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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. I like this as well. It's only an "earthsense" in the sense that much of the Earth has succumbed to immotion. It doesn't work well on the surface because everything is a mixture of growth and motion and must be like a "whiteout" (or a really, really bad acid trip).
  2. And we all know that Arkat waits to prevent this!
  3. One of my favorite events in my RQ Imther Campaign from years ago was the appearance of a "broken" dwarf near the city of Hortugarth - an escapee from the Imther Mountains. All the rival factions were in a race to get the dwarf for their own benefit. On the other hand, the dwarf was seeking humans (a clear sign of being broken) to aid him in proving that Chaos had entered the World Machine and was in fact being propagated by one (or more) of the latest dwarf inventions. Naturally, the dwarf was correct, the "Motion Projector" when cranked at a high enough speed did in fact produce distorted images which turned into broo.
  4. And the even older set of articles in White Dwarf #24 where the strangeness of the Mostali was first revealed. The artwork here is great though, both sketch of the five types and the color illustration. A gold dwarf held up on a perch by an iron dwarf? Great! A flying dwarf with steam? powered 'jet' pack? Love it. My biggest problem with the color picture is trying to determine which is the Silver Dwarf and which the Quicksilver Dwarf. Based on the text, you might interpret the Silver Dwarf as flying and the Quicksilver sitting by the power box. But comparing to the sketch where the Quicksilver Dwarf has the mask, and the Silver Dwarf squats with the soul prison, you'd reverse them and it makes the text seem a bit strange. I end up inclined to think the Quicksilver Dwarf flies using a pack powered by assorted alchemical compounds and the silver dwarf is doing something to facilitate the magical flow through the 'power box'. The sketch really gets across the vast differences between dwarf sub-types. I would have liked to have had sketches of all 9! (And these really make the MRQ Dwarf book pictures look pitiful in comparison.) My favorite? The Quicksilver Dwarf, though the take on the Iron Dwarf with 'tusks', spikes, etc. is wonderful. Favorite new bit: the Raising of Tharkarn and Somalz. Just use a great cable to pull the parts of the Earth together and raise their ancient cube mountain/land again!
  5. Another section that draws upon Elder Secrets, but pulls in both some classic artwork and adds in the nice fresco of the beastmen. The latter really looks like someone has gone to Nochet and taken a picture of an interior wall from one of the noble houses.
  6. Absolutely agree. The Lightbringer's Quest is a stunning piece and the rendering of the quest in this 'flowing' vision with 'intersecting' pieces is very different. I particularly liked the opening pictures where you have a sense of zooming in to the demonic guardians of the gates of dusk, and the Dark King (the Only Old One?) with his fork and bottle of presumably hot sauce. The Web of Arachne Solara with the gods pulling the net tight is another interesting piece, and very reminiscent/reflective of the cover art. A few of the gods are obvious (Magasta, King Griffin, Chalana Arroy, Kyger Litor, Ernalda), but be interested to hear which others folk think are included (or not). From reading the description of the Baroshi and the Maggot picture, my sense is that it was originally supposed to be full color. It's still a wonderful picture. And great to actually see Baroshi depicted all these many years after Snakepipe Hollow first introduced us to this story. I like the way the traditional cosmology and mythic story is interwoven with the pictures/notes of the Heavens Corrupted, a very specific and distinct DH view of the cosmos. Gives you the sense that beyond the God Learner view there are many other threads that could be explored.
  7. This is one chapter where I wished for more, including the art. The three art pieces were from Elder Secrets, IIRC, and the Gnydron comes across as rather pixelated. I would have loved to have seen a merfolk picture equal to those of the dragonewts, Mostali, or uz such as some interaction between the ludoch and malasp. There are tantalizing tidbits here, though much seen before (again Elder Secrets). I've always thought that there was opportunity here for something really unique and different to develop with the merfolk, but too many other directions to explore first.
