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Gene M.

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Everything posted by Gene M.

  1. I'd be into this, though as I am running Traveller on Roll20 right now and running a D&D campaign I don't think I could handle referee duties.
  2. I'm often surprised by how negative and sometimes even hostile some posters here are to Chaosium.
  3. Strike Rank is one area where I strongly prefer RQ2 & RQG over Mythras. I've never been a fan of modern D&D's cyclical initiative, and Mythras is a bit too close to that for my taste.
  4. Just bought it! Downloading now...
  5. Warhammer is so over the top that it provokes more laughter than feelings of dread in me. How many skulls can you fit in one piece of art? It reminds me of Spinal Tap, always turning it up to 11.
  6. That was a great time. There was a lot of interest in the chat from people unfamiliar with RQ/Glorantha so that’s promising. Jeff is a trooper for playing until 5am.
  7. I apologize for mentioning it. I didn't mean to stir up anything by reporting the reactions of just a few people. For the record I do not find the art objectionable, and I am someone (like g33k) sympathetic to the issue. One of the things I like about Glorantha is the bronze age subversion of modern expectations, albeit in a fictional world. I don't see anything wrong with Frazetta, though. It's clear he just loved bodies, male, female, or Martian. My ref screen is adorned with Frazettas to no objection from the players.
  8. I like the cover. I think the new logo works fine. There's been some criticism on Twitter over the woman on the left. I don't really see her as being all that sexualized, honestly. I'm guessing the critics are unfamiliar with the priestesses of Ernalda in some of the HeroQuest books who are depicted bare-breasted in the Minoan fashion. I also saw a bit of criticism about Vasana's armor. To me that's not so far from historical muscle cuirasses, albeit for a woman rather than a man. I would imagine the critics are familiar with the Luise Perrin original, but who knows.
  9. Thanks, all! I appreciate it.
  10. I have looked at your site before but not that page. Comparing with ebay, not sure I can swing more than one addition to my Prax collection. What RQ3 book gets your top recommendation? For Prax I have Cults, Pavis & Big Rubble, and Borderlands.
  11. Although that brings to mind the RQ3 Prax modules. I've heard they're quite good. I assume they'd be as easy to adapt? Anything I should pick up?
  12. Thanks Joerg, that's just what I needed to know. re: Pentallion, it's more something for later play. I was planning on using Borderlands to start the campaign.
  13. So I could probably just wing it and adjust as I go if I notice something unfamiliar?
  14. Hello all, I just bought this on a lark (shrink-wrapped on ebay!), and as I don't own nor have ever read the RQ3 rules, I am wondering if anyone has any tips on using this with RQ2/RQC. I have heard the two are close enough to make conversion minimal (or so I hope), but what should I keep in mind? Thanks!
  15. Ooof, my apologies for not reading thoroughly. You'd think with an English degree I could manage that. Thanks for drawing my attention to that. I appreciate it!
  16. I should say that I do think it's a great book and would work really well for introducing fans of modern D&D to Glorantha. It can also be used as a source of ideas for other games too. I really like the idea of the Trickster class as a bad luck magnet.
  17. I read 13G and it's great if you like big combats. I considered using 13G to introduce my players to Glorantha as I've got a 5th edition D&D campaign going, but when I read in the 13th Age rules about expecting four combats per session I was pretty surprised. It's unusual for my group if we have two in a session. Our playstyle is different probably because I draw a lot on older D&D which, like Runequest, had incentives for avoiding combat. I use monster reaction rolls and morale rules from Basic D&D and 1gp=1xp as house rules in my 5e campaign, which cuts down on combat. Modern expectations for D&D are apparently having loads of combat. So it seems RQ or even HQ is probably the better fit for my group. Still, I think they did a great job with 13G.
  18. Early 2000s design, especially around 3rd edition D&D/d20 for example.
  19. On the other hand, my fiancée who graduated from art school and does design work likes it, although she thinks the Quickstart logo is better.
  20. Count me among the haters, unfortunately. I would buy it regardless, but I am not a fan of the design.
  21. Many settings are highly detailed but ultimately generic. What use is so much detail for something that never breaks with genre conventions? When you dig into the details of Glorantha, however, you find something both unexpected and highly gameable.
  22. Thank you so much! That was very helpful. By the way, the Red Cow books are fantastic and a big reason why I want to try HQ.
  23. I'm new to HQ and have a player interested in playing a duck so if anybody has any advice on that front, I would appreciate it. I'm still wrapping my head round the system, so while I can muddle through, I'm not confident about that muddle. Thanks to anyone in advance!
  24. Got there 20 minutes after the store opened and they were all already gone! Disappointing, but I guess a good sign for the game.
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