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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. This sub-cult idea was suggested previously, and so we're currently running with it (until further evidence suggests otherwise). Re: Notchet... I think the whole events that occurred is really good evidence of a community starting to crumble, and disaster occur. Lots killed, buildings destroyed, etc. And mostly from within. Civil War... Yes they'll be used! The only really good reason to maybe suggest wyters weren't involved is being Ernaldan, there's not a lot of offensive capability.
  2. Please quote... I have read it numerous times (in both books), and don't see anything that merits such an obvious implication - especially since it's not actually mentioned anywhere else - and certainly nothing so useful as a quantifier. The "size table" is the closest thing to a stat block that's been given for the generic wyters. So, while it's not typical, I think it qualifies. For the Ernaldan, I can see different sub-cult wyters being used. Of course, maybe they didn't. And, yeah, it would be really bad form... But, we don't know. And I can still see it might happen.
  3. Given the close ties between the cults (local temples) and the communities, there shouldn't really be that much in.the way of conflicting directions. But, that's obviously going to depend on which community...
  4. I'm slowly going through the sourcebooks, so don't shoot manufacturing it's covered there. I'm not referring to their lands, I'm wondering about the individuals who would have been spread far and wide across Glorantha. Were they all affected by the same magical disaster that affected the islands? Or, were they able to continue with their lives (without a home base)? And, what happened to all the knowledge and magic they had? Unless otherwise stated, I'd presume there are still outposts of GLs still around... Just doing it more in the sly.
  5. I'm not quite so sure as yourself. I'd go with "similar", in the way that the metals of Glorantha are similar to ours, and yet also different. The cultures and societies are similar, but also different in significant ways. The only reason to suggest that Gloranthan humans are the same is purely to give ourselves a point of reference (for the sake of immersion). Also, there's one awesome compelling argument to say they're not the same - Westerner humans have skin colours ranging from dark brown to green, red, or blue. Hair colours yellow, red and green (naturally... Not dyed) (GtG Vol 1)
  6. I was thinking that as I read through the above. It's a simple solution to the question posed. Also, even if this sexual dimorphism does exist in Glorantha, there's no.reason it would exist to the level suggested. (of course, it also could!) We know that female trolls rule the caves, and especially Mistress Race... So.logically there should be differences in their stats (and I think I recall some from a time some time in the past...). The other obvious point... Humans on earth have had a million years to develop, evolve, change... Gloranthans haven't.
  7. You don't have a healer in the party?
  8. Eurmali-Stormbull? Eurmali-Stormbully-Humakti??? (ETA - Eurmali-Stormbully-Humakti-Chalana Arroy... Possibly technically possible, if going pacifist is permitted by those warrior cults... Someone who's seen too much earlier, and turns a new leaf... )
  9. I'll bypass the parrying, because I think we're all pretty much in agreement (although the % might differ). Hitting an unmoving target... Hitting is one thing... Hitting effectively, well, for a good damaging hit is a very different thing. Which is why professional loggers are significantly better and faster than us amateurs. Remember, when you do weapons training, you start with the basically of hitting static targets (like the wall) for ages to perfect the hit... Even the "masters" continue to do that for practice.
  10. Sure... Join them! I've never seen anything anywhere in RQ that says there's a limit to the number of cults you can join. In.fact, I'd suggest it to be the norm. (Other than the lack of POW required to initiate. Definitely multiple Lay Memberships).
  11. But... Why is it easier? Because of their location and position (on ground, facing??) Or because they're unable to move freely? If the attack skill is an abstraction of the ability to hit a target that doesn't want to be hit in combat... Then I'm only not sure about a + to hit. If it's merely ability to hit a non-moving target, then definitely no.
  12. Is it actually easier to hit something on the ground than standing up? With a long weapon? With fists? Not having tried to recently, I can only hypothesize... And it's "no". Not per second. The advantage comes from them being unable to move as freely, ie dodge. Although, RQ tries to simulate "passive" dodging ( in generally moving around, footwork, etc... ), contrasted with active dodging, when the opponent apparently uses that instead of a parry. Like the old 'defense'. (Which sort of means a double-dip). I'd still halve the dodge...
  13. If you're referring to my post - no. You can try to dodge, but at half.
  14. Still plenty of ways to lose your tattoos ...
  15. "But, you have a 6' Greatsword!!!" "It was a really sharp stick...."
  16. Perhaps those who tried to use them just kept failing their POWx5% roll ๐Ÿ˜› More seriously though - the ideas Greg uses for this do come from real world examples of how various peoples think and believe. So, I think they're fair comparisons... However - as said, I personally would like a greater idea of Chaosium's views of how this works (rather than what seems to be an ad hoc).
  17. This makes little sense from a real world perspective. In the real world, dodging can be to left or right (roll or twist), but most often backwards (with some leeway movement). Rarely, up and down... and really good dodgers go to the side and forward (for advantage on their next attack). If you're prone, you've just lost the most effective direction to go - backwards. The left and right are severely hampered as well. Up and down? I suppose you could somersault... So, as a simulationist game, it's seriously lacking for this ruling. Also, should you really get a +40% chance to hit? Only if the attack roll is more abstracted and includes movement outside of actual attacking (ie, feints, etc). "Don't hit a man when he's down. Kick him - it's easier!"
  18. How much time does the dragon need to warm up the attack? If it's the classic pull back the head and then lunge forward and breath - yeah, dodge! If there's none of that, hugely negative dodge...
  19. I'm curious also - for you recall where they prioritised?
  20. I totally appreciate that's how your Glorantha works. However, not so in mine. I base mine on real world examples. The mind can be trained to focus relatively easily, especially if it's been taught to (as I imagine is the case in Glorantha as well). As an example, I have a "focus" of putting my thumb and forefinger together that makes me almost instantly more awake and aware. Others use prayer beads to focus their attention on something. The focus itself isn't important, it's the attachment to it (which, I grant, can be time consuming to associate). (Also remember that a simple charm of feathers could be a focus). Other real world similarities would be time carvings, which tend to come as a whole and not line by line. But, again, your Glorantha, your way...
  21. They don't. It's a cult secret. Like, really secret secret.
  22. Merely a hypothetical. Since we're discussing options of how things work with no information to go on. Other options are...??? (remember, this is the "Any adventurer defeating a spirit in combat may gain one of its spirit magic spells (playerโ€™s pick). If the spirit possesses a variable point spell, the adventurer may gain possession of as many points in the spell as the spirit possesses". ) There's no indication of how long that takes, nor what happens during that time. I initially suggested that it happens virtually instantaneously (USB analogy), but that was questioned (denied?). So, I posed another alternative based on what I see as fairly logical (in that, I don't think the spirit is obligated, nor forced to hang around and wait for the student to be ready to learn the spell at their own leisure - it needs to happen immediately, or the spirit is free). So, what's happening to the student while the spell is being mystically transferred from the spirit to the person learning it? And, obviously, how long does that take? I don't think that you can wander around for a while learning the spell while actively engaged in doing anything else (especially since you're not supposed to be able to do that the harder way). And, what would happen if your concentration is broken while doing the learning? I'm quite happy to hear other scenarios for how this all works
  23. I first read that as "Herdly surprising"....
  24. "Brother Bolgar - why have you not destroyed that evil, chaotic acid-spitting monstrosity walking around the tula?" "He had a lariat and a sharp stick..... "
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