess and the source of sovereignty of the Land for Balazar. In this latter role she is comparable to Sorana Tor of Tarsh/Dragon Pass, of the Lady of the WIld. Regular sacrifices, no cult as such. The lack of the Earth Goddess cult in the Elder Wilds makes Hearthmother take on some of the roles of Ernalda without having all that magic. I would make her cult work analogous to Daka Fal, only with minor household and hearth spirits rather than with ancestors, and the hearth fire the equivalent of the Axis Mundi. I missed the mention of Mralota, the pig goddess worshiped by the citadel dwellers in a remotely Eirithan manner. Votank is somewhere between Waha and the tribal Founders of Prax, only without the greater drama of "blasted by the Devil".
  23. The Pseudocosmic Egg found inside Feldichi ruins in Dorastor was the instrumental component to bring a new god into the world - a piece of primal Creation waiting to be made alive. In the end, the new deity turned out to be a continuation of Rashoran after it lost its moment of perfection. Arkat's birth was a side effect of Nysalor's birth (and possibly vice versa). Each of them was the necessary Other for their opposition. I still think that Gbaji was the bi-directional mask which separated the two - whoever looked at the other perceived Gbaji. Gbaji also was the border effect between the Nysalorean new reality and the Arkati old reality, a similar effect as the Glowline. The Seshnelan King List provides a few details about how the Nysalorean reality was about to be carried all the way to the Neliomi Sea in the south, and how it was an evil that had to be fought back by the Westerners, with the aid of Brithos. The Vampire Kings of Tanisor - proud ancestors of the current dynasty and religion there - had taken all the wrong lessons out of Illumination already when Arkat's host set out from Brithos and Arolanit. The turn to Chaos happened a lot earlier than Arkat's first demise. I rather think that everybody taking a closer look knows, but hesitates to acknowledge that truth. I see it as likely that parts of Nysalor and parts of Arkat died upon the Tower of the City of Miracles, and that the bi-directional mask Gbaji was ripped aside and torn to pieces in that struggle of two Chaos entities from their own volition. Somehow, an entity recognized as Arkat emerged from that duel, human in appearance again, who went on to curse the homeland of Nysalor into a weirder and more chaotic land than the map in the Guide leads you to believe (the Guide does comment that the map is highly inaccurate much of the time, and at Kraken Sandy told us how so). To get back on topic of this thread, discovering and/or establishing new connections between previously disparate entities or names/titles from different regions is an old use of the hero planes Godtime, and a technique discovered and applied already by the Lightbringer missionaries. The Gods War and the rampaging entropy of the Greater Darkness destroyed a lot of memories all the way into the Godtime, and all of that was pulled together again by the Web of Arachne Solara. Whole chunks of myths or Godtime stories (aka pre-history) had been annihilated, sometimes leaving vague references to minimally defined entities. Other chunks may have been gathered up in the web but never really reconnected (much) to the rest of the world (or Godtime), waiting to be found - usually by some happy accident, occasionally by systematic exploration. Yamsur, the sun god of Genert's Garden and ancestor of Hyalor, might be a prime example of such an entity. The previous sentence more or less sums up the entire knowledge we have about Yamsur.
  24. For certain limited purposes, an "identity" of Ernalda and Kero Fin or of Yelm and Yelmalio can be shown to be true IMO. Shared magic, shared myths (e.g. Lightfore tracing the events of the Young God in the Sky?). These make good cross-over points for experimental heroquesting, allowing a quester to shift their identification from one entity to the other without letting go of the accumulated magic, but afterwards the entities won't be as exchangeable any more. The identification game can be a major form of heroquesting wrestling, where a quester may pronounce a recognition of another quester different from the one that quester identifies with and draws his magic from. The fight against the strongman in Morden Defends the Camp has something like this. In the intercontinental comparison, you will find a lot of myths that are virtually identical - e.g. the making of the Agimori and that of the Dara Happans from clay - except for a few bits of local detail. But their context will have shifted, different roles get emphasized.
  25. I don't trust the God Learner Maps for northern Pamaltela much. The Thinobutan diaspora started well before the sinking of Thinobutu. The first torrent may have been part of the rivers invading the land, but then the Thinobutan creation myth talks about an island raised from the Sea, which is either as late as the Storm Age (parallel to the arrival of the Artmali), or way way earlier when the Earth Cube first pierced the upper end of the Seas. The Man of Gold definitely sounds like a gold mostali. That doesn't mean anything for the origin of those humans. Aurelion's Breakwater is way too far north for any Pamaltelan or Slon connections, though - it is basically adjacent to Ernaldela, and if in the lowlands, a human population there may have been destroyed in the Solkathi flood. I don't have any solid evidence, but to me the Vaybeti Isles story takes place south of the line between the Gates of Dawn and Dusk, not north of it where Aurelion used to stand. Unless there are countless shards of myth that failed to be re-assembled in this area by the Web of Arachne Solara, and any continuous story would only be conjecture in that case.
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