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Everything posted by Zit

  1. Does a multimissile spell apply to popcorns ? It makes me think... More generally, on which missile does it work ? If I shoot a Trollkin with a balista, can I duplicate him? Do the Sun Dome Templars use multimissile with the Harpoon ? It would make sense.
  2. Beside Simon's account, several scholars mention this trick for ancient Steppe Nomads. Unfortunately, I can't tell their sources, which is frustrating for an historian (comparing independent sources is the basics of historical research). I cannot either tell how much this was spread and exactly when. Ancient Nomads, until early medieval ages, carried their arrows points up in the quiver, and sometime even with a kind of cap above them, making them uneasy to draw and fastly nock. It would have made sense to have tricks to draw them faster, which tends to be confirmed by the above.
  3. I didn't mean "you " Paolo, but "you" in general. I was running out of popcorns Now I've got new popcorns
  4. off-topic - see how the metric system is easy and elegant ?
  5. I don't know about the RQ4 manuscript, I was of course speaking about RQ2. Actually, there is indeed no clear mention of shields in the RQ2 rules (only "bronze weapons and armor"), but the stats in diverse Chaosium publications (e.g. Runemasters) give 24 AP to iron large shields, were the standard ones only have 16. So if I understand well, in RQ4 shields are not considered as metallic weapon and therefore cannot be in iron. I'm fine with it, I was just curious if there was a change. In principle, I think it should be avoided whenever possible to leave points of rule to the GMs. It is true that many GMs make anyway their own rules, but a lot like simply to use the RAW and want answers. But it is true that this particular point of rule can be hardly considered as essential, to say the least.
  6. So what about the rule for iron weapons, which included shields and stated that the HP are multiplied by 1,5?
  7. This is another topic than the OP. From a pure RAW point of vue, Moes1980 now perfectly got the RQ2 rules. Now it is possible to make your own home rule. I think RQ3 made the shields breakable, or am I wrong?
  8. A weapon can break while a shield does not.
  9. I was pretty sure you would like it
  10. Just keep in mind that surrender or run away comes much more often as the best option in Runequest (and in general in D100 games) than in AD&D. Well prepared tactics can save the day. This brings true adrenaline to the game, as Pentallion noticed.
  11. The feeding saddlecloth Note: this item is inspired from an old Kirgiz legend. I used for Wind on the Steppes, and I'm now proposing it for Glorantha. Description: a saddlecloth made of different herbs plaited together. Knowledge: Cult secret (few) Cults: ASSOCIATED Eiritha. FRIENDLY Waha, Issaries. UNFRIENDLY Aldrya History: during God’s time, after the burning of Prax, grass was very scarce. It came that some warriors of different tribes and clans were surrounded by hordes of Chaos. One warrior of each tribe was given the task to seek for help from his tribemates beyond the desert, but the mounts wouldn’t have survived such a trip at full gallop. The Eiritha priestess found the secret of concentrating and preserving the nutritive value of some rare herbs, which involved plaiting them together. They plaited the herbs to saddlecloths, one for each beast. The messengers were able to gallop days long without rest and reach their respective goals. Because of the scarcity of the herbs, very few of these items have been made afterwards, until the secret was lost. Procedure: lost. It shall involve a HeroQuest to find the secret again. A few pieces may be hidden in the graves of old warriors, or kept as clan heirloom. Powers: every handful of the saddlecloth is enough to feed a mount for a full day and remove all its fatigue at once. A saddlecloth has enough food for a full year. If left untouched and buried with the proper ritual, it regenerates one handfull every day. A given saddlecloth works only for one species: size and herbs are adapted. This item is very useful for Nomads travelling over great distances in the Desert, especially if they are in a hurry. It is also useful for caravans which do not need to carry food for the beasts. Value: The more arid the country, the higher the value. 3-5,000 silvers for those who have the corresponding beast.
  12. There is an old French song about King Dagobert wearing his trousers the wrong way (the song does not tell it it was back to front or in side out). An inspiration for another plunder item?
  13. Did you include the special effects of nets (CoT) or whips (as found in the Big Rubble with the Elf-bandit encounter) ?
  14. And I would add, be very carfull with amazing videos of dudes doing incredible things with weapons. It does not always represent the real life, but are from guys who trained a lot for this particular tricks mostly unapplicable in a real fight.
  15. Zit

