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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. In Pamaltela, I would say the armed forces of Golden Kareeshtu are supreme. However that largely depends on their yachts and ability to hold and resupply cities by sea. I doubt they are capable of mustering a professional army and keep it in the field for an extended period of time. Behind them would be the Arbennan and the Kresh. Afadjann extends its power through Darleester rather than any major operations and Nikosdros is keeping quiet for the time being. In the East are the navies of Haragala and Hanfarador. Both are coming under serious pressure from the Andins.
  2. There's always the chance it wasn't the Great Sister's urging. Argenteus might just have been drunk enough and whined why he couldn't be the bad guy for once. A ritual involving a sacrifice of a king does take place in Carantes (cf the Red King story in the Entekosiad) but it isn't a Corn Rite. Honeel started her career with the slaughter of the Horse Nomad rulers of Doblian City. Again not a corn ritual. The traditional for the murder of the Emperor would be the Footstool (after Murharzarm). Other places might be Furthest (with HonEel did in Pyjeemsaab) and Oraya (where the last Corn Priestesses were sent in a crackdown) but both those places are dicy militarily speaking.
  3. I think this is Renovus rather than Kazkurtum. He's not a Red Emperor as such (ie is not of One Substance with Moonson) but a legitimate Emperor of Dara Happa. Another reference to him is the TakenEgi Stelae (erected by Invictus, I think) "I was enthroned in the 13th year of the 8th Wane, after the Rebel Gods killed the Usurper whom my mother and sister had given dominion of Glamour" who is named in King of Sartar as Phargentes. Question: how bad is the relation between Phargentes Invictus and JarEel if she makes Someone Else the Emperor rather than her son? Perhaps he had too much of his father in him? I'm inclined to see a Hamlet scenario with Brian Cox's Logan Roy as the Emperor's Cousin (an obscure personage mentioned in a Gregly text published in Tales #8) if that helps.
  4. Basically the magics of the dragonewts (and perhaps Wyrms) as most recently seen on the Bestiary. Humans will probably use rune points to cast them as they are not dragonewts. Their dragon magic will be inferior because of this (no casting on SR 1, limited by rune pool etc). I think there are alternate paths based on Shamanism (ie Daruda) and Sorcery but I'm already getting too speculative as is.
  5. On the subject of Shaman Sorcerers, RQ3's Trollpak said that Mistress Race Trolls could be Shaman, Sorcerer, Priestess or any combination thereof. I suspect it's a case of who is going to say they can't?
  6. God Learners achieved their magics through powerful wizards rather than heroes. Any aspiring superheroes probably had Hrestoli or Arkati sympathies which would have made them targets for eradication. If they didn't have such sympathies, the Wizards would have still gone after them.
  7. 15 year old gloranthans are 15 years old in earth years, not 12 years.
  8. Try HeroQuest Glorantha p100-101.
  9. Minutes, seconds, hours, days and years are the same as on earth. Gloranthans just age slightly faster than us.
  10. When the book becomes available for purchase at chaosium.com - which has been said to be in July.
  11. IMO yes but only from the ancestral version of Lodril that they worship, not the Dara Happan version for instance.
  12. It's just that he's been called Superhero in the Redline History (early version). The other five Mothers were more into becoming Gods than Heroes. At a rough guess, a critical concentration of heroic powers. Arkat, Harrek and JarEel were all forged in epic conflicts that makes clashes between the Red Emperor and Sheng Seleris, say, seem like mere child's play.
  13. Pretty sure Humakt would be hostile to Yanafal what with the business of being kerb-stomped by his devoted warriors at the Battle of the Four Arrows of Light. I think any relationship between Irrippi and Lhankor are best explained by Sayre's Law ("Academic politics is the most vicious and bitter form of politics, because the stakes are so low.")
  14. I really don't think that changes in the Green Age result in universal changes. At the most they should be confined to the Heroquester. There's a visit to the Green Age in the Eleven Lights which doesn't mention the extreme reactions you suggest.
