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Everything posted by nclarke

  1. Sorry, tell that to my Laundry group that had one PC lose his ear, one get trampled to death, one get a chunk out of his buttocks and one who lost much of his face. True, the creature weren't exactly a horse but a juvenile Equoid (uprated a bit from basic horse stats).
  2. I've flicked through BRP Rome and Cthulhu Invictus, neither have any stats for soldiers that I saw.
  3. Where would you find what? The enemy generator link can be found on the DM forum. designmechanism.freeforums.org A web search for 'runequest character generator' will find other stuff plus I think there's a link in the Mongoose Legend forum somewhere. I think that there is a BRP chargen program done by a German programmer that you might find with 'BRP character generator'. Not sure how hard it is to take the stats I posted and adjust them to suit your game but if you can't manage that then the various generators probably aren't going to help you.
  4. You could look at the on-line Enemy generator that was done for RQ6, that can put out groups of NPCs that could easily be changed to meet your BRP need. There are several more applications that do groups of NPCs for various version of RQ which would be close enough for BRP. Here's a Lankhmarine from MGP's Lankhmar book based on their Runequest II/Legend game that might help you. Lankhmarine Combat Styles War Sword 118%, Unarmed 54% Weapons Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP Range War sword M M 1D8 6/10 — Unarmed S S 1D3 As for Arm — Special Rules Combat Actions:4 Strike Rank: +12 (+16) Skills: Athletics 53%, Boating 47%, Evade 83%, Influence 32%, Lore (World) 39%, Perception 62%, Persistence 50%, Resilience 63%, Swimming 53%, Language (Native) 73%, Survival 32%, Shiphandling 42% Typical Armour: Ringmail shirt and leather trews (–4 penalty)
  5. Vorax, if you read some of the options you can take when you have someone in a Grapple hold it's obvious (at least to me) that they are in addition to the maintaining a Grapple test. You couldn't Choke someone under these rules with out being able to continue the Grapple and use the Choke action in the same round. It says that you have to use a Grapple test successfully to maintain the hold and Choke requires a victim in the Grapple hold to make a successful Endurance roll or take damage each round. You can't maintain the Grapple without making a successful Grapple test (and if it is a Special success it makes the Endurance test harder). Ergo the Grapple test is made each turn before the Choke test and if failed (or Parried or Dodged) the victim gets free. Similarly if the Grapple test is successful and the victim parries successfully or succeeds in their own Grapple skill check then there is no Grapple Hold and the action choices are not available. Someone with a decent Parry or Dodge is unlikely to be held in a Grapple using these rules unless there is some other factor involved.
  6. Paul, reading the text 'Your character must make a successful Grapple roll...' implies to me that you start a combat with a Grapple skill test. This establishes a Grapple hold. The next turn you make Grapple test to continue the hold and can apply one of the actions listed. The sequence given suggests that on the first turn you can only establish the hold and on the second and subsequent turns can take appropriate actions. But then that's how I read it, try it both ways and see how it plays out. Nigel
  7. So you have had a bunch of people trying to help you when you haven't even tried to do an upload! I pointed you to the FAQ and gave you the link on how to include images and now I find that was a complete waste of my time. Sorry but you need to take some responsibility for working things out yourself not blindly post requests for assistance for something you didn't even try and thus waste people's time. I'm afraid that responding to you with help has now become unlikely in my case.
  8. Is the board trying to tell you something? :-)
  9. If you go to the Forum tab and select FAQ you can find the Board FAQ. Under the Reading and Posting Messages section you'll find a sub-section Attachments and Images which has what you want for in-line images etc. Here's a direct link. http://basicroleplaying.com/faq.php?faq=vb3_reading_posting#faq_vb3_attachments There isn't a FAQ for Uploads so send a PM to the board owner Trifletraxor for help. IIRC it was soemthing like 25 posts for uploads but YMMV.
  10. I've played the scenarios from the A!C Zero Point campaign but with various versions of FATE rather than SW or the other options. I don't have the actual A!C material though. World War Cthulhu is just a setting book for CoC 6e so play is literally plain CoC with added weapons and character choices for WW2 with some sections covering disguise, fitting in to your cover in Occupied Europe and some military tactics stuff plus a lot of background on every aspect of the period (black markets etc). The included scenario is, or rather looks like, a great start. I know that the notorious Scott Dorward has been signed up to provide a scenario book for WWC so expect mind wrenching horror and possibly dead babies.
  11. Adapting the vehicular rules from the BGB would probably work ok. It just needs a chart covering manoeuvers, maybe utilising a sort of Resistance chart with opposed Piloting skills to pull off an Immelmann and a set of weapon charts for the heavier cannon and MGs found on aircraft. I've been toying with rules for small boats, Schenellboote, MTB's etc. for WW Cthulhu. I've always wondered why we have the minigun Vulcan gatling thing for modern era but not things like 20mm, 30mm and 40mm cannon for anti-vehicular use. I thought it was so we could do games of Predator in the jungle with Arnie personally :-)
  12. OP, have you asked on the Modiphius forum? That's probably the best place to start as any rules are written specially for their game AFAICT. http://www.modiphius.com/forum.html#/achtung-cthulhu/
  13. If you ordered a hard bound copy then it'll be a new printing as they didn't do a hard bound version of the first printing. The versions out are; soft cover (nearly all gone), premium hardbound in slipcase (all gone I believe) and now hardbound (shipping later this month). I suspect that the low cost pdf was to get the rules out while they prep the Mythic Britain and other settings books. If people have the base rules they are probably more likely to buy a setting book, or the Monster Island book etc. I'm sure that DM have made enough off the KS's for the premium version and the original soft cover to fund their business plan for 2014.
