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Dan Z

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Dan Z last won the day on June 13 2019

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About Dan Z

  • Birthday August 6


  • Rune Doctor


  • RPG Biography
    The first game I played was Gamma World in 1978 followed shortly by D&D. In 1979 a friend of mine showed up with a copy of RuneQuest and the rest, as they say, is history. While I played many other games during the intervening decades I always returned to RuneQuest, Call of Cthulhu, and the Basic Roleplaying System.
  • Current games
    RuneQuest in and out of Glorantha, D&D 5th (for kicks), Aftermath (well we tried), Microscope, Dominion, Fluxx, anything someone is willing to run.
  • Location
    Austin, TX
  • Blurb
    'Tis but thy blurb that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Signature. What's Signature? It is nor word, nor paragraph, Nor subject, nor verb, nor any other part Belonging to text. O, be some other blurb! What's in a blurb? that which we call a profile By any other name would smell as sweet;

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  1. His website and domains are hosted on my server. The email should be forwarded to his Gmail account, but let me take a look. I'm still in touch with him otherwise and can try to put you in touch with him.
  2. Are you looking for new to RuneQuest/Glorantha players or veterans, or does it matter? Is this going to be weekly or bi-weekly?
  3. Rick suggested asking MOB, so I reached out via email earlier, but it's extra early in August. I hadn't been asking about it until now, but it's come up via email and here a few times recently, so I thought I'd see what the consensus was. I'd love for folks to use it as a resource for JC, but I don't want to cross any legal boundaries if that's not possible.
  4. I'm the creator of the Adversaries generator. It's a work in progress but the generator is under the Chaosium Fan Material policy (noted at the bottom of the generator page) and anything generated that doesn't fall under that license falls under CC BY 4.0 Creative Commons license (also noted at the bottom of the generator page). The generator code and website itself is copyrighted by me but the generated content is not. Whatever you generate is free to use for whatever purpose you want as far as I am concerned so long as you give attribution to where you use it. The Chaosium Fan Material Policy may restrict the use of generated content from being used in Jonstown Compendium publication (see Restriction 2.a.). In other words, as far as my interests lie you can use generated content for whatever you want as long as you credit me as the creator of the generation tool, there are no other limitations or costs otherwise but it may be that you can't use the content for JC publications based on the Fan Material Policy. I'm trying to get clarification about that though.
  5. Oh, yes, we have four and they love us but the birds, squirrels, and other assorted creatures their size and smaller are sure to think they are a bunch of psycho-killers. They're probably treat us the same is we weren't so much larger than they are. They're certainly good at getting me to stop what I'm doing and open the door to let them out.
  6. That's fantastic. I'd love to take a look at it. You're welcome to look at my code as well though I'll be honest it's a bit of a mess right now since it's been a lot of intermittent work over far too long of a time. I wrote it in PHP because that's what my server supports, and the Chaosium fan license prevents the distribution of standalone applications, but I think it works similarly. It's all data-driven (with some code to handle the odd exceptions for creatures, such as giants whose stats are based on size). I'm using JSON instead of XML but does the same sort of thing with weighting. It sounds like yours is further along code-wise. I probably spent way too much time doing data entry for the bestiary instead of coding. There are many exceptions to how things work with creatures, and I was trying to identify most of them before coding.
  7. Dan Z

    Two Sisters Area

    I'm not sure about the width I was using the map in Wyrms Footnotes #15 and Jeff's suggestions above. Odd Tower and the Dragonewt location I'm pretty sure I left off on purpose because I gave my player's this map (when they were at the Battle of Queens). If I get a chance I'll add them on.
  8. Dan Z

    Two Sisters Area

    Thanks! I should have put that on the map, as it is I can't remember what I had thought of it as but i'm inclined to say (on the large scale map) 10m per elevation line which puts Old Top about 160m in height. However it might be too steep in which case 5m per elevation line would work. Let me know how it goes!
  9. Thanks Jeff! Makes sense, and three being a magical number in many traditions make it an excellent choice.
  10. As I understand it initially players were to have access to all of their cult's special Rune spells along with all common Rune spells. At some point, the decision was made to limit the number to 3 to make it more accessible to starting players. What drove this design choice over a different approach? Were there any other approaches to this?
  11. If I understand correctly (or maybe I imagined this) secret Arkat worshippers protect the threads of HeroQuests. To what extent will they intervene to protect the path of a HeroQuest? How long have they been doing this and do they specialize in protecting HeroQuests associated with the deity whose worship they originated from or do they more generally protect them?
  12. Who or what is Harshax? Not that I'm planning a game taking place in that time period but it's been bugging me for way too long.
  13. Yes, it's still being worked on but it's already usable! https://basicroleplaying.net/adversaries/ All creatures from the Bestiary have been added except for unique monsters and spirits which I'm still thinking about how to handle. And NPCs which require a bit more depth. I'm currently working on both of NPCs and Spirits. I've created a couple of more output formats which should be out in the next release. I'm also adding a feature to allow you to save the existing data and re-apply it with a different format as well as download a plain text version. Currently you can use print and Save as PDF to export.
  14. What, you mean like Avalon Hill or Mongoose?
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