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Everything posted by Pentallion

  1. Hey, I hope I didn't piss you off somehow. I got really flustered when I realized I had screwed up. I've played on other public games where you simply announce the time and date and if it's open to the public then people just join. I thought that's how Roll20 worked too. Anyways, I and my players really appreciate what you did for us and couldn't be happier with the RQ3 sheet.
  2. Yeah, I had a game all ready for AetherCon, but I misunderstood how open games work on Roll20, having only run private games. I didn't realize what was needed to invite people onto the server and thought they could just join if it was a public server. So the game dropped at the last minute. Next time I'll be ready. Unfortunately, I can't contact the fellow who created the RQG character sheet. He does excellent work - his RQ3 character sheet is the best Character sheet of any game on roll20 - but he hasn't replied to me since that incident. Bad enough I screwed up AetherCon, but I hope the experience didn't put him off too.
  3. No sooner posted than Nymphia's player Thomas posts the final diary.
  4. For those who were curious what the great secret that some of the players knew I give you the finale of our campaign. This would have worked wonderfully if they'd kept making diaries, but sadly, they never took much to the diaries. Anyways, in the end, they fought the Dart Wars on the moon and finally located the Red Emperor. He had divined that Nymphia was to be his doom and so he made sure to kill her her as soon as possible. While Azibo and his spider kept the Full Moon Corps bodyguards at bay, the rest rushed the emperor. Jon Rain and Cedi, however, had agreed with their murderous god to kill Nymphia, however, when she fell, they turned on the Emperor instead. For reasons that will become clear below, having dealt with Nymphia, the Emperor then turned on the others, whom he greatly outclassed. They soon realized they were doomed unless Nymphia stood back up again because she had the spear that would ignore all magical defenses and if she hit with it, it would be 15 minutes before that person could cast spells again. And all the players except the one who played Nymphia and Razza knew the secret: there was no Razza. She was a split personality inside Nymphia's head the entire campaign and her player didn't know it. Nymphia believed in Razza so much that she could literally resurrect herself, believing her "sister" had done it. This is why the trolls all thought the Jakaleel witch was holy. So the Red Emperor didn't realize he'd just turned his back on her to his great peril.
  5. Irfanview is the free tool I use.
  6. It's easier than you'd think Psullie. You'll be making awesome sets in no time.
  7. So...two weeks, not more than two weeks. (joke that's probably going over everyone's heads)
  8. That's how we do it. We use Roll20 and have Discord for sound. Here's what it looks like. And some of the cool stuff you can do.
  9. Never had one played in Glorantha or Vikings, but a Myrrhyn was played in Stormbringer. Always liked her name. She was an assassin called Desolation Angel.
  10. So does Chaosium have any plans for Androgeus in the upcoming Hero Wars? Will Androgeus have participated in any significant events in the intervening years leading up to 1627?
  11. Joerg's just being the Lhankor Mhy to my Eurmal
  12. You missed the part where if EVERYONE joined with Malia, then nobody would die horrible deaths. she's the inoculation. I guess there will always be die hard Orlanthi that think she causes autism.
  13. So many unPC ways to make a joke there.....
  14. Ah, but the moons cycles give only the illusion of change. The moon is still there. It always returns to full. Thats a necessity for Belintar to establish Stasis in the Age of Time. He can't do it without the moon.
  15. He was Stasis. He trapped change. He knew one day Harrek, bearing Death, would come for him as it came for Yelm. Then change got freed and when that happened, the Hero Wars began. He was single handedly keeping the Hero Wars at bay.
  16. Malia began as a sweet person who was misunderstood. She found a form of life and tried to nurture it. If everyone joined with Malia and were granted immunity to her diseases, then her diseases wouldn't be harmful and could flourish. But she couldn't get anyone else outside of Subere to understand that. So the "chaos is nihilist" meme doesn't work here. There's more to it. Thed was raped and wants justice. In her bitterness, she sought revenge by bringing in Wakboth - probably by being manipulated by the insane Ragnaglar, her abuser. Her broo are twisted so they always have to rape as a part of her seeking the justice which was denied her by Orlanth. So again, the "chaos is nihilist" meme also doesn't work here. There's more to it. Ragnaglar was insane. He was driven insane when the Old Gods treacherously lured him into the Sex Pit. He's gone now so his motivations no longer apply, but "chaos is nihilist" also doesn't apply here. Wakboth, however, was one evil SOB.
  17. We all know about her gender roles and I've heard the myth of how he was the lone survivor from before men and women were separated during the Green Age. But other than that, all that's really known about her was that he's one of only three "SuperHeroes" in the board game. Someone as powerful and influential as Harrek and Jar-Eel. Yet after 40 years since the game came out, what is really known about her? What are his motives? What is her role in the Hero Wars? How important is he?
  18. I agree. That area of roleplaying is especially deficient right now. I hope it opens up a lot more with the upcoming releases.
  19. Turning Lunar citizens into ducks and selling their scalps for the reward.
  20. Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner! THAT'S going to be my final ruling. And I'm NOT going to tell them until they actually do it. Serves the little, er, serves 'em right
  21. Why do you use a Warding 4 and not a Warding 10 for your example?
  22. Now the idea has evolved into putting the stakes into a net and using a net attack. They get hit with warding in the attack and again when they break free. The Doom Guardians, aka the Knowledge Assassins, are on DefCon 3.
  23. Funny that the Cradle keeps coming up, these were the same guys who took a thick pole, attached chains to it and then tied the chains to the different stone objects found on the cradle and enchanted the pole with a sylph, which, as the lunars boarded the Cradle, they commanded to rise up the pole and spin it swiftly. They called this their Whirlwind of Death, I believe. You can probably find one on aisle two at Geo's, right next to the Easy Snap Adapters, that allow you to snap on your Warding sticks to any throwable object. Being chased by a werewolf? Use your Easy Snap Adapter to quickly change a tree branch into a deadly Stick of Doom. These guys are creative. One might say they think outside the warding box.
  24. yep, good point. The Cradle adventurers were not intending harm, they were simply flowing down the river. Simply being made to move through the warding is enough to set it off. And motion doesn't invalidate the warding as then, as Styopa said, all you have to do is lean against the wagon to set it in motion. So we're back to marketing Hula Hoop of Death (tm) to all the Geo stores. I'm back to thinking God Learner Forbidden Secret.
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