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Everything posted by PhilHibbs

  1. How about making Awaken the Draconic Soul a one-use spell, maybe just 1-point? That would make joining the cult a much bigger deal, your priest really has to be convinced that you are a good prospect.
  2. In all prior versions of RuneQuest, it's been both. I see no reason to think otherwise for RQG. Criticals are dangerous, just ask Rurik. The only character that I ever saw effectively become "critical proof" had so many Strengthening Enchantments that he had 36 general hit points. One way to look at it is, a critical IS a special. If you have 80% skill, you critical on 01-04, and special on 01-16.
  3. That's what I've been doing, just copying and pasting. If you want to, please do! Take a look at the CultSpells tab and follow that, I've been categorizing spells as Spirit, Common, Special, and Associate. Spirit goes into one list, all others go into rune. Sorcery spells will be handled differently, as they are skills.
  4. v1.9.4 Alpha 1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X6eoRgFB3-_-8PlMZ8G47bevJFXWgA9sT5XhNd-2FdQ/edit?usp=sharing Populates pick-lists for spirit and divine spells from the cult So far I have only done data entry as far as Ernalda I have not included enchantments, as those are only available to priests What do you think? Clicking the button to populate the cult skills column also populates the pick-lists that drive the drop-down selections on CharSheet. Has anyone else already made a cult spell list? That would save me a lot of time! I considered putting the number of points in, but that's not going to work really. You can't have a drop-down that populates two cells.
  5. Of those only the Magic rune has a function, and only as a wildcard. Specific deity runes don't make the cut, so no Yinkin or Odayla or Eternal Battle rune either.
  6. RQG doesn't use Condition runes as part of the game mechanics, so it isn't really relevant. It would lead to questions like "Why can't I have this rune", "why can't I cast my spells with it".
  7. Take that up with whoever is offering it on eBay, it's nothing to do with Chaosium. Please note, however, that I'm just some guy on the forum, this isn't an official answer.
  8. Correct, but it is also essential to it.
  9. "High quality" has to come with the caveat that they are high quality scans of low quality documents! Mostly done on a wonky old typewriter, with handwritten corrections and crossings out, some words entirely illegible, and there clearly are entire pages missing, some stories just stop in the middle of a sentence.
  10. P144: Nice having a PDF and just being able to search for "100%".
  11. The issue is that if Alice with 250% attacks Bob and he doesn't dodge, she has a 13% critical and 50% special chance. If Bob dodges with his 10% skill, her critical chance goes down to 5% and special to 20%. This just seems wrong.
  12. The only effect that it will have in practice is more splitting of attacks, once the player is confident that the opponent is of sufficiently low skill. Maybe that is deliberate and intended, that you go in at full skill in round 1, and if that goes well, you try splitting your attacks in round 2, until you get a feel for how much better than the opponent you really are. I very much doubt that this is, though. I think this is merely an oversight that has never come up in practice because GMs tend not to throw in massively under- or overpowered opposition.
  13. The last post in either of those forums was 8 hours ago, so something went wrong at around 07:30 UTC.
  14. The rules as written absolutely do not support this, but I think it is within the spirit, it's an obvious fix to my mind.
  15. I just saw your question on the official rules thread, and that made me realize that this rule also means that the GM can't keep the opponent's skill a secret. Player: "My final chance is 250%, so what's my chance to hit?" GM: "160%" Player: "Ok, so I know he has a 90% skill. Right, I'll split my attacks 150-100 next round." *Edit* He actually has 95% skill, so the player got it wrong. Don't tell him!
  16. Ah ok thanks. I don't have my rulebook to hand. Well, that's a lie, but I don't want to load it up at work!
  17. Thanks, it's always nice to hear that someone is using it. I wasn't planning on it, I think it's ok that you have to go to the book for some things, like equipment and ransom. I can't visualize how the UI would work for