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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. I have moved halfway there, spells weapons and gear are in Lunars and the rest are based on standard of living.
  2. I have tried everyone of the clickables in your post and still can not find the Rune Spell References, even tried a search of the work of Austin, nada. Where would I find this wonderful tool? ETA found it, click on RBoM and scroll all the way down.
  3. So, @Lloyd Dupont, I hear ya got a new gig! Be sure to check the contract!
  4. For my first world solution.... Ice Cube does Christmas. Free! Forgive me, the heat made me do it! https://tubitv.com/movies/600039/friday-after-next?start=true
  5. Is this still a thing? Did this trend die out with Lunar occupancy? Curiosity compels me to ask, where did this come from, classic RQ or HQ/HW? ETA got it, never mind... I would like to think so, myself, but I seem to recall some of the high mucky-mucks saying thee nay. Thanks Scotty
  6. I remember the 90º temperatures on the prairies of my childhood as being somewhat better than temperatures hovering in the 100’s (we have since adopted metric up here north of Valind’s glacier and the new numbers are, in my imagination, far superior... 40º instead of temperatures over 100º). The last year that I got to volunteer for our folk festival, 2019, the fires of BC and the pacific north west were sending thick waves of smoke thought out western Canada.. Our poor singers were having hard time of it. Yep, this is an aptly named thread.
  7. No such thing as a high tech machine I would call mister or a second fan, but the temperature right now at midnight is 27º and I am wishing for three more fans. Played a little RQ today and one of the folk playing hailed from Oregon and ( I swear I am either misremembering, hallucinating or simply stark raving mad) he stated the temperature was going, unprecedentedly, into the 50s... I did not know it was possible to hit those temperatures in the Pacific North West but it would explain all the fires last year. And presage more. You titled this topic "First World Whinings" and I am afraid that is true. My heart goes out to those who have it worse. You can be sure, life will be much worse for all of us as we advance trepidatiously into the 21st Century. But we are not all in the same boat and some of the others vessels humanity is perilously clinging to are taking on water, and some are sinking. Let’s hope for the best this summer for all.
  8. Yep, here in the lands north of Valind’s Glacier we hit a balmy 33º and that is way too hot for me. I have ended up with one hell of a headache... and want the heat to go away.
  9. So let’s turn to my original question then, Marc. Any new players to RQ before the change? How did the new folk fare? After you got rid of the CF and made it one player at a time how long did it take you to roll ‘em up, was it better for the newcomers... ? So there was an original question here... enquiring minds and all. Some great thoughts and tips have made there way to this thread so keep it up but... Cheers
  10. Doing some research now, might be time to change to a new PDF reader... did you see my messages about Preview and quality elsewhere in these varied fora? I was in touch with Simeon of Chaosium layout about it. Apple told him it can not recommend its free reader for some of the heavy lifting RPGs demand of them.
  11. Hello Yep, we are all doing so... well good luck in your dice rolling and welcome!
  12. Brilliant, glad you are finding it easy. Me, I would rather pull out all my teeth with rusty pliers then play online. But, big but here, I would not be playing with nice people from around the world and I would not be playing during the pandemic period. Have not found that after 9 months of playing online, and I would love for that kick in... anytime now would be grand 😉! I am now at family history and new player is astonished and delighted (I realize I am talking for someone else, but that is how it seemed to me) with the expanded history," My grandma, the wood crafter was in the supply train for Grizzly Peak and she got a chance to die defending Tarkorlor. Great!” "Are you disappointed?", ask I. “No, this is great” says he! “And me ma saw a king get et by a dinosaur and I still have nightmares!”
  13. Brilliant, glad you are finding it easy. Me, I would rather pull out all my teeth with rusty pliers then play online. But, big but here, I would not be playing with nice people from around the world and I would not be playing during the pandemic period. Have not found that after 9 months of playing online, and I would love for that kick in... anytime now would be grand 😉!
  14. To much info for a newbie to take in, but having it all laid out like the Blank Skills does allow one to double check ones math (not a bad thing) and of course the whole enchilada is too much for a newbie RAW first time out of the barn (I would think a few char gens would be needed to get the hang of RQG) so you will need an experienced person there to assist anyway. I would have to go through it to see if I could catch any errors (OCD) but I have what I need already so I am good. Looks helpful, and I am sure someone will be happy to use ‘em and will thank you for sharing 'em! Yeah, you really do need a chart to remember everything seeing as Char Gen is so spread out. ETA Genericized notes will be handy for the experienced min/maxer who wants the most out of his Char Gen!
  15. If you post it, some one will like it, you know how that goes!
  16. Yes, I did that as well, I would post mine but it has a lot of cut and paste of text and graphics from RQ RiG, meaning I would be breaking several copyrights to post it.
  17. Of course, you are in the BRP section, not the RQ section. Yes, and I prefer this rule! But I know that @Lloyd Dupontuses BRP not RQ
  18. Online (this takes a lot of time more than I thought) brand new player (same), it will probably take me 5 hours... Thankfully new player is enjoying himself I have found this to be true myself. So, far then I am the only one here {or the only one to respond anyway) that has taken a green player (no RQ experience) through Char Gen... True
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