  8. Given that it took 1.5 years (real time) to get there and complete their investigations! ...
  9. In my Orlmarth campaign, the heroes have been tasked with learning the secrets to this myth. What the clan knows is the following from Morganeth Whiteeye: Now, listen well. This is what I can tell you so that you may seek the right clues. This is the story of the Hero who rescued Orane: the goddess Hara Orane was offended and afraid of the violence of the world and fled to the Hut of Asrelia. People starved, the land withered. The people called upon a hero to rescue Orane. The hero was Harantar the Ploughman, the spear shaper, who brought the powers of the earth. He carried with him a Seed called Barley Man. He was aided by the Winds and Thunder. He learned the Secrets to pass the Stone Gate, to cross the Bleak Lands, and to reach Asrelia's Hut. There he bargained with the Guardians and convinced Orane to return. But we do not remember what Secrets he learned, what he bargained, or how he convinced Orane to return. Nor are we sure if he carried other powers or tools with him. Guide Dyrrkind's Good Hand. See what you can learn to aid us!" The heroes then set off for Jonstown to learn more from the sages (and possibly the Earth temple there). They learned the following: Scroll #1 From the Resettlement Sagas as collected by Andrin the White In the Gods War, Hara Orane fled from the violence and destruction of the Lesser Darkness and withdrew into Ty Kora Tek’s House of the Dead. During the Greater Darkness, Hardurev the Mortal sought to save his community by traveling through the Underworld to the House of the Dead and ask Hara Orane to return. In preparation, Hardurev armed himself with the Mask of the Barley King, the Earth Axe, the Vial of Tears, and the Song of Love. His journey was fraught with danger, and Hardurev had to overcome many guardians and denizens of the Underworld in the process. In his descent, he crossed the Night's Bridge and chose the correct path to the Nightwood. Bagdalch the Crow tried to steal the Mask, and was driven off, but the Hell Hounds found his scent and pursued him to the Cliff of the Black Pox. Hardurev escaped when he opened the Dead Earth, though the Earth Axe shattered and was lost forever. At last he reached the great stone tomb that is the House of the Dead. Babeester Gor challenged his purpose and his right to enter. Hardurev succeeded there and entered the home of Ty Kora Tek. He wagered he could lay the Angry Ghosts to rest and succeeded, gaining a boon for his family. At last, he persuaded Hara Orane to return to the Middle World, ensuring the survival of his community. From the Jonstown Compendium #24,116 Harernalda traveled deeper into the Underworld until she came to great caverns filled with the moaning dead. There she met the Keeper of the Dead, Ty Kora Tek. During the start of Kinstrife, Orane and Esra had gone to her, seeking protection. Harernalda asked the Keeper to release the goddesses but Ty Kora Tek refused. “Whoever comes into my realm now may not leave. I cannot set a precedent and allow anyone to leave if they have a good reason. Bad times are coming and soon my halls will be bursting with the slain.” Harenalda pointed out that Orane and Esra were still full of life and were bringing vitality and sound to the Caverns of the Silence. “If both of them spend all their time here, soon the cavern will become its opposite and the dead will become confused.” Ty Kora Tek relented, seeking to keep her Gardens silent, but only if Orane and Esra agreed to spend some time with her aunt. #24,125 Barnamakt found her inside the hidden places of Ty Kora Tek's unknown realm. She sat at her loom and wove a new cloth that showed all of nature — plants and animals and people, mountains and valleys and seas. She sewed herself a new cloak from this cloth, and once dressed she went into the world again. Now they must bring this information back and prepare the pieces needed for their quest.
  10. Also, there are a lot of quests/ideas on @soltakss website: http://www.soltakss.com/indexheroquesting.html#HeroQuests
  11. Yes. The largest quest source is Arcane Lore, which is available in the Stafford Library section in the Chaosium Store. It includes: the Hill of Gold; the Courts of Silence; the Quest to Maintain Spirit; Storm over Sea; the Quest of Knowledge; the Wyter HQ; Kargan Tor's Court; Berserkergang Path; Quest for Ten Strikes; Humakt's Hall; The Resurrection Quest; Elovare's Blue Moon HQ; Quest of the 7 Sky Gates; Sun Dome HQ; Path of Lightfore; Tale of the Twelve Brethren; the Crossroads; the Jackal's Path; Alebard's Quest; the Hellmouth; Quest of Renallion, breaker of bricks; Waha's Beast Quest; the Seven Sky Games. In HW, there was Hedvald's(?) Helm Quest. In HQ1, there was the quest of Bush Child to defeat Heavy Earth. Several quests in old TotRM issues including the Blue Boar Quest; the Hare's Riddle; and an Odayla/Yinkin Quest. Lots of material in Heortling Mythology and Glorious ReAscent of Yelm can form the basis of quests.
