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Everything posted by Zit

  1. Romans were smaller than Gauls and not better warriors, but much better soldiers and conquered Gaul. Dwarves in old Germanic tales are more craftmen and sorcerers than warriors. You are not obliged to follow the Tolkien trope and have them instead compensate their small size with technology and magic.
  2. A rough solution may be to consider SIZ as the volume and an average of SIZ + STR as the mass. It won't fit to all cases but gives a number closer than SIZ = size AND mass.
  3. That's not all being an outlaw and being exiled, but you need a reason why in the Risklands ? In my campaign, PCs have been condemned to a number of years of slavery by the Lunar authorities and sent to serve Duke Raus as soldiers. This is a simple way to send them where you want and to give them tasks.
  4. Dos this mean that the SRD will follow very shortly ?
  5. For instance "Heroform Waha" with, in the description, almost everything that Waha made. It's a bit weird, with one single Feat you can tame elementals, teach how to survive, dig a canal to devour Chaos, conquer night demons, tame Oakfed and the Wild Hunter and so forth... And the exemple: Air 11W – devotee of Orlanth Thunderous Lightning Spear +1 Feat: The Thunderer +1 What makes the difference between Lightning Spear and the Feat "The Thunderer" ?
  6. Did anyone here clearly understand how the Feats work ? I'm still struggling with this.
  7. Definitely. Plus some additional content and clarifications.
  8. Could this mean that giants need Sun Wheel Dancers to "fashion" babies ? Or that giants makes babies only if they find a SWD to acompany it ?
  9. So in this case who and where is Mrs. Orta ? Or may be the gestation is so long for giants that by the time the baby was born, she had turned into a mountain ?
  10. Or more generally, how were born the big giants babies who travelled Zola Fel ? If Gonn Orta is the father of the last babiy, who was the mother ?
  11. this is a very important point. Your posts must clearly show that you are expecting a response (if you are expecting one), otherwise you may wait for a very long time. I'd also add: Try to avoid too long texts with too much info. This is a true challenge. Considering the very slow pace, expect your players to forget the details of what happened a few months ago and who are the NPC their characters are supposed to know (at least their names). For a long term campaign, iI'd allow faster character improvement, otherwise you'll be dead IRL before any character becomes a rune lord.
  12. psychic combat is pretty much the same, isn't it (I don't have the rules at hand) ?
  13. I'm not sure that all the differences cited by @Atgxtg really matter. What is important is if you can use the statsblocks of RQ3 in a BRP game and I think it would be quite easy since they are almost same. The way they are used may differ but you actually don't really care if the experience rolls are different, skills capped in RQ and not BRP (just stop capping them) or even if attack and parry are separate (use only best of both). You may just add 50% of the armour/weapon APs and that's it. (is there no strike rank option in BR:UGE ? It was in the prevous version). Magic may be trickier but I'm not even sure.
  14. I'm not sure you should balance the stats. Species are as they are, some are luckier than others. For your lizard-like creatures, you may want to have a look at the RQ's dragonewts.
  15. Is there any update on the several projects ?
  16. I played RQ2 for decades. A great game, with the right level of complexity (to my taste of course). I started role playing with it, and never had any diificulty to understand the rules which I never found not well organized. I changed only for RQ:G (and Heroquest:G which is a different approach). There was an undescriptible feeling in this game, a way to subtly stand back and not forget that it is just for fun. I never need for RQ3, although I bought it. And I love the Defense %.
  17. Unless the intention is to leave it to the players imagination. May be the text should have explicited this (but it is an old school scenario). You don't have to fight them, you can just crawl through them, counting on your armour or protection spell. Sword fighting is seldom the only option and very often even the worst one. In the scenario, it is written that killing one rat disperses the whole pack. So using Disruption is a good solution. It is a spell widely used to hunt small preys or fight small pest.
  18. It is just that killing rat packs with a sword is not the right way to do, like digging a tunnel with a spoon or trying to destroy a mosquitos swarm wirth a hammer. It is perfectly consistant and players shall acknowledge it and find another way.
  19. My understanding is that it depends on the granularity you want, as explained in the Equipment chapter (note that I'm refering to the former editionof BRP). "Speciality" refers to a skill, while "weapon class" to a family of items. If you choose a rough granularity, the default rule, then speciality = weapon class and all weapons of a single class are included in the skill, all at the same rating. Note that in old Runequest 2, which is the origin of the BRP, swords were divided into 1H and 2H -and even Shortsword was a class- which explains the difference between Great Sword 5% and 1H swords 15%. If you choose a more acurate granularity, each speciality is a single weapon (ex shortsword) with its own base rating and specialities do not correspond exactly to weapon classes. Weapons are still gathered in weapon classes as items, not as skills, with the only advantage that using a weapon of the same class is easier (either with the method explained above by @Mugen or at 1/2 rating -GM's choice) than starting at base rating.
  20. The particular case of a parrying weapon (and shield) is a bit different but is clearly detailed, so there is no ambiguity here. (and the OP is about protection magic)
  21. "A critical hit ignores the effects of armor or any other protection". Ward Againt Weapon is a protection, wether or not it acts as an armour is RAW irrelevant.
  22. It would open the game to players not interested in accurate simulation. You may even limit the combat effects to the most used (or to the ones you'd like to be used the most). May be simplify the Karma rules as well, even without Karma-points economy (like instead allow to re-roll or shift the success level or exchange the dice or bestow a bonus...), or at least without die-rolling the gain. Note that I'm competely out of the Anime-geekism and I never played DD100, so I may be wrong.
  23. Le Maître des Runes, French supplement for RQ3 by Oriflam (no clue if it was a translation of an English original nor if it can be found anywhere now). Tu ne devrais pas avoir de problème pour le lire 🙂
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