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Everything posted by Godlearner

  1. Sure, if the player worship the well known Gods, and are in the area with temples. It just does not work from our games.
  2. To me the entire recovery system on holy days is very flavorful, but mechanically a pain. We went to the old way of recovering rune spells 1 day per point used in prayer.
  3. So what? Keeping their POW at 18 they have a 35% to increase If they do, they make an Enchantment. Under the RQG rules there is no change to fail.
  4. What we did was to add a 1pt Rune spell (Divine Grace) which stacked with a Spirit Spell when cast and converted Range, Duration and casting cost to that of a Rune Spell. For example: Blade Sharp 6 stacked with a point of Divine Grace would give you Blade Sharp 6 which would not have cost any magic points and would last for 15 minutes, could also be extended with Extension since its a Rune spell. This way you can add this spell and it makes those spirit spells a lot more useful for Spirit Cults. If you think its too powerful, make it use the magic points as well.
  5. In my games Heal 6 used to be a must of the party, now no one bothers with it since they all have access to Heal Wound.
  6. Yeah, I know what you mean. It came as a bit of a surprise to the Humakti in the group when his Truesword kept getting removed. LOL The other Common spell I am getting to love a lot is Multispell.
  7. As a follow-up question. How often do you have encounters now where the NPCs Dispel PC's magic?
  8. That is exactly what I mean, Spirit Magic has become secondary.
  9. With RQG Rune pools, do you find that PCs now days almost ignore Spirit Magic?
  10. RQ3+ About 20 years Originally 1616 It started in Pavis, but has moved off unto an island, far, far away Currently, one PC is from Dara Happa, the rest are island natives Too many to list, but safe to say at least 80% of them Combination. I have an Arc in mind and when certain events occur, but letting the PCs drive the action. Initially it followed, but after the Cradle its on its own track. That's a hard one. I would say I do what I feel my players want to happen. Don't get hung up on canon, do what is fun. If you want to hack and slash, then hack and slash. If a rule seems too restrictive, then change it. Have fun!
  11. It was bound to happen. Its hard to maintain the quality and the quantity of the material. I think the Jonstown Compendium, although not a fanzine, is good at carrying on the legacy as it gives a change for authors to contribute at their own space and it taps into a much larger percentage pool of of the Gloranthan pool mind.
  12. Holiday Dorastor: Spider Woods is a Copper Seller! Holiday Dorastor: Spider Woods - Chaosium | Jonstown Compendium | DriveThruRPG.com
  13. Holiday Dorastor: Spider Woods is a Copper Seller! Holiday Dorastor: Spider Woods - Chaosium | Jonstown Compendium | DriveThruRPG.com
  14. I certainly set it up like that. If you look at Denarius the Minter, JC publication. As you advance your association with magic gives one Magic Sense, increased Resistance to spells and so on.
  15. Yes on the source, no on the order of who has been feeding whom.
  16. Not just RQ, its an issue for all RPGs as far as I am aware. Its just the way it it, we simulate not recreate.
  17. We use it all the time. I fear you are right, but hoping you are wrong.
  18. Aeolians and Stygians prove it overwise. So what? We already see that the sorcery is nerfed. And it will continue to be so, as its been the excuse for at least the last 40 years.
  19. Sure, you would see some Arlaten type situations, but there is a need for long term magic in all kinds of areas, does not need to be military.
  20. I mean Professional sorcerer. I know there are options for part time dabblers in the core rules.
  21. If the rules allow to for a starting character to be a Priest, Shaman, or a Rune Lord there should be a way to have a reasonable Sorcerer at the start as well. With the current rules that is not the case. I hope it gets rectified when the "Full Sorcery" rules are published.
  22. In my games I have speed training and checks up to happen weekly instead of seasonally which gets rid of these bottlenecks.
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