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Everything posted by HreshtIronBorne

  1. OH MAN! I just remembered the BEST one we ever did probably. We were running the Cradle Adventure on our Great Argrath Campaign, the second time we had done it. We had our newest member playing the Argrath role, he was and still is one of the most out of the box thinkers I have gamed with. His idea was to use a couple Large Air Elementals we had in the party to power the most ridiculous contraption I have ever even heard of. Our Argrath gathered together several large Pieces of Rubble and tied them together with chains or piles of rope or something. Then he used the Air Elementals to spin this tangle of ropes and rubble just below the walls of the Cradle. As the attackers jumped over the walls with seemingly not resistance, they were mangled by the ropes and rocks that suddenly sprung to life. The next wave fell in, then I think another, before they figured out what the heck was up and how to go about trying to dismantle this deathtrap. It was truly amazing.
  2. One of my favorites from our history was a Trickster PC using Illusion Magic to create a Window in the very top of a Wizard's Tower. It was of course booby trapped and heavily defended all the way up but, the Trickster and Orlanthi came up with the idea of going in from the top. They flew the party up on air elementals and then the Trickster created an Illusory Window in the roof and the whole party dropped right down onto the wizard's lap!
  3. It has for sure happened to us in the past. In our current RQG campaign we are relatively early on still. Just a few years in, which isn't nearly as many experience rolls as RQ3. Lol. In some of our older campaigns our PCs have been seriously duped by clever magicians many times.
  4. In our Glorantha only Sorcery is subtle at all. A Boon of Kargan Tor is undetectable without magical sight. Whereas Spirit Magic like a Bladesharp 1 is a little glowy, 6 is shiny. Divine Spells like Truesword are for SURE recognizable to anyone that's familiar with the cult of Humakt, bright, shiny and recognizable. We leave most of the specifics of the actual 'spell effect', if you will, to the imagination of individual players. We also have sort of standard descriptions that get a point across when we see an unkown threat that is DEFINITELY magiced up, like seeing a death cultist across a battlefield with a GLOWING purple sword likely indicates truesword for our Glorantha. Our GM sometimes also uses language that paints spells like their cults. Like, a Lunar assault force would have lots of glowing red equipment from the Lunar School Spells they are covered in.
  5. I figured I'd revive this to talk about some spell ideas rather than starting a new thread. How many runes and techniques can be combined in one spell? I noticed that the rulebook gets up to four and they start to get pretty potent, that's where Castback is now at, which is sorta akin to the divine Reflection. Which gives us some sort of a comparison point. I was thinking Command, Summon, Truth, and Death could be a sorcerous Sword Trance. It would cost 4 pts base and then scale slowly like 5% or 10% to hit per 4 points of additional spell Strength. Or 5% at 1 pt, 10% at 4 total Strength and +10% for each additional 4 pts. It would sync up with Boon of Kargan Tor that way. Not OP or game breaking but, a solid advantage. Switch out Death for Fire/Sky to Augment Bows or Spears. Maybe it is too weak, 8 STR is only 20% to hit. Seperate/Death/Truth/Command/ and maybe one other Technique or Rune for a spell that doesn't 'Heal' damage but, lets you 'Ignore' like berserk up to Spell Strength in damage to a limb or something, Storm Bull Withstands the Onslaught or something.
  6. You build your own inscriptions with POW gains. And I dunno if you have ever been to the rubble but, EVERYONE seems to drop POW srystals when you shake them. Lol
  7. Philosopher starting package, 18 total INT after fire rune and such at creation. He has invested in increasing his Boon of Kargan Tor inscription through adding POW, and has created an Enhance Int inscription but, it is only basic. I thought he would need up to 25 point with INT and Inscribed +2 Strength. So, he has the currently to cast his Enhance INT and get him to +5 INT for long enough to cast the Boon or whatever else he wants to lay on for a year or so.
  8. Nah. He bacame a full shaman. In play. Just very shortly after being rolled up. He did surprisingly well becoming a big boy shaman. One of our players loves to play shaman and we have had several die trying to figure out how they work in the new rules. Lol. So, this one may or may not have been a tiny bit fast tracked. This clan has gone through more apprentice / young shaman than you can shake a stick at.
  9. Our PC shaman has Spell Extension 2 and Power Within 2, so he cam spontaneously cast any Spirit Spell amd extend it indefinitely. If he sees a fire elemental in a binding he can try and snatch it if it isn't restricted. He can help us swap spirits into and out of crystals and to other party members. He can do all sorts of bonkers stuff. And he is literally just barely past rolling up.
  10. If a shaman extends a Control (Entity) cast on a spirit in a binding they can pretty much do whatever whenever. Which is a neat interaction. Sorry. Didn't. Mean to be a dick.
