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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. There is "YGMV" and all that, but I find that rather racist (in the literal sense, ducks being a very distinct race). I say this because - anthropomorphic bulls (minotaurs) ok. Anthropomorphic goats, antelopes, etc (broos) ok. Anthropomorphic horses (centaur) ok. Even an Anthropomorphic octopus (walktapi) or pumpkin (Jack-o-bear) is ok. But for some reason, an anthropomorphic bird (specifically a duck, although mythologically on earth there have been herons, cranes, owls, vultures, etc) is bad... I do not get that. Perhaps ironically, this attitude is exactly the mentality many native Gloranthans have about the Duck race... (And, this should probably be in a different thread).
  2. I was going to link that!!!! 😛
  3. FWIW, I always thought many of the basic NPCs did have a few points of Rune magic on them... But very specifically related to their occupation.
  4. Yeah... I know it's the same world - in general. But in specific, that doesn't mean various changes haven't been enacted. Sorcerers now need to sacrifice a point of POW to contact a Rune, and have a number of techniques to learn, and don't have multispell, duration, intensity skills... If those rules can change, so too the Rune spells available. The only logical counter-argument I can see is if some serious heroquesting has happened to (fairly fundamentally) change the nature of the magical world (and like in 1984, everyone just goes with it like that's the way it's always been).
  5. I'm curious as to who's culture(s) you think are being appropriated, such that you feel differently towards medieval European... Animism and "shamanism" (generic word, (which was appropriated, I agree) in which people contacted the spirits of the world and went on spirit journeys) was practiced around the planet for tens of thousands of years... Including by your ancestors in Europe. "Your" people were practicing a form of animism in Europe until quite recently (even after medieval times), and some still do. (Fact: in 2004, the corpse of Peter Toma, was dug up from a grave in Romania and dealt with as a vampire... Ripped out the heart and burnt it. Apparently, not an unusual thing for that part of the world. Beliefs can stay with us for a very long time, and remain in "our" culture). I do, fully, understand that you choose not to play in Glorantha (but missing out on the fantasy element of ducks, broos. Dragons, etc is sad - but your choice), but wonder why you're playing Runequest and not BRP, Mythras, etc instead???
  6. No, I figured they thought that the rules were too restrictive to players (especially the one-use rule), and decided to change it (just as there's been a significant, and game-world changing, alteration to sorcery). Sure, there could be a significant difference between PCs and NPCs... But a PC is really just a slightly more experienced person than most villager NPCs (especially when looking at farmers, herders, fishers, occupations). So, having that huge change of ruleset seems strange to me. Given the options of 1) slip (or simplification) of some NPC stat blocks; or 2) complete change of rules on Rune Points and spell access for NPCs, I'd presume #1. (Occham's Razor and all)
  7. When you sacrifice POW for Rune Points, you get accepted to *all* common Rune spells (that your cult has access to), and for each point you can also choose to have available 1 special Rune Spell that your cult (or associated cult) has. Those that are missing special Rune spells may be the error. On your other topic, when the Romans invaded Britain, they got a huge shock when confronted not only by mala adult villagers attacking, but also female... And, often naked! The Romans took quite a while to overcome them...
  8. Hi ppls in the know. I'm doing a talk for an English Corner on Monday about Vampires, and I'm obviously thinking about the various ones in our culture & media. And, I had a sudden thought - is Delecti the Vampire necromancer in Upland Marsh, just a hop, skip and jump away from Duck Point, supposed to be an homage to Count Duckula? Anyone know? Or is it merely coincidence?
  9. Nay - ah nay ken. Wae don ye tell a man wae the wee kaper nay wouldna worked on ye wee Humakti... ba will work on ye wee Bully? Edit - should be 'nae', not 'nay'...
  10. Hence the "minklinked"... (debateable whether only the caster is aware that it's an illusion, or whether all in mindlink would know....)
  11. Oh, our Humakti is in Stormbull as well?? (actually, this is significant, because the Morale spell won't be influenced by Berserk, and Morale doesn't have the negative parry/dodge. Granted, frothing at the mouth is much better imagery )
  12. The obvious gap is *known* ancestors. In a tribal community, everyone is somewhere related to everyone who came before... Which would include tribal shamans, priests, heroes etc.
  13. Just flight the Humakti. Not sure which resistance roll would be better, POW v POW, or vs STR... I thought about Dullblade, but would need a super strength to be even mildly useful.
  14. Adding other options to the fun of annoying Humakti murderbots... Crack the sword (presuming enchanted metals don't count as magical... And that's what's being wielded. Hallucinate... Possibly more fun than the Befuddle option, but need to be mindlinked... Turning their allies into Broos would be fun
  15. True. I'm hoping Chalana Arroy can get their hands on it in the GaGoG. Very thematic and appropriate. Besides, this is a munchkin thread
  16. Yeah... With Befuddle you get to point and laugh at them... Then counter their magic, then coup de grace. (GM allowing). With Peace, I'm not even sure you'd be allowed the pointing or laughing.
  17. So, behind and above the Humakti?
  18. Not in the current list of geasa. Although, you could try throwing a pot of poison onto the sword in the hope they've got that one!
  19. There are a couple of sure-fire ways to avoid taking any damage from that raging "murderbot". Firstly, either of the two Teleportation spells. The shorter version lets you get to "anywhere that can be seen". The Guided to a fixed location. Secondly, Flight... either on yourself, or on the Humakti - what can't hit you can't damage you. Thirdly, Lunes or Shades... While the former are unlikely for our PCs, a Shade is possible, and the Fearshock effect can be handy. Also, it would make the Humakti blind and touch deprived. (sure, the Humakti can kill the thing, but that gives you a bit of time, and there's the chance the Shade will hurt it a bit!) Sylphs (Umbroli) can throw the Humakti a nice distance (possible into an area they can't attack you from). Fourthly - Peace.... almost as much fun as Befuddle - but 15 minutes (and, RAW can't be resisted!) Just in time to have all their hard-earned preparation go to waste I'm sure there's quite a few other options out there as well.
  20. That would be Earth Shield... and it gives an infinite number of AP to the shield. (but, for some odd reason, no +% to parry )
  21. Well, I was only going by what was presented - and Shield/Countermagic wasn't presented And, I was about to go to the Spirit Combat line of thinking...
  22. If you're eyeballing 50-100L per POT, then it should also be born in mind that p406 on Casting Spells says that normally it's 20L per Rune Point, x10 if it's a permanent loss - so, 200L per POW. Enchantments are *much* more common than alchemists (and, probably the ingredients they need), so if you're looking at an even vaguely useful Healing Potion (ie, POT 3-6), then the money is better spent on a Spirit Binding Matrix, with a spirit that has said Healing spell 4-6. I'd be confident in saying that most Chalana Arroy temples would be happy to provide such a service/product to initiates of associated cults (for a price, of course!) If our argument on the POW usage of Wyters allows, then it could be the Wyter's POW that gets used! So, a few hundred on a 1-use potion? Or slightly more expensive (maybe!) on a spirit?
  23. Befuddle Seriously, if you're in a game, and your fellow Humakti PC pulls out all stops - but gets stopped by that tiny-winy little 2 point spell - you'd laugh your arse off! 😛
  24. High-powered Enhancing Crystal (I'd allow it to double up to its value). Normal is 1D8, but higher is possible (Roll an 02 ...). Just basically, that could give you an extra 14 points to the Protection.
  25. I notice that your Assistant Priest is significantly under-skilled compared to most (all?) other occupations by about 70%. In the RQG book, every occupation has a couple of skills around the 30% mark, which are their main money earners.
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