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Everything posted by PhilHibbs

  1. The problem is that there are several possible options for a lot of spells. Palsy could be Dispel Movement, Tap Movement, Summon Stasis, Combine Stasis Man, etc. Another thing to think about from a game balance perspective is, what runes are more or less useful than others - until a rune has enough of a variety of spells for it to make it a worthwhile choice, it's dead end for a player to choose. Has anyone made a spreadsheet of sorcery spell rune usage?
  2. That's not a good reason to exclude it from the rules - not all players or GMs are you! Which may be ok for some groups, but when I tried to institute that system when I was a student, two of the players came to me with straight 18s and then acted all aggrieved that I wasn't happy with that. I suspect that I have a player in my current gaming circle who would still try that one.
  3. Sandy Petersen has posted his thoughts on the Gods War Kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/petersengames/the-gods-war/posts/2314521
  4. It always used to be that a spirit in a bound item can be automatically controlled with a spell without reducing its MPs.
  5. In another thread about slowing down access to rune spells, I suggested that any given worship ceremony has a limited number of places for those participants who are participating in a minor hero quest to gain a rune spell. These places would be rationed out to the most worthy members, those who had done services for the cult or community (same thing), or are about to and need the magic for it. It could be a common part of the beginning of a scenario - your cult offers you the chance to get a new Rune Point and spell to help you with the mission you are about to go on.
  6. His stunning vision and desire to share it with us all enriched our lives more than I could have imagined possible. Thank you Greg, and my love and condolences to his family and to the Chaosium community. I think this is the oldest picture I have of greg, from Tentacles 1999.
  7. The logic is, I moved the word "Langue" from inside the parentheses to outside, so you get "Parler Langue (d'Bêtes)". This means that "Langue Natale (d'Bêtes)" will fit, whereas "Langue Natale (Langue des Bêtes)" did not fit. You just saw "Langue Natale (Langue de" for pretty much every language. So now both prefixes (Langue Natale and Parler Langue) contain "Langue", and the part in parentheses doesn't need to. If you'd like the language name to be longer, I could contract to "Lang Nat" and "Parl Lang" which would give a bit more space to expand the language name to "des Bêtes" etc.
  8. Just going to throw this in here.
  9. Do shamans have separate Rune Point pools for every spirit that they get rune magic from?
  10. v1.9.1 Beta 1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10Fc20ZIOI8ZZk-Bg6twcJHWDPzIH4QY5Y9Oazlwoiao/edit?usp=sharing Fixed language skills for non-humans. Added Minotaur as a playable race. Shortened the names of language skills in French and Spanish. I felt that "Langue natale ( Langue des Bêtes)" and " Hablar propio ( Habla de la Tormenta)" are too long (they don't fit) and repetitive, so I just prefixed the distinctive part with d' for both French and Spanish. So now you get "Langue Natale (d'Bêtes)" and "Hablar propio ( d'Tormenta)". Speak now becomes Parler Langue and Hablar Lengua to make them more consistent.
  11. Page 89 Javelin, One-handed has the wrong damage, 1D8, should be 1D6.
  12. p.198 Special Parries (first and second bullets) "...with no armor protection" is on the wrong result, it should be on the first bullet. This was pointed out in the first corrections thread.
  13. Page 59 Why are these listed under the Magic Skills Category Modifier? They are not skills, and are not affected in any way by the category.
  14. p418: This is out of step with p52: It makes a big difference for elves and baboons, who have 2D6+6 POW - p418 gives them 26, p52 gives them 21.
  15. That's it for the old thread. Apart from Gorilla hit location HPs.
  16. Maximum negative damage modifier will always be -1 since -1 is a higher number than -6. Personally I'd houserule it to zero on a crush.
  17. I have found a bug in version 1.9 - non-human races are note getting their racial languages or base chances filled in (Beastspeech, Darktoungue, etc.) - fix coming later today.
  18. Hey, how come no-one spotted that I have missed out Minotaur as a playable race? Oh, because it's new. Niiice! Anyone know the French and Spanish for Minotaur - Minotauro and Minotaure?
  19. Baboons have inconsistent HP per location compared to the chart on Page 10, assuming they use Humanoid, if not then they do not match any of the charts and so should have their own added, or a note on page 29 saying that this chart is specific to them. Page 10 says /5 /5 /5 /6 /4 /4 /5 for 13-15 HP Page 29 says /3 /3 /5 /5 /3 /3 /4 for 11 HP
  20. Horses have inconsistent HP per location compared to the chart on Page 10. Page 11 says /5 /5 /6 /6 /5 /5 /5 for 13-15 HP Page 146 says /6 /6 /8 /8 /6 /6 /7 for 17 HP
  21. Harpies have more HP per location than the chart on Page 11 indicates. Page 11 says /4 /4 /5 /6 /5 /6 /6 for 13-15 HP Page 100 says /4 /4 /5 /6 /5 /6 /6 for 10 HP
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