  14. Don't forget John Ossoway's excellent Cthulhu Rising with Lovecraft in the Alien franchise universe. It uses BRP BGB rule options to give an excellent representation of the gritty scifi universe. As a stand-alone monograph it's one of the best there is. I've runa great campaign using that and the supporting material that he put out. Look for River of Heaven later this year for his new take on sci fi action.
  15. Talking of scalding armour, there was a piece of the Battle of Nations FMA 2013 meet last night on UK tv. The whole thing was pretty interesting and the comments about heat problems from the participants in the warmth of southern France were very useful. The amour seemed to be a sort of mix of D&D 'plate mail' with splint arm and leg protection overlaying a lot of padding. The combat was fairly brutal even with blunt weapons - bruises, minor cuts and broken bones appeared to be very common. The group fighting seemed to be a case of gang up on an opponent and smash him until he collapsed or force him to the ground with a grapple. The 15th century helmets provided a lot of protection for the head and that was need as the maces they used were wielded with vigour and effect. The swift exhaustion of the combatants meant that a bout was over in a few minutes, 2 or three seemingly. So strenuous activity in heavy armour in 30 degree (Celsius) weather is not for the ill-trained or physically less able. I found it a useful indication of the issues of melee combat and medieval armour.
  16. Mongoose did an Empires book that covers much of this material. Don't know (sorry, can't be bothered to check) if it's still available through RPGNow.
  17. I blame the Victorians for chain mail and Gary for promulgating something from the 19th century into a game. After that people used it because it's a term 'everyone' knows and can relate to. I wonder how many terms used in Chainmail and D&D became common tropes for video games, fantasy novels and the like.
  18. Paul, that would mean Chaosium joining the twentieth century. That's something that may be beyond their capabilities.
  19. I think Newt could have bigged this up with something like: The author of the supplement is currently on a secret mission in the Mid-East and unavailable to finish the module. When his research is complete he'll be able to offer completely new and exciting situations and mission information such as; Infiltration of Iran's nuclear programme, Access to the secrets of Mossad's war against Hezbollah, How to track down and assassinate Islamic terror suspects in Pakistan, A how-to on stealing Chinese technological secrets from Shenzen industrial zone. Sounds much better than 'the author's taking a break' doesn't it.
  20. Thanks. So the US Military (and several others) tell's it's people don't fire into combat and try to force away anyone closing with you and get them to firearms suitable ranges. Sounds like eminently suitable advice for anyone who thinks that BGB hand-to-hand or martial arts mixes with firearms.
  21. Combatives and/or MCMAP ????? Please, a little less with the professional jargon. Translation if you would be so kind.
  22. I would say up until the advent of widespread rifled muskets - mid-nineteenth century really; a body of men fired at a body of men and were lucky if the round fired hit someone they might have picked as a target. Sharpshooters may have been able to pick off officers at relatively short ranges but the targets were mostly isolated/in front of their men to be visible when giving orders. The fact that musketry accuracy tests were done using a six foot high piece of sheeting and counting holes tells you something about the perceived accuracy of these things. In an situation where combatants are intermingled them someone firing into that mass of struggling flesh is as likely to hit any piece of humanity as any other. Users of any sort of missile weapon should not be able to choose specific targets when firing into a melee. Using the standard possibility of a hit, special and impale and then rolling randomly amongst the participants in a hand-to-hand fight is the simplest way to do it. Too bad if your friend gets shot, impaled or killed. Someone here must know what is currently taught about long firearms (rifles etc) and the official thinking about firing into melee. Anyone care to quote military field manuals on the subject or does blue-on-blue just not occur in your military?
  23. Saw this at Dragonmeet yesterday, a very nice looking book indeed. Grabbed it and have been perusing it. I've noticed considerable skill level creep in these modern iterations of the venerable BRP/CoC Mythos game. The Laundry uses a system that gives around 650 points to a character compared to 6e CoC 410 and BRP from the BGB 4e 350. WWC uses a more developed system similar to Laundry but pushes the skill points total to around 1100! I thought of Legend's 500 skill points giving character skilled enough to succeed but twice that may be going over the top. Sure we don't have the Feats and things that the other games do but still there's going to be a lot of analysis paralysis where some players are concerned. What do people think? A good thing, a bad thing or just a normal evolution of the game system when dealing with the modern age? Cthulhu Rising uses around 450 skillpoints and seems to do Sci Fi very well indeed. I wonder if it's a reaction to GM's making characters roll for things where someone might reasonably be supposed to know that and it's rolling for the sake of rolling. The advice is for skill levels where someone is at a professional level is let it go unless it's dramatic. If too many players are forced to roll for non-dramatic cases is the pressure on to make characters more skilled? Most BRP games don't only give skill improvements now only for those skills actually used so that isn't a possible reason for forcing skill tests.
  24. There was a distinct lack of tomatoes in the Trade Hall at Dragonmeet 2013. It was great place to see some of the companies involved in producing RPG material from the UK. C7, Chronicle City and Mongoose of course, for the D100 fans, plus Pelgrane with both their software and their RPG lines. Several other companies whose products, I'm sorry to say, did not catch my eye enough to persuade me to release funds. Ran a great One Ring game and talked to loads of luminaries of the UK RPG scene, played a fun demo of the C7 Hobbit Tales card game (I shall be getting this at Conception in seven weeks time after the boat gets in). The downsides; a very early start, up at 5AM; a long day, not home until 11.30pm. My old bones don't allow for this kind of routine on a regular basis any more. A super Christmas gift to me as always.
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