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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Got some odd behaviour to report. Ali the Helering says a post I sent him repeated 14 times while I slept... as Avast tells me my computer is safe (and I am reasonably sure it was asleep) might there be a problem with BRP? Or with Ali's machine?
  2. In my Glorantha, as common as going to church on Sunday... literally! Every worship service, having a chance to change reality for the official in a POW gain at the end of the season, for one (not requiring a change in the rules, just the interpretation) and not RAW but I think RAI, by not doing a worship, the bounds of reality shift just a little... enough that doing this, to my mind in a very magical cubic world where even rocks and creeks are magical (Jeff just said this a couple of days ago, but I have played this for decades), worship will also qualify as a minor HQ. Would I go as far as sincere prayer, yes, I would... but varying and all that... Cheers
  3. Can't one be a male Ernaldan initiate... to be higher one has to have been pregnant (given birth to a healthy child)... but that should not be impossible for a Gloranthan male. And do not forget shaman priests, hell even a shaman with the right spirits on hand! I believe Daka Fal shamans can do one use resurrections!
  4. Have not, but if I can postulate... My fave kick butt healer is an Ernaldan! ETA Or a shaman priest of any flavour that has Heal Wound!
  5. Exactly. If the player is advanced and the GM is advanced... magic!
  6. Me, without my glasses I would not have been able to see that either. So do you have Sartar Companion old timer? That's what I was remarking on being cool! Innit (English slang for isn't it). You're welcome! Thanks for all your great questions over the years and your great topics. Well, I believe a pic to make a point is cool, and a look around these fora should confirm my guess. I had asked David Scott on discord about cutting and pasting text to make a point and this one is a bit more unclear to me. How much is too much. I agree with copy-write laws and love Chaosium so I prefer to ask permission rather than posting too much.
  7. Damn, forgot entirely about the best non-human race to play... our friends the trolls! Thanks Andrew! and trollkin too!
  8. Well, you must have noted by now that I prefer an open table with less tyranny from the game master... but hell, I am just human (see what I did there, did ya see that?). That being said, I limit players to baboon or ducks (good call on the centaur) or similar critter that act like humans 'cept with feather, fur, or 4 legs and a harp. Those intrepid players who must have the truly odd usually will have difficulty enough dealing with the culture around them, and the cultures they should be portraying (but probably are not) but what of poor little ol' moi? I have to run the nightmare of a fish out of water or an Elf in Torkan's Last Fort. "Say aintcha a dwarf, shorty!" If the player has no respect for the amount of trouble they are causing themselves in the name of MGF they can at least think of the poor bastard who has to try to come up with encounters, and reactions in the situations they will cause. That would be "ME"! A better GM will than I will have the skills to have a solution for all problems they will encounter with such situations: fer example; a dwarf, an elf and a hobbit turn into a bar*... Me, not so much. I would not even know how to enforce the cultural tropes they should be bound by to avoid such a quandary in the first place. I am interested as well to see how others will answer... so let me get my popcorn and sit back... that's my two bolgs worth. *they were lycanthropes!
  9. Erol, if you are referring to the one above... it is as stated: If @Scotty or another representative of Chaosium were to give me permission, I could paste the two paragraphs of italicized text from this out of print but very much TMed product as well. To save your poor eyeballs the thousands pages of looking... If not, I am sure you will understand. It is pretty cool though, innit?
  10. This is truly odd, not being the joker for once... Yes, I got that sense. Thanks, anything positive works quite well here. We shall see. It seems to not die... It has risen a couple of times and remains very (astoundingly) civil! Perhaps we could be a beacon of hope for the internet... just don't invite them in for a peek, eh.
  11. Rather impressed by many posts today so I have used up all my likes for today! I will have to say I liked this with a post! As above, but you get a healthy belly laugh! Shades of Terminator, MOB. Yep loved this one too! "Your clothes, gib dem to me!" You sir are sick... love it, love it, love it! Wow, that is incredibly cool and helpful too! Don't know about that... we had better run this by that Q&A feller... hey, wait a minute! Sorry all, I will go away now...
  12. Agreed. You know, I have always felt this to be true, but I wonder if you are the first to assert this truth since RQ came back (Holy rebirth, Batman!, Precisely Robin, to the batcave! Fire up the Batcomputer and order a slipcase set!). Which I believe is illegal in some (unenlightened) states! Indeed!
