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Everything posted by PhilHibbs

  1. Except that that person may switch to another provider, or reorganize their Dropbox, and not update all their old forum and Facebook posts. They might die and their account be closed, or hacked and get everything infected with viruses which are then replicated into Dropbox. I think it's probably better to index the downloads section through threads - if you upload a file, make a thread for it. Link to that thread from a wiki. Link to the thread from Facebook. Keep the thread up to date by editing the first post to link to the latest version. Problem solved. It's a real shame that you can't host Google Sheets on file download sections, because my RQG Character Creation Spreadsheet suffers from this exact problem. Fortunately, using it requires making your own copy which can easily be re-shared online, so plenty of people will by necessity be mirroring it in case my original disappears somehow.
  2. Brings a whole new flavour to the phrase "well knock me down with a feather". OK, WHACK! 7D6! 😁
  3. The double damage bonus and max damage bonus doesn't really make much sense, but that's ok. It's an example of where the RuneQuest scaling doesn't quite work seamlessly. Really, the damage done as you go up the SIZ scale should mostly come from being able to wield bigger and bigger weapons. The bonus should only distinguish between a strong Great Troll and a weak Great Troll, or a strong 12m Giant and a weak 12m Giant. RuneQuest is centred on the human scale (attribute average 10-11), and the RQ2 human scale at that, where SIZ was 3D6 just like all the other charactistics. The fact that damage bonus keeps going up and up as you go up the creature SIZ scale just inevitably leads to the awkward mechanic where much of the damage from hitting someone with the trunk of a fully grown oak tree is coming not from the tree, but the damage bonus of the giant wielding it. Perhaps that is why a 9m giant is shown as having a Maul that does 2D8, the same as a weapon that a strong human can wield, plus 7D6 damage modifier. Looks like that is a general principle, weapon damage stops going up when you're above the human scale, and it's all about the damage bonus.
  4. It is impossible. However, the impossible has been done on several occasions.
  5. Done. v1.9.2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1byEn5Jg0_IMHKwAjuxMbZqWjp_hIcZujufAapHq41-w/edit?usp=sharing Amended a few translations related to language names Bear in mind that you can always amend the translations and keep your own master copy that you then use as a basis for creating new characters. The only complication then is if you want to pick up a new version that I create. Forthcoming features: Alternate rules, such as RQ3 Category Modifiers.
  6. You mean the break-point category modifiers? It's simpler, requires fewer recalculations, and maintains compatibility with classic material. Personally I prefer RQ3 category modifiers despite these reasons, but they are legitimate ones.
  7. My personal instinct is to link the "chaos taint" with the "chaos rune percentage", and to say that due to the nature of Chaos, the taint and the percentage cannot be reduced other than through somehow achieving the impossible. I'm open to the two being separate, however, with the percentage being the character's ability to call upon their relationship to Chaos, which could go up or down. David appears to be supporting the former camp. with the automatic 60%, CMIIW.
  8. Well, the obvious reply to that is "Ok, so the Adventurers chapter applies to adventurers. Got it." 😉
  9. So there are two examples that do not follow the character creation rules, and that isn't enough to indicate that the rules aren't universal? Maybe you'd be convinced if there were three? And these aren't unremarkable herders, these were chosen to look after the Sacred Herd. These are the best, most kick-ass herders available for the job.
  10. It's the Magic Points that is wrong, should be 3-14 (average of 1D6 is 3-4)
  11. I don't think this is referring to PC character creation!
  12. Personally I would disassociate the acquisition of Rune Points from the acquisition of spells thus: Any worship ceremony will involve reenactment of myths (minor heroquests) and certain roles can result in learning a spell. The larger the ceremony, the more roles are available. In this manner, a character can acquire a new Rune Spell. If the character is well known and respected at the temple, or has recently done a favour for the temple or community, or is about to go on a mission, then these roles are relatively easy to get. Also as part of a worship ceremony, a character can sacrifice a point of POW to gain another Rune Point. Priority in the spell-learning roles is given to those characters who are sacrificing POW at the same time, as that helps with the success of the ritual. This can be combined with @Crel's suggestion of incremental Rune Spell progression, where points in variable spells are acquired incrementally. So you can join a worship and learn another point of Thunderbolt without sacrificing POW, as long as you are of high standing. If you are also acquiring another Rune Point, then your chances of getting a place in the ritual are better.
  13. Ctrl-D shows you the modification date, latest one is 10/10/2018.
  14. Great! There's a few discrepancies, possible due to changes to the PDF since you did this: Create Wall of Flames is Summon, not Command Logical Clarity is Illusion, not Truth Geomancy is Earth, not Fire Rogue Wave has Water Also, I remembered I probably did this myself as well a while back, so I found (and updated) this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1u6ElhqAs2JEUjNzVDnC02mFNXCulTNS2hy0qSqSeeAE/edit?usp=sharing
  15. The problem is that there are several possible options for a lot of spells. Palsy could be Dispel Movement, Tap Movement, Summon Stasis, Combine Stasis Man, etc. Another thing to think about from a game balance perspective is, what runes are more or less useful than others - until a rune has enough of a variety of spells for it to make it a worthwhile choice, it's dead end for a player to choose. Has anyone made a spreadsheet of sorcery spell rune usage?
  16. That's not a good reason to exclude it from the rules - not all players or GMs are you! Which may be ok for some groups, but when I tried to institute that system when I was a student, two of the players came to me with straight 18s and then acted all aggrieved that I wasn't happy with that. I suspect that I have a player in my current gaming circle who would still try that one.
  17. Sandy Petersen has posted his thoughts on the Gods War Kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/petersengames/the-gods-war/posts/2314521
  18. It always used to be that a spirit in a bound item can be automatically controlled with a spell without reducing its MPs.
  19. In another thread about slowing down access to rune spells, I suggested that any given worship ceremony has a limited number of places for those participants who are participating in a minor hero quest to gain a rune spell. These places would be rationed out to the most worthy members, those who had done services for the cult or community (same thing), or are about to and need the magic for it. It could be a common part of the beginning of a scenario - your cult offers you the chance to get a new Rune Point and spell to help you with the mission you are about to go on.
  20. His stunning vision and desire to share it with us all enriched our lives more than I could have imagined possible. Thank you Greg, and my love and condolences to his family and to the Chaosium community. I think this is the oldest picture I have of greg, from Tentacles 1999.
  21. The logic is, I moved the word "Langue" from inside the parentheses to outside, so you get "Parler Langue (d'BĂȘtes)". This means that "Langue Natale (d'BĂȘtes)" will fit, whereas "Langue Natale (Langue des BĂȘtes)" did not fit. You just saw "Langue Natale (Langue de" for pretty much every language. So now both prefixes (Langue Natale and Parler Langue) contain "Langue", and the part in parentheses doesn't need to. If you'd like the language name to be longer, I could contract to "Lang Nat" and "Parl Lang" which would give a bit more space to expand the language name to "des BĂȘtes" etc.
  22. Just going to throw this in here.
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