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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Yes, the internet and online gaming does not make it easier. Just getting ready for today and I find a half hour is required to open all apps and windows, and get ready. This will come into play as they begin to role-play. Orlanth bless my sword! This ones for my family! etc. Isn’t intercontinental gaming fun! Got a game starting in 45 so I am off for more coffee!
  2. I think I like this better than assisting the hunter, I believe this was also Psullie's thought as well The cyberpunk interlude was a means to intro the topic, but you have a good point... I am aware that deckers were not the only solos that could make a session a snore-fest. In fact, I am sure there are other possible table hogging adventurer types that could do the same damage to the interactivity of a game. The discorporated shaman comes to mind. Austin Conrad had an interesting take on that in MotM: The Quacken. But I will not give spoilers here. It’s inexpensive. Buy it!
  3. Unless the entire party is hunters this might be a walkover for the hunters and could end up with a few of the non-hunting competitors croaking. But if there are some good hunters involved or some with hunting like equivalencies, this could be fun. Quite circumstantial but in the right conditions... Yep this is an even greater minefield. Not sure, I would love to hear from someone more knowledgable (Not to say you are not, I mean a more official ruling), that is to say... in the 4 decades of playing this game, I have never allowed this. Cheers for the response.
  4. So, who played Shadowrun last millennium? Hands up! Who had a decker? So, what is my point. Well... how does one run a Great Hunt... wait for it... with friends? Those who ran a decker remember well taking over the game and leaving his buds out in the cold cruel game world without a GM to interact with. Sounds like a Great Hunt kind of a problem. I tossed this around in my mind over coffee and came up empty. How can you run a great hunt and bring the Ernaldan herder/Heidi, the Torkani shaman, the Vingan fisher who fancies herself a general, The Argan Argar merchant with a desire to free the trollkin (or at the very least unionize them... this is all you fault Terry, yes Pratchett, I am looking at you!), and the Issaries Merchant (with the golden tongue!!! She’s so good she could sell seedlings to the Aldryami)... along on a Great Hunt with the Yinkin (he’s quite adequate...thankyouverymuch!) hunter? Look, the faces don’t matter, the point is... can you run a great Hunt and bring friends? How?
  5. I would play in such a campaign! Lunar: Which one of you scurrilous slaves is Argrath? Sartarite One: I am Argrath! Sartarite Two: I am Argrath! Sartarite Three: I am Argrath! Sartarite Four: I'm Argrath, and so’s me wife!
  6. Check with @JoergHe is currently doing some course work on cartography.
  7. No worries, I have worked with Austin for over a year and though I am not on that puppy I know he does good work. Glad I could help!
  8. Wow, pre-pandemic proof that Joerg has always written in the style of tl/dr!
  9. You got that right ffilz, and when I responded this morning I had a choice of saying what we did not have then vs what we now, and decided to go with the now and boost the community projects on the Jonstown Compendium. But casting my gaze back to D&D, my poison of choice back in the day, we started out much the same. One could play D&D and have a lot of product or... wait for the gleaming and shiny new AD&D which was coming out in dribs and drabs throughout the late 70s. First at the gate was the MM (go figure, no players book, no DM’s Guide but we had the Monster Manual?) which joined Mssrs. Perrin and Turney’s (?) All the Worlds Monsters released earlier that year. It would be joined by the Players Hand Book in '78 and the DMG in '79 and finally the cult book D&DG in '80s... three years. Chaosium is taking longer in the 21st century but there is a pandemic! And the product is better! The second part is more important, do not let anyone tell you you are doing it wrong!
  10. Well, I know of chariot racing being teams did not know the fighters were teams as well, but as you say... this is not a guarantee of malfeasance.
  11. Truly, it gives flavour! ETA the forces that be have kiboshed the second (Storm Tribe) as the idea of cults has changed way too much.
  12. Beat you to it Ak, look a few posts up thread.
  13. Totally a pleasure Sten. I hope you don’t mind if I call you Sten.
  14. Hm, have had an interesting series of gremlins here in the BRP realms of late. This is one of the latest... Wassup, sir @Trifletraxor? I have seen a few variations of this over the past couple of weeks and today for the first time, had a corroboration of this from Joerg. Time to call the Mostali formen in for a talking to?
  15. I have been a longtime proponent of an idea I saw In Thunder Rebels. The grandmothers would get up before the majority and take bags full of winds down from where they hung and release the small gusts to chase off miasmas, smokes, bad airs and petty spirits of illness. When this was done, the winds would return to their bags, ready for the next day, just in time for the for the early risers to awake to a fresh hearth!
  16. There is a wonderful community content book by Jon Hunter that might have what you need called Rubble Runners. The Dregs of Clearwine by the Beer with Teeth crew, and Austin Conrad’s The Heortlings of Sartar round this out. @Nick Brooke, have you something like this for the Lunars? There might be others I am missing, but this is a good start!
  17. I have barely broken the spine (so to speak) of that good looking PDF, but my gaming group, recovery from Covid 19 and Austin Conrad have kept me quite busy. Let me take this back to the purpose of the original post by Arcadiagt5. Though this is set in post Dragonrise times, can it be used pre Dragonrise. Will there be a lot of work required to change it to earlier times. We play in 1611. As for keeping you up to date on how we find and use it. No probs!
  18. Understood, I have even found that here. I have just stop talking to the individual trolling me and it all goes away. Easy!
  19. I may have to quote you should I run into a similar problem with my table. The amount of work pre-covid was a lot. On-line it is hellish. Hell, I am going to make a preemptive strike and let them in on your thoughts now.
  20. Apologies svensson, quick thread drift. Ali, did you play WRG rule systems or just read the books? Let’s take this off to a PM as well rather than hijack this thread.
  21. You think you are having problems, I keep making dupe topics, sigh...
  22. Nice to be back to running games again Chaos Crew!!! @MOB@Jeff@Scotty@Rick Meintset al. Thanx for making this possible before I died ( I was getting worried back at the turn of the millennium). Now, I just gots ta gets me a game! Oh well, one thing at a time. Ohh, playing ol skool RG 3 games with a brand new RQG chassis, and having a great time! Très cool!
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