  12. I think it remains a mystery. I would probably play it as distinct (though whether it is a True Dragon, a Dream Dragon, a Dragon in process of becoming a True Dragon, or something else, is unclear), or suggest that Garstal made his works up and never figured out the location of the Brown Dragon. But it's equally valid to say that it is the Brown Dragon, which certainly is the Dragon of the Dragonrise. Yes. Sorry to quote from something that is not yet fully available. :-(
  13. In theory the bull is friendly as it's one of the clan herd cows the PC's are off to rescue and would not be necessarily averse to the magic. However, it was not immediately near the melee as it was being pursued by rock lizards. My conclusion was that the concentration/activity required by the caster for a ranged magic could not be achieved while simultaneously engaged in melee with another rock lizard.
  14. Yes, definitely self-healing, which would fall under altering your personal state. But, I think there is an open question on other friendlies if they are not in direct contact or engaged in the same melee. The rules imply you need a free hand and concentration for such ranged casting (not to mention being able to see and concentrate on that target).
  15. I believe it does. GS p.14 says "The Brown Dragon: This True Dragon awoke in 1625 and devoured the New Lunar Temple in Dragon Pass. It currently resides in a vast and deep gap in the earth called the Dragonrise Chasm." And on p.160, "The True Dragon spiraled around Dragon Pass, circled Mount Kero Fin and then returned to the huge crevice it had made where once stood the New Lunar Temple."
  16. Tork is something of an anomaly with Jannisor binding the Mad Sultanate, and presumably some surge of Lunar magics, within. But Giant Top, which is the greatest peak in Imther, is one of the Orlanthi sacred mountains. While Hwarin had extended her road to Hilltown, it never went past, never conquered Orlanth there, so likely this factor keeps the Glowline at bay beyond Hilltown. Also, there's a dwarf city under the Imther Mountains which doesn't have the impact of Greatway, but dwarf magics could also be a factor. That seems quite plausible/reasonable. Or maybe that's simply when the Red Emperor/Red Goddess fully revealed the powers of her 2nd Incarnation.
  17. In my PbF game, a question arose on the use of spirit magic during melee (in this case it was to cast a Mobility spell on the bull to help it escape the rock lizards while simultaneously engaged with and fighting another rock lizard), and whether you can cast any at all while engaged. I believe you can, but curious what others have concluded. Here's the various points I can find that I think are relevant. p.8: While an adventurer might throw a spell at an oncoming foe and then engage that foe in combat within the same round, an adventurer cannot, while engaged in combat, attack both physically and magically. Particularly talks about magical attacks (e.g. Disruption, Befuddle), not that non-attacking spell couldn't be done. p.8: An adventurer that starts a round engaged in melee may either attack and defend normally or defend normally and attack magically, but not both. Same note as above. p.7: Most spirit magic spells need at least one hand free, unless the focus is on the weapon (e.g. Bladesharp/Fireblade example) Certainly a limiting factor. p.18: If the caster’s concentration is broken in any way before they have finished with casting a spell (such as taking damage), they cannot cast the spell and must try again. Also a limiting factor. p.16: Cast defensive and weapon-enhancing spells before combat if possible. Suggests this is advisable, but not that you couldn't cast such during melee - just may be difficult. My conclusions: It is possible to cast a spell while engaged in melee. However... This is limited to spells that you can focus on during a melee (where the focus is on an object in hand or visible on your hand/arm) and either affects the object in hand, affects you directly, or represents a magical attack on the opponent. If the spell targets the opponent, then that is the attack on the opponent and you cannot also attack physically. Examples that could be cast if focus is available/visible: Attack spells directed at opponent: Befuddle, Demoralize, Disruption, Slow Spells enhancing your weapons or physical/magical armor: Bladesharp (and other weapon related spells not included in Quickstart such as Bludgeon), Countermagic, Protection (and presumably Shimmer) Spells altering your own personal state: Fanaticism, Mobility, Strength (and others not included like Vigor) Other thoughts? (And I do think it would be useful to have this clarified for the final book.)
