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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. I've taken it to be a tobacco equivalent (with hazia being the Gloranthan cannabis and the black lotus dust of the east being like opium).
  2. Certainly a different take given the usual association of Antirius with Yelmalio/Lightfore.
  3. This makes sense. You and your small band are on your own. You are in the Great Darkness. You are beyond the support of kin or clan. It's very likely that everyone in the band must face chaos at I Fought We Won. If successful or lucky, you find an ally and join the Unity Battle. There are likely other Survivor stories that follow similar paths. Some might Sleep, but there might not be a guarantee to reawaken. There were some Esrolians who survived on their own in Nochet such as in the Black Maw, and others who made the journey to the Only Old One (though with him gone, that path might be lost).
  4. I found this an interesting note as well. And the follow-on comment: "People generally depend on others to protect and lead them, both in the mundane and spiritual realms." It emphasizes either that: 1) there are lots of slaves or workers who aren't permitted to join cults; or 2) it is a time-consuming task to be initiated and follow cult practices and the majority of most people's time needs to be spent growing food. Some of these folk may have minor Spirit Magics such as charms, but common magical actions and effects will be a lot less common than in Dragon Pass or even Prax. It would be interesting to learn more about the range of Lodrili practices, though perhaps these might not be overly interesting in game play. p.42 I like the ceremonial mattock. There's an interesting wild and disorderly look to the face.
  5. That seems way too mini-maxing. As @styopa commented: " the statement of intent has to be clear ... not PRECISE" In my games, the players would need to state the specific actions they are taking: movement, intents to engage or disengage, attacks on which foes, use of magic, and then how they are responding to attacks (parrying with what weapon or dodging).
  6. Good to hear as that makes a lot more sense.
  7. Quickstart p.13: Statement of Intent: All participants in the melee round declare their actions. These intentions do not need to be precise, but should be clear. Consult the strike ranks to see who goes first, if there’s any question. You have to decide at the start of the melee round what you are going to do. You are not going to know how well the attacker performs before deciding whether to parry with your weapon or dodge.
  8. It's been commented on elsewhere. The value should be for the Damage Bonus. The MOV value is missing. Correct values for the Earth Elemental are listed in the Vishi Dun character.
  9. jajagappa

    Hungry Jack?

    As @metcalph noted, the primary info is the RQ Companion. It primarily lives in the Convergences. It's powers are like that of a Jack-o-Bear but on a much greater scale (e.g. Harmonize spell to draw prey into its mouth). Only Ethilrist (and Keener Than as a consequence) is known to have survived (and slain) one. Once killed, his soldiers carved it up to eat.
  10. This was where Kodig, son of Vingkot and the Summer Wife was born, and where Kodig, heir of Vingkot was laid to rest. Though the Esrolian Grandmothers try to suppress the Vingkotlings, they keep reappearing: Harmast, the EWF, the Adjustment Wars, now Broyan.
  11. Or you could say they are just two of the parts of Arkat (Destroyer and Liberator) that have returned.
  12. I agree, though for this week and the next couple (cultures and Elder Races) there's likely enough to warrant separate threads. Based on the contents subsequently though I think a single thread would be quite sufficient.
  13. That's an error in the text. That should be the Damage Modifier line and the Movement line is missing. If you check the elemental listed with Vishi Dun in the supplemental character sheet, you'll find the correct information: Damage Modifier 0 Movement 3
  14. Agree - a sidebar or entry note in the initial section regarding the art and descriptions (or a different label) would have been good.
  15. Or perhaps it was originally 3 feet x 3 feet x 3 feet (or 1 cu meter)?
  16. That is what they are. Once you realize that (and it is done throughout the entire Guide), it makes it a bit less jarring, and a bit more thought provoking.
  17. It's implied in the Argrath of Pavis section which is in both editions: "None of Argrath’s people were harmed by the invaders, although some seemed to escape only by chance, some required force of arms, and some needed all the wit they had." The Praxians plundered for two days. It's also where Argrath shows how he deals with assassins (i.e. kills them outright without trial). The first edition simply doesn't provide such dates. 2nd edition adds the dates into the footnotes. Battle of Heroes is coming up in 1628.
  18. I noted in the "errors" thread as well, but these are actually deliberate. The description reflects the art direction vs. the final picture. The description allows you to think about original intent, the art includes the artist's interpretation.
  19. That's actually expected (and not errors) as the text is the art direction vs. the finished product and was done deliberately. It does make for some dichotomies and mismatches, but gives you some food for thought as you consider both.
  20. jajagappa


    I've not seen this before, but it does suggest there's a lot more detail about the Vingkotling period that we don't know.
  21. Looking back to RQ2, the problem actually exists there and is carried forward. Small elementals could damage the legs only, medium up to the chest, large would engulf completely. But the cubic meter sizes are out of proportion. Small elemental at 3x3x3 cu.m would clearly engulf anyone. If the size was only 1 cu.m then legs would be it.
  22. Interesting to see that there was some effort to develop Questworld beyond the article in WF13 and the box set.
  23. jajagappa


    Certainly the name association is appealing. Another site that might work is Orin Jistil (GtG p715 & KoS p157). It's more borderline between Orgorvaltes and Stravuli land, but the Stravuli are a later Star Tribe, so could well fall within the former territory in the Storm Age. (Although the text in KoS suggests it's more at the junction of Creek and River - which would be under the Upland Marsh.) The location where Orin Jistil appears on the GtG map seems more likely the location of either the Skull Ruins or Herongreen (set beside the pinnacle Enduring and noted to have had a Vingkotling fort). Those might be other options following the line of speculation above.
  24. jajagappa


    Interesting thought. Of course, the Kodigvari, who are of the Summer Tribes, are the ones who supposedly inherit Vingkot's blood/lineage, so I'm not sure I'd place Vingkot among the Winter Tribes. But this could well describe how Vingkot united the Summer Tribes: fought and best the Vestantes and the Son of Summer; allied the On Jorri/Orgovaltes; etc. And would explain why those other tribes can't claim Vingkot's divine blood.
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