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Everything posted by nclarke

  1. Thank you for the gift. Too bad that the limited staff at Chaosium couldn't find the time between putting out new version of HotOE, CoC7e and all the KS rewards that they've already been paid for to fit in this superb piece of work.
  2. I believe that they posted on G+ that an update to the shopping cart software had crapped out on them and they'd taken the site down to fix things.
  3. Link is in the first post in this thread.
  4. There's a BRP generator done by some German guys in the Downloads section here that calculates the various percentages. It works for me. There's also a thread about Magic World character generator that might fit your needs.
  5. @Baron, The writing team for CoC 7e contains Paul Fricker and Mike Mason (also now some sort of head editor for Chaosium and previously one of the Cult of Keepers CoC group in the UK) are British and wrote most of 7e. Scott Dorward one of the scenario authors and also one of the Milton Keynes gaming group that contains a lot of CoC and Horror gaming scenario authors, has written some of the scenarios found in 7e and the Cthulhu Britannica material (he's Line Editor for C7's Cthulhu Britannica line). Matt Sanderson, who does a lot of material for WOD as well as CoC, is also in that group although I'm not sure how much material he's done for 7e - at least one scenario that I playtested that I believe is going in to the core rulebook. The writing credits of previous editions have always listed Sandy and Lynn amongst the authors as the work has built on the foundations provided by them so I believe that 7e will be no different.
  6. I heard yesterday that the British CoC 7e team are very much involved but I don't know if your friend knows the same information. I opted out of playtesting scenarios for it because I already run a game on Wednesday evenings.
  7. I was browsing the Downloads area here yesterday for something else and found a similar list already there.
  8. +1 The last thing that a site like this needs is to try to ape Facebook.
  9. All I tend to use for any BRP based game is a editable PDF or a plain PDF with a editor capable of writing numbers in to the spaces on the character sheet. If I can't add or subtract two numbers in my head then I should be tested for Alzheimer's or some other degenerative brain disease. Mind you in my latest game for our group I had three players out of six that had a problem following directions on a sheet of paper concerning BRP character generation for a World War Cthulhu game. I find it hard to understand how an instruction like, put 10 points each into four of the following six skills is difficult to follow. On the other hand one player is determined to play a sniper when I've specifically told the group that their task is to go in to occupied Paris and help train Resistance members and gather Intelligence. I'm going to have to have the Gestapo question him on the train to see if their methods can beat him into not having a gun bunny next time around or he'll be sitting there complaining that he has nothing to shoot for the next ten weeks.
  10. May be a conversion from feet to metres issue. If the original was written as 3m and that was unconsciously converted to/read as feet and converted that would make for the one metre issue.
  11. Sounds like you need some Kleenex Chaot :-)
  12. Where's the +1 button, I need to hit it at least ten times for all this goodness. Thanks for the update Loz.
  13. I think a PM stays in the Out folder until the recipient reads it and then it goes to the normal folder.
  14. You know what the connection is between Mr Cakebread's favourites periods of History. It's the big hats - Mexican Revolution and English Civil War are both big hat wars. There's nothing like a big hat preferably with a large feather for stylish troops.
  15. MRQI has a lot of magic using runes though so it's different to MRQII/Legend.
  16. Legend is MRQII with the Glorantha stuff removed. It is different from MRQI though.
  17. Michael, the Apple II wasn't easily available when I left the equivalent of High School and I just built my own and then moved on to Commodore PET and Sinclair's various ZX machines before ending up writing and maintaining software for NASA. Don't blame a lack of official courses at school for not being able to write simple code. It's not really any harder than writing an essay just has some rules to follow.
  18. For Cthulhu in Space there's Cthulhu Rising which uses basic BRP to mimic the Aliens franchise, The Void, Cold and Dark, Eldritch SKies all of which use some other system so plenty of choice for getting your spacesuit fouled from the inside. BGB has a stats for a Xenomorph but many other Cthulhu creatures are possibilities - Mi Go and Byakhee being just two examples of space faring creatures from the Mythos.
  19. RQ6 is setting independent and the ducks are present in a sidebar. Glorantha is due for it's own supplement, Adventures in Glorantha, which will be all the specific Glorantha stuff. It'll be just another setting like Mythic Briton and Mythic Constantinople and Shores of Korantia.
  20. I'm currently running a One Ring game using Roll20, no issues. I also playing in a Griffin Mountain game using Roll20, no issues. Both of these use G+ Hangouts for voice and video which doesn't rely on the Roll20 servers which are several orders of magnitude more likely to have issues than Google. I've also played Legend via Skype several times with no issues attributable to their servers. Most issues with on-line gaming come down to individual problems with local bandwidth due to ISP issues or just crappy connections. I manage about 10-12 Mbps and generally have no issues but mostly keep video turned off unless I actually need to see the person at the other end. Roll20 did an upgrade of their game features mid December which may have improved things but I don't tend to use their system standalone except for building a campaign and doing macros etc., so I can't say if it's an improvement or not .
  21. It was indeed the BBC documentary I was referring to earlier in the thread.
  22. I use one based on a database app (Filemaker Pro) for MRQII that delivers what I need for Legend. I think the author originally posted on the MGP forums but it's been a long time. The file is name Runequest 2 PC ver 1.0 and there are an NPC generator and a multiple NPC generator. Don't know where you'd find it now though. There's a BRP one in the downloads section here that does BGB character gen done by a German guy/guys. Generally BRP/D100 character generation varies enough game by game that one app doesn't fit all. But on the other hand D100 character generation is so simple that it hardly needs computer assistance. As long as you can count up or down every time you put points into a skill, even using pencil and paper, you are gold. There aren't any weird feats or must have choices to make just allocating points to skills. True some skills are more important in a setting or game than others but you soon learn that, or the GM can tell you that, Dodge/Evade is a good choice to boost as well as the skill that boosts defence against magic.
  23. There's been series of documentaries covering domestic cats in the UK wearing trackers that showed considerable roaming about their territory during both the day and the night that confirms they cover a large area..
  24. They haven't managed to find a bookshop to stock them? :-)
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