  15. I think the Golden Age begins with Yelm. Even in the Yelmic Cosmology (Glorious ReAscent), the First Era is the Timeless Period of the One while Yelm rules the Second Era. There's no intermediate reign of Aether Primolt who is instead one of the Glorantay.
  16. I imagine unspecialized shrines (ie to the Seven Mothers as a whole) and specialized shrines (ie a single Seven Mother is so honored) exist. Unspecialized shrines would teach Reflection, while specialized shrines would teach Regrow Limb (Deezola), Madness (Jakaleel) and Mindblast (Irrippi Ontor). Yanafal's Truesword would be awesome but it's only available to Chief Priests and higher so wouldn't be taught at a shrine. She's an associate of the Seven Mothers, not one of them.
  17. Seriously? I was offering my opinion (the posts starts "I think...") and did not say 100%. This isn't the place for hostile nitpicks as the following post makes clear: Err. I offered an in-gloranthan reason as to how the Malkioni might explain this difference. That's allowed to be different from the real truth and not a sign of inconsistency,. You are quite free to state your own opinion without using the platform of adverse commentary of another person's post.
  18. Can, not will. IMO the Shaman blame Zzabur for not being able to summon Zzaburi Ancestors. Nothing to do with Malkion at all
  19. Again this is too dogmatic. Every culture has misfits and people who screw up, with the taboos being so restrictive and all that, so it's simply not plausible to say "nope, the Grazers never fall afoul of their taboos". Even King of Sartar has hints of the process when it talks about the Wanderers among the Grazers leaving the tribe p91 and p93. Now since the Grazers explicitly worship Yu-Kargzant, the question then is what do they think about plain Kargzant? Having him as the patron of the impure (who would still be a tiny minority) makes loads of sense to me. Can I trouble you for a source on that? Just getting a bit annoyed that you make all these statements and don't bother to support them,. Yelmalio doesn't have any special association with riding Eiritha beasts than he does with Phalanx fighting. The Praxians would worship him not because he's a good rider (or even fighter) but because he's an excellent survivor. I daresay he's popular among the Impala because everybody else is bigger than them.
  20. They are culturally diverse as King of Sartar describes. Religion isn't demographics. And why so dogmatic about the Pure Horse not having any connection to Kargzant? He would be an ideal god for those Grazers who have lost their connection with Yu-Kargzant but still struggle to for the light. There is no Praxian version of Yelmalio save that worshipped in Sun County.
  21. Their founder was from the Dundealos but he acquired many survivors from the Pure Horse Tribe (KoS p98 and p166) after the Battle of Alavan Algay. KoS p109 makes note of their Praxian intake.
  22. I think those who master sorcery have an intense sense of individuality that prevents them from entering Solace and being re-incarnated. (Yes, there's a huge tension here within Malkionism). Others who have learned some find themselves confined to the Citadel of Thought until their knowledge decays and they are finally able to be free to await reincarnation. That is why Malkioni ancestors that can be contacted have no sorcery or Rightness.
  23. I think the term used was subservient deity, which means that the minor (tribal) temple to Orlanth can obtain Elmal's runespells. This means they don't get HYyalor's Command Horse (but you really don't need to be worship an associate of the Horse God to be good at fighting on horseback - just ask the Malkioni) but they do get Sunbright or Catseye which would be good fighting in the Dark.
  24. That's two runespells and still far too many. Elmal doesn't need a helping hand from Orlanth Thunderous in addition to Orlanth in general. Insofar as Jeff was once talking about variations of Yelmalio (Kargzant, Elmal etc), Orlanth was providing him with Shield.
  25. I don't think Hyalor is an associate of Orlanth while Foundchild definitely is not. And just postulating a anonymous tribal founder that hands out Truespear is kinda heavyhanded. As ex-Grazers, the Pol Joni would be more likely to worship Kargzant or Yelmalio. Some of that will spill over back into the Sartarite tribes.
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