  18. My suggestion for Palbar is between 1487 and 1490. After Hon-eel has given birth to the twins Twilight and Nightlight and before she leaves for Tarsh. However, it could well be that the nomads overran this and then went on to the Nights of Horror. In which case, the temple would have to be reconsecrated - likely having to quest to recover key things to drive the Glowline (e.g. a statue of Yara Aranis, a sacred Moonstone, etc.).
  19. Per the Redline History, (GS p.118), "Yara Aranis’ first temple was built outside of Glamour" - it's where the baby goddess was exposed for all to see. She was conceived sometime after the Red Emperor wrestled with Sheng outside of Glamour (which occurred in 3/34 (1389)). In 3/42 (1397), a nomad warrior was tempted to rob the temple and is called First Slave. This first temple must have been built around 3/41 (seven years after the wrestling match). "Emboldened or freed by this victory, Yara Aranis set upon her first trek outside the temple. She stopped to rest on the banks of the Oslir, and there her second temple was built.... This is the place where boats from Sylila stopped to unload and was called Good Shore." The approximate date for this temple is likely 3/43-3/44 (1398-9). You can see on the map on p.297 of the Guide that this second temple is the center of the Glowline and anchors it in all three directions. And from GS p.119, "By the end of the [Third] Wane Yara Aranis had established two more temples". By 3/54 (1409) "the Red Emperor named his daughter the Goddess of the Reaching Moon, and revealed her powers ... The temples provided centers for magical defense, and the "Glowline" which they could set up formed a decisive and permanent barrier against hostile magics as long as the temple was inviolate." Early in the Fourth Wane we learn "The Temples of the Reaching Moon continued to spread from Glamour, and each one built was another trap for the nomad chieftain Sheng Seleris." This spread occurs roughly over the next decade by 4/11 (1420) or so. This indicates that there was/is a temple in Glamour, even though not indicated as a centerpoint in the Glowline. My guess is that these initial temples beyond Good Shore are likely all contained within the Glowline circle that surrounds Good Shore and includes Glamour. Probably include Raibanth and Red Fish. Given that in 4/54 (1463), "imperial troops slaughtered the nomads at Yuthuppa" (which suggests that the nomads were still well entrenched there), I don't think the Glowline reached there yet, though maybe the Glowline pushes farther than the array of supporting temples? We don't know for certain when the next temples were built, but per GS p.148 "in 1496 [5/33] the five-year old child king Phoronestes oversaw the dedication of new ground for a Temple of the Goddess of the Reaching Moon [in Tarsh]." As this is the southernmost temple, it's likely that all the others (certainly Jillaro and Mirin's Cross to connect to Furthest; likely Torang, Graclodont, and Kitor) were built in the 30+ year period from 1464-1496.
  20. Of course! The Dragonrise wiped out a huge chunk of the the Lunar army/government, even as far as the Lunar Provincial Administration. In its aftermath, some of the provinces like Aggar and Imther outright revolt. Tarsh is torn by civil war between the Phargentites and the Fazzurites. The temple at Heruvernalda will be trying to make peace between these two, and aid from the Colymar Earth temple might be considered as a way to bolster their position. As @soltakss noted, it is one of the greatest temples of Ernalda outside Esrolia. Certainly Hon-eel had proved a place for her in at least some of the temple rites. But most of the important Lunar religious leaders were at the rites for the New Lunar Temple and got devoured by the dragon. Who knows what the situation is that the Clearwine priestesses might walk into? Maybe they are convenient outsiders who can undertake the dangerous rites to purge such influences! Nothing lost by the Heruvernalda temple if they fail, and if they succeed, well, great! Yes. The logical route would be to go via the Shaker's Temple and get backing there as well (of course, the Shaker's Temple is supporting the Fazzurites). Or you could go past Dwarf Run. But there are plenty of new dangers. Dragonic energies have been stirred up. Chaos is erupting from Snakepipe Hollow. The Far Point is a target for the Tarshite Civil War. Etc. But the powerful presence of the Ernalda priestesses can protect a lot.
