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Everything posted by Chekmx

  1. So from a logistical stand point would you be looking at something like this https://github.com/eepMoody/open5e?
  2. Sure, good idea. I will try to do it tomorrow.
  3. I created a couple of versions of the Rainbow Cave maps. I published them in the Jonstown Compendium. I created this based on the "You may also create your own version of handouts for official RuneQuest and HeroQuest Glorantha campaigns". If this is not permissible content please let me know. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/310150/Rainbow-Caves-Map?src=newest_community
  4. Yes I am tempted to adopt this approach now. Though I expect in most cases my players will still choose to dodge but I can imagine certain circumstances were sacrificing a limb to save a head or chest might be an option.
  5. The rules for martial arts are: Martial Arts also affects an adventurer’s ability to parry with their fist or leg. A successful parry roll that is also less than the Martial Arts skill means that the user’s fist or leg blocks 6 points of damage and takes no damage from the attack, no matter what weapon is used. Damage over 6 points still reaches the defender. I'm not sure if this the means that natural weapons cannot parry at all otherwise or use the body part hp. In my game natural weapons cannot be used to parry. You have to dodge.
  6. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/1398-i-love-deadlines-i-love-the-whooshing-noise-they-make
  7. Just to say that I had the same thought. has anybody done this yet?
  8. Given that you have a business model of publishing your work as PDF's(with a discount for the hard copy) before the hard copy is available, is there a reason you don't make available the draft text's without art work under the same model?
  9. Wow super fast, thanks. Please don't apologise for providing this excellent tool using your own free time.
  10. Found an issue. I created a new adventurer. I then attempted to change that adventurers magic by clicking on the magic button. This lead to an error page The link is https://rq-web.herokuapp.com/edit_magic/2788 and the NPC is https://rq-web.herokuapp.com/view_character/2788. I tried to raise a ticket in trello but was still unable to do so.
  11. 17 has an interview with Greg Stafford about Dragon Pass. and the link suggest that White Dwarf 22 Open Box Review of The Gateway Bestiary by Chaosium White Dwarf 23 Open Box Review of Cults of Prax by Chaosium White Dwarf 27 Open Box Review of Griffin Mountain by Chaosium but I guess those are out of scope for your list
  12. http://wiki.oldhammer.org.uk/v/Runequest/White_Dwarf_Index I think there are a few more issues of white dwarf with RQ content. 14 has Lair of the white wyrm.
  13. Great application, thanks. One feature I would like to see would be the ability to filter skills on the final sheet by some threshold so that when I am creating an NPC i can see only the skills that meet a certain level. i.e. all skills greater than 50%. I tried to add a task to the trello board but it only offers watch in the action list. I do have an account.
  14. No quite the coming storm but Patrol suggest's the use of the encounters from Satar: Kingdom of Heroes. I started to flesh out Encounter 2 Bandits (Garhendrik's Bandits). My campaign has justed started so I haven't created the Man himself yet. Berenvara: https://rq-wherokuapp.com/view_character/1864? Berenmast: https://rq-web.herokuapp.com/view_character/1869 Carasatar: https://rq-web.herokuapp.com/view_character/1870 Jarmakt Spearl-Rattler: https://rq-web.herokuapp.com/view_character/1871 Derkos Storm-Wise: https://rq-web.herokuapp.com/view_character/1872
  15. New books released this week and now 50% off classics, don't you have enough of my money already?
  16. I would be interested in this. Is there a LFG page? I played Runequest 3 back in the 90s and I have played one session of Runequest:RiG(Broken Tower Scenario) as well as GMing a couple of sessions.
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