  13. Only if common niceties; like curtesy, decency and sense, are left in one's pockets. Brought out into the fresh air as they should be... well, who knows? Again, you warn against the problems this topic can cause and that the topic will derail, and when I suggest the topic's doors be closed and the flag be taken down, and y'all post a new item... Should I take you serious good sir g33k or are you taking a page from my barbarian's handbook, and pulling our collective legs? 🙂
  14. Me too, dialog seems to help. Who knows, maybe family holiday meals can become festive again! An open question, did I hear of a recent bipartisan committee (do not know where or which level of government) working to alleviate gerrymandering in its sphere of influence? Assuming the folk who host this lovely gaming site put up with our sh!t er, our loverly topic, and this continued interest in wishing America luck, well... continues... let's keep this area civil to a fault. Very serious here good folk. We all know the problems, I do not think they need a forum (but if so, please do make one else where SVP) to discuss them. But, should this joint's doors remain open for biznesss, what wonderful things can we find, and discuss to bring about the discourse that fosters democracy. Our lovely American friends deserve no less. Personally, I think this area has run its course and should be left in cobwebs for now, but as they say in Missouri (or is that Missourah), SHOW ME! Gads, have I created a zombie topic that refuses to die?
  15. The first thing you need to do is explain to your players that you are not the opposition. Unless you are, but that is not good for the game in long term (or short term for that matter) just the intermediary in a great (it will be great, right) Gloranthan story. Hopefully you are there to get an interactive tale told to you and to your players. RQ is quite good for that, long or short term. If they get it, maybe they will be kinder and work with you to achieve this. Page 272 in the RQ G core rules book, introduces DI but only has this sentence on raising characteristics: Their are a few instances (pages 278-281) of DI and cult members in the Cult Section of RQ G. If you have a PDF give it a search for the term for the other specific instances and Shaman notes (pages 356, 357, and 370) on the subject scattered through the tome. You will want to note page 273 where DI and Rune Lords are introduced. Your first reaction might be to swallow hard, curse loudly and vow that your table will NEVER have such egregious munchkinerry befoul it! I suggest you relax, take a deep breath and realize Rune Lords are meant to be near godly (well, very heroic, maybe) in stats. Jeff Richard has stated in many threads here on BRP that DI for Rune Lords is not broken and that they should have this mighty power in order to better be the mortal representative of their god on the lozenge. Of course many players and GMs have said otherwise, and some very loudly. Do a search for Divine Intervention to peruse the 15 pages of the well thought out treatises, the rants and raves and well just about everything in between on the subject of DIing for fun, profit and good characteristics and good luck with the game! Cheers
  16. You most definitely have the chops to draw comics. Maybe you lack the skills to write them, but I doubt that (having gamed with you at the height of the pandemic on-line I know you have the imagination and are quite entertaining), but drawing them is well within the realms of possibility. The evidence is right here. You may need to write them in your native language (doubt that, you have a great grasp of English) or perhaps find a writer you can work with if writing is not your thing or forte. Now, do you want to draw comics? You are the only one who can answer that, but hey, until then I feel quite blessed to see your work here. Thanks!
  17. Hey Jex, welcome... I tried to welcome you earlier but the powers that be lost my post in transferring you here from RuneQuest forum at my request. Oh well. I hope you enjoy your visit and even decide to stay after your writing is done. Speaking of which, I hope you have a great time writing your JC tome. Got to ask, what is your final goal with this? Yes, you are quite correct... it was the centre of the fabric of reality and central (in oh so many ways) to the beliefs of all the homelands of the Core Rule Book. (possibly not Lunar Tarsh, but it used to be before the coming of the Empire, and if not central to Prax I would assume it was well known as a great piece of it sits on the praxian savannah imprisoning the devil)
  18. I should not speak for coffeemancer, so I will simply give my guess. It started with Runeblogger finding some pics and he was trying to find the artist: who happened to be coffeemancer. I believe this is his digital sketchbook, but his select few who get to see it are all of us! Lucky us, eh?
  19. this is interesting, indeed. Not sure I like one over the other but two valid responses. Seems the answer might require the GM and their table to be deft enough to interpret the rolls on the fly... I mention the table, because if the table is rewarded with good stories they might (I like to think will) see the advantages of making rulings like either of these fine choices. Having the table be willing to aid a story as opposed to just aiding the adventurer alone increases the brains thrown at the problem.
  20. Sorry folk, but seems we have drifted seriously off topic. This has nothing to do with wishing luck, an I wonder if a new topic could be made.
  21. This sounds like the classic instance of... "He did not know whether to shit or go blind!"I always wondered about that expression but this defines it. I don't know, but I kind of like symmetry of the inverse of the first... Try hate undead and should that fail be ready to flee upon making your fear undead. But Simon, I have to ask, how did this unfortunate situation happen?
  22. I love it, looks just like it has always looked. Well, since the 90s anyway. Very sweetly ol' skool! And still chalk (man?) full of Glorantha Greatness!
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