  21. Vanchites are notoriously sneaky and treacherous (they do follow a raccoon god after all). They happily adopt new magics, tools, etc. and trade away their old worthless debris. They are also happy to join heroquests and ransack those as well. One of their favorite things is to accompany Yelmalio questers at the Hill of Gold and make off with Yelmalio's goods after he gets ambushed by Orlanth. Of course, it can work the other way too since they are ostensibly an Orlanthi-derived culture. "Sure, we can help Orlanth defeat Yelmalio", they say. Of course, they encourage "Orlanth" to provide them weapons so they can "distract" Yelmalio at a critical moment. And disappear from the quest with the weapons, right before Orlanth has to deal with Inora.
  22. I like the silhouette in the upper right corner - reminds of old character silhouettes Chaosium produced many, many years ago. Are you tracking Rune Points? That was one item I didn't see, but overall it has a nice look to it!
  23. I like the concept, particularly as presented in the Coming Storm, but have yet to use such. I wasn't familiar with the concept when I started my Orlmarth campaign. I do to an extent for my Nochet campaign, but used some slightly different techniques, though could be fashioned into an R-Map. My Orlmarth Campaign: I presented overviews of the clan and then all the bloodlines including renowned members as with the following. Orlmarth Relationships with Neighbors • 3 Friends (Ernaldori, Zethnoring, Hiordings) • 3 Allies (Taraling, Enhyli, Red Cow-Cinsina) • 5 Enemies (Greydogs-Lismelder,Varmandi,Antorling,Lysang,Malani) Urothorlings, called Bluesheep • The descendents of Urothorl the Blue Ram, the oldest bloodline. The bloodline has always been strong with magic. • They primarily reside at Oranesstead by Orane's Loom, the Ernalda holy site, as well as steads around the Guardian Woods and the Big Starfire Ridge. • Bloodline Members: c. 200 • Renowned Members: Morganeth White-eye, Hantrafal Runemaker, Willandring Windspeaker, Wilms Vak the Bulltamer (thane), Enterossa Three-Sticks, Olav the Carpenter. And the heroes. Each hero also has a lineage (example attached), which has been my main 'relationship' view so far. It doesn't capture conflicts, but does help me place the heroes in the context of how they relate to each other. My Nochet Campaign: as with the Orlmarth campaign, we did a clan/house generation and came up with relationships for House Lorionaeo (a client of House Hulta). Their general relationships include: The other thing I added for each individual hero was a set of starting relationships. These include: Best Friend, Primary Contact, Current Mentor, Greatest Rival, Worst Foe, and Biggest Pain in the ^$@!. These relationships come from a set of Stock/Common Characters I built out so after all the heroes had rolled or selected theirs, there is some natural overlap. For example, Serenalda the Earth Seer got these relationships: While Amanorina Queen's Eye is her biggest pain, is Kalavan's Best Friend and Bruvala's Primary Contact. How does she end up with so many roles? Ah, well, the daughter of the Orendar of House Floraeo is well known in the neighborhood. And that she is active in not one, but two, of the famed Societies of the Cloth, she gets to know many women very well. Amanorina is part of both the Red Thread Spinners, who have close ties to Queen Hendira herself(!), and the Serpents of the Loom Sorority, in which the famed Talosa priestess Serzimarja holds court. Perhaps a chance encounter at the Cistern connected her with Kal. She's of an age with Bruvala - they played together as girls, and likely she helped Bruvala join one of Societies of the Cloth. As for Serenalda, well, surely Serenalda wants to join the Serpents of the Loom Sorority! How could she not! Of course, it has many obligations, and perhaps those do not accord with Serenalda's view of life? But Amanorina is notoriously persistent. The intent is to create a web of relationships, like the R-Maps, that can pull a character in differing directions at points where sandbox play becomes important.
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