    Chaosium's new RQ

    It is actually like in HeroQuest with aptitude = broad ability and speciality = breakdown ability, including in the way they improve independently.
  16. This is what I thought as well. So a life rune cannot be used to remove life. But could it be used to stop providing new life, which is different from bringing death ? Like puting the fertility to sleep and making a flock sterile ? I was more thinking about rune magic than the powers of deities. I'm not sure a raw element rune is bad or good. It just is. Is the Earth realy able to provide fertility on its own ? The Fertility rune is there for that, the Earth is only the place or material containing the fertility. Ernalda has both runes. Or could earth magic change the features of a piece of element, that is separating it from the other runes being in it ? Like a piece of land does not accept fertility anymore ? In the same way, can a Earth rune move earth, or is a mouvement rune required as well ? What could then a raw element rune allow to do on elements ? Create / dispell material ? Change features (like rock becomes sand, fertile land becomes dead soil) ? I'm not sure, I think they are only different things. Water can extinguish fire, does it make it it negative version of it ? And what about the Black Sun ? I would say Darkness and Fire are rather incompatible. But this is another topic. Conditions runes can be used in either way, bad or good (which is a very relative judgement). So, I could use Communication to understand a foreigner or to make someone unable to communicate.
  17. Is it possible tu use a rune in a negative way, like the mouvement rune to slow down somebody or to glue something ?
  18. I don't think so. Feints, fake attacks are included in a single attack roll, but only one -hopefully- lethal strike which you place at last. Like in fencing. If you want to strike more than once, use the SR+SR rule. "If the fighter is very good", that is has 100+% proficiency, the rule says. House-ruling is also a most favorite activity of d100-players
  19. That's it. I don't know RQ3 so well, so as far as RQ2 is concerned, to complete what has been said: The fighter with SR6 may attack twice with this same weapon, provided he has at least 100% proficiency : first strike at SR6, second strike at SR6+6 = 12. You don't have to add another +5.. However, all SR are assuming a ready weapon. If not ready, you have to add a flat +5 to pull the sword or draw the arrow... Therefore, when using a missile attack, e.g. the bow, after having shot your first missile, you must add + 5 to draw and nock the second arrow. So if you have Bow SR3, you can shoot at SR3, then draw an arrow and shoot again at SR = 3 (first shoot) +5 (draw the 2nd arrow) +3 (shoot the second arrow)=11 Personally, I'm not so found of details that I prefer a rule over the other one. I think both are simple and work. I'm just afraid that we'll soon need some new pop corns, since this is one of the favorite debate for the RQ fans (together with experience rolls and Ducks).
  20. In RW cultures, extra-clanic mariages is often the rule. A clan is like a big family with common bloodline (mostly mythical, but what matters is that the clan members believe in it), so it is not surprising that the family taboos are extended to the clan. When the clan grows, blood ties become loser but the taboo remains.
  21. This has been called by later scholars the "Schrödinger Time"
  22. Don't forget that more than a ressource for learning skills and cool magic, cults introduce you to a social network with its codes, duties, behaviour, advantages, contacts, social and political power. It determines your relations with other groups. In Pavis, an Orlanthi shall not show-off too much and is a default suspect for the conquering Empire.They are numerous among the Sartar exiles. A Yelmalion probably comes from Sun County, has a consevartive and rigid education and formal relations with Lunars etc. Not speaking about factions within a cult.
  23. Does the Desert Wind, which is actually an emanation of the Storm Bull and not of Orlanth, still blow over the RIver of Craddles ?
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