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Everything posted by g33k

  1. I too really like advantage/disadvantage systems for how they can help differentiate characters. Homogeneity (particularly at higher levels, as beaucoup skill-checks have raised even rarely-used skills to high levels, and rendered the Brawling Fighter very stealthy, the Wiry Thief into a deadly fighter, etc) is a bane of BRP, I think; so Adv/Disadv mechanics could be a welcome palliative. Also, more hooks for characterisation/RP, character-building/backstory, etc... these are all welcome, and these systems excel in such efforts. HOWEVER, I am reluctant to delve into this area because of playbalance issues, increased chargen-time, abuse by MinMax'ers, bloat/creep, and other points (as raised across this thread). That said, I've got some ideas percolating for a BRP campaign, and (if the brew ever gets served (likely a year or more)) might consult some of the mechanics referenced above to create a small-ish system of Adv/Disadv available at chargen... so, thanks all for the discussion!
  2. How about this: Critical parry - get a riposte as an Easy action. Your parry was just exactly like your swordmaster liked to use to demonstrate parry/riposte, you set up your riposte perfectly! Special/"Impale" parry - get a riposte as a normal action. Yeah, you parried well and you get your riposte, but it's nothing special. Successful parry - get a riposte as a Difficult action. You parried, but just barely -- any worse, and the attack would have connected -- and you aren't set up well for the riposte. You can try for it, but the setup is far from ideal... Makes it POSSIBLE for anyone to riposte, but the experts will get better opportunities, more often (and of course their ripostes will be more dangerous to whoever attacked them).
  3. Not quite thread-necromancy... but at least Rune-level healing! So... any word? How'd it go / how's it going? Wish I had noticed this thread before!
  4. So ... ? (i.e. <BUMP>) It sounds like a lot of the work is done, but you're KS'ing the book to help cashflow for the actual production run... is that about right? Is there an actual KS page, or RoH page on the d101 Games site? That is, where can we see a bit more about it? In particular: 28th century... whooo. Sounds far enough in the future for a substantial amount of Clarke's Law effect -- sufficiently advance science indistinguishable from magic -- so I'm wondering how much it's "hard" science (based on best current knowledge/theory) and how much is Handwavium-based "we want this ability so we invent that technology out of whole cloth" (e.g what's a "stellar tap" drive? what's a "Visser cube"?) . I likes me some of both, so really NO answer here is off-putting for me. I'm just hoping to get a better handle on what to expect... - Steve, the g33k
  5. g33k

    Runequest reviews

    So long as we're admiring the production values of free-to-dowload core rulebooks for Other Systems, gotta give a shout-out to Eclipse Phase ... wtfo??!? how dey do dat? Clearly, one of those gamers who's becoming a successful gaming millionaire by starting as a multi-millionaire...
  6. This seems like a good place for someone "official" to chime in and point to the "official" banner (if there is one) and/or to remark on any "official" stance by Chaosium on this (or similar) issues ... <hint,hint> So far as I can tell -- but IANAL -- this would seem to fall within "fair use" doctrine in most jurisdictions.
  7. How about Julian May's term, "Metapsychic"?
  8. +1 ... Are these available? From a (very quick) skim of the "Downloads" section, it appears they are not...
  9. Erm... bit of hyperbole, that? Maybe a VERY few products had that kind of revenue & profit; but I believe(1) that, in general, they simply sold "better than average." - Steve, the g33k (1): Having corresponded with a couple of game-publishers (who I have NOT asked permission to give a "reveal" on their info, so I won't state publicly ... but they produced campain/setting books, adventures, monster-books, etc), I've been told that their d20 lines tended to do well, but not fantatstically.
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