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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. And even Lunars might be flexible. Being an Ogre is no crime, but murder is and they’re fantastically overrepresented when it comes to that, so a local administrator might well keep an extra eye on the Ogre, which might be what the PCs needed.
  2. Storm Bulls don’t lie about things like that. He might be mistaken, but the risk balance between perhaps a 50/50 risk of “unfairly disqualify a contestant” and “ritually introducing Ogre blood into our clan and curse it with Chaos”, it should be a no-brainer. Kill him if you can find proof, or pack him off with excuses and gifts if you can’t.
  3. Wishlisted! Are there any other DERPG products that aren't in the big Bundle of Holding that goes up now and then?
  4. The joke's on the Lunars for thinking Storm Bulls can read!
  5. Ogres have an easy out here. (Since it literally says "all senses", I'm assuming it hides the Chaos taint from Sense Chaos as well. Since eight weeks is one season, this can easily be kept up full time if required.)
  6. Chaos Taint is an on/off proposition. If you have it (and you don't have the correct concealment, like the right thing from Illumination or that Cacodemon spell), you can be detected. Word of God: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/greg-sez/chaos-taints-qa/ This, by the way, only gives 15% risk of Chaos taint from initiating into a Chaos cult ("Knowingly initiate to a chaos cult (join Thanatar) 15%"), but presumably people who do initiate will go on to do all kinds of Chaotic stuff, because otherwise what's even the point? And "Q: Can you be “just a little bit chaotic”? A: No."
  7. More even and precdictable, at least - there are enough buyers and sellers to have a proper market for them, and you can go to someone else if the price isn't right. Meanwhile in Boldhome, there might not be anything to buy, or else, maybe no-one who wants to.
  8. Depends on whether you're paying for the POW or for the item.
  9. The going rate for a point of POW is 200L. This can give you a 1d10 MP Matrix, which is only slightly weaker than a storing crystal of the same size. This would suggest 40L per point of MP in the crystal.
  10. In RQ3, the priest summoned a Cult spell teaching spirit that the follower got to beat up and learn the spell from. This would explain both how it’s done and why only Cult spells can be taught (if that’s the case), while a Shaman could summon any Spirit for teaching purposes but they might not be softballs the way friendly teaching spirits are. Even if you don’t beat up the spirit any longer, it perhaps still needs to be summoned, which would explain a rule about non-Shaman priests only being able to teach Cult magic.
  11. Add in a Krarshtide with POW drain at the end. 🙂
  12. I'm not sure how much I believe in this - sure, maybe in this particular situation you can get the line in place that easily (although you have to get everyone to march properly first, and having done military service it's not hard but also non-trivial to march even as a platoon). But what if you have to rush out of your tents to form up? Form up again after a clash? Stay in formation rather than rush out as Orlanthi in particular may be wont to do? Quoting Clausewitz: "Everything in war is very simple. But the simplest thing is difficult."
  13. Branding makes sense to me - even within a clan, cattle can be personal property yet (presumably) put into mixed-ownership herds, and then it makes everything easier. It's questionable how much it does against cattle raiding though - that's rightful and honorable stealing, and few people are going to listen to you if you make any claims against stolen cattle (outside of the clan - theft within the clan is intolerable). Ear-clipping is a possible alternative.
  14. Yes and no. You don't need weapons training to stand in the hoplite line, but you do need to train in formation fighting, maneuver, and marching. In RuneQuest, this is Battle training, not Weapons training. You don't become a better hoplite by being aces at spear-to-spear combat, you become a better hoplite by holding fast in the face of slaughter and by maintaining unit cohesion. When the clan or tribal militia trains in Fire Season, some of it might be weapons training with a weaponthane or housecarl (although I imagine a lot of that was done by your dad or by whoever happens to be the best fighter in the village), but most will be about refreshing everyone on formation fighting and understanding orders. Much like in any modern army - rifle accuracy is a small part of the infantryman's job.
  15. I don’t know… they are probably bad at impulse control and at planning for the future, and they will (much like Storm Bulls) party until all the beer is gone, but staying alive as a thoroughly outcast bandit (especially in the Wastes) can’t be easy work. But yeah, not working until they have to, sure.
  16. Today in play I likened Storm Bulls to an outlaw biker gang who just so happens to also fight monsters. If Storm Bulls didn't have a useful purpose in fighting Chaos, they would be completely socially unacceptable, hardly any better than Gagarth. Orlanth, Humakt and Storm Bull all found something to differentiate them from mere brutes and bullies (like Vadrus and maybe even Umath). Gagarth went the other direction, embracing it.
  17. I had a powerful Gagarthi heroquester in my campaign, and I did give him a big Dishonor passion that he could use to do specifically dishonorable things. So he would essentially be obliged to break hospitality, and so on.
  18. While Subere is properly dark, like the real darkness we had in the good old days, not this newfangled stuff.
  19. Mt theory goes like this: No, the laws of thermodynamics don't apply in Glorantha, nor does conservation of mass and energy. Even the Second Law of Thermodynamics (the increase of Entropy) doesn't hold. Chaos constantly seeps into Glorantha through the Chaosium, but the Sacred Time rituals purify it into constructive energies. This is also why the pre-Time went as it did - Chaos seeped in through the Chaosium but wasn't purified (because no-one knew how this worked), meaning it slowly accumulated until things went to crap.
  20. Since Darkness is an element, it's not merely the absence of light. However, it's hard to see how tapping darkness wouldn't make the place less dark. Perhaps there's a neutral, gloomy spot that you get if neither Darkness nor Light is there, and tapping either brings you closer to it but not past it?
  21. Somewhere we get Doubleshadow the Worthless, as seen in KoDP, but (s)he might just be an ancestor of crappy alynxes and is hopefully not a direct offspring on Yinkin.
  22. Pavis can only be enriched by having two competing visions for it to choose and mix from when you make your campaign (once the RDL one is out).
  23. Monkey Empire confirmed as restored.
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