  11. Well, my LM with just a total of like 4 POW in inscribed spells has the whole party rolling in +2d6 damage weapons with year long durations, +90 to every Lore skill, he can banish befuddles and demoralizes, and he can locate all sorts of stuff. He hasn't learned any spirit magic but, has acquired a couple matrices thriugh adventuring for a Heal 2 and Befuddle so he can go up in POW. He only has 2 POW storage crystals too, both contain POW 17 spirits.
  12. There is no limit to the number of POW storing crystals an adventurer may have, although they may have only one attuned powered crystal at any time. Powered Crystals Some of the crystals formed from the blood of the gods retain a certain potency. They possess various abilities and each also has a POW. An adventurer wishing to use a powered crystal must first attune the crystal. So, the game differentiates between POW storing/Spirit Trapping and the POWERED Crystals. You can have as many POW storage crystals as you like.
  13. Some entities have knowledge or abilities which the wielder can use while it is bound within an item. However, many entities are not very effective when so trapped and must be released to be useful (e.g., wraiths, healing spirits, elementals, etc.). Without the use of a control spell, an entity can be released from an item to perform one function, and then it is free. If a control spell is used before the entity is released, then it can be commanded to perform many actions and return to the binding item. Control spells automatically work against creatures while they are bound in items. Also, a control spell supersedes the innate control held over an entity bound into an item. An enchanter who does not use conditions (see below) to restrict the use of their items may find their bound entities stolen or turned against them by crafty opponents using the proper control spells. Anyone that can use the item can also cast spells on the entity trapped inside: they do not need to be in physical contact with the item to affect the entity with spells, although they must use magical means of seeing (such as Pierce Veil, Second Sight, or Soul Sight) to target spells against a bound entity in this way. No need to reduce anything's MP if you are patient and cast your control spells.
  14. A Shaman defeating a Spirit in Spirit Combat can have his Fetch control it until the spirits magic points are greater than the Fetch's. I am gonna go look up the passage.
  15. There are always Magical items with Matrices. They are more than common enough that a sorcerer might have a Heal 2 or more on an earring or belt buckle or what have you.
  16. I completely agree. Players in our group have a much better understanding of character motivations at a glance and and up roleplaying much more than in RQ3 days, most of the time.
  17. I really love the whole passions and augments system. Like you have said I would like them to be applied a little more liberally than the RAW. That being said, the 'cooldowns' do sort of encourage players to use diverse skills, runes, and passions to augment themselves throughout a season's adventuring.
  18. The high skill isn't the issue. I personally love RQ when characters get to high skill and power levels. The thing I find disrupts the experience is the RAW Skills Over 100 Rule. I think it takes a lot of the fun from high power RQ3 play and deflates it.
  19. I simply prefer everyone having all their skills all the time. To me it feels just as, if not more, epic to leave everyone at full percentiles all the time. Just because someone has excellent skills doesn't mean they should ignore that their opponent has trained their whole life as well.
  20. That is the problem though. They are some of the few npcs that can fuck shit up on that level but with the RAW over 100 rules they would put the whole rest of the party through a meat grinder. Without subtracting percentiles over 100 at least the less skilled party members can parry a couple times.
  21. There are a couple situations I have found in combat where stuff just gets weird and un-fun with the RAW skills over 100 rule. My starting Humakti had 100 to hit. With a bladesharp 4 he got to 120, with a simple success at inspiration/augmentation he is at 140. Still fairly reasonable, opponents are -40% to hit him and to parry most if the time. This same character got ahold of just a 12 point mpm and then used his MP + the MPM to cast a Sword Trance with 15 MP in it. This put him at 290 to Hit and to Parry. Every opponent he faces would be -190 to hit and to Parry. Combined with Truesword and Bladesharp 4, he is hitting for 4d8+4+1d6 with his greatswords. He still only crits on 5 or less and specials on 20 or less. He wades through anyone with less than 200 skill. It's probably just me and the way our group plays but, this quickly led to the battles all feeling like The Humakti Show, lol. Basically the only tool the gm has to throw at me is some other dude that if he happens to get lucky and ruin me, he then decimates the whole party with no chance to resist. Then there is the whole reduction of crit and special, which to me having grown up RQ3ing with pretty epic characters, just leaves me feeling like I never advance at all. I may be winning more but, the satisfaction of a crit or special success is awesome. That's just my two sense about the whole Skills over 100 thing.
  22. In our Glorantha they all stack and interact fully with impale and slash. So My Humakti uses a greatswords, with Truesword he hits for 4d8 and specials for 8d8. The blessing Double Damage (Once armor is penetrated) would fully double whatever damage got through armor, like hitting an Uz or an Aldryami with Iron, so would any of the locational or species specific doubling past armor.
  23. I figured I would revive this thread than create another. If a character with an enchanted item containing Linked Matrices for Mobility + Coordination + Strength decides to cast a Multispell 2. He casts Mobility targeting 2 different people. All of the spells activate when one is cast, so all three spells are cast on both targets correct? This can be triggered with any of the individual spells from the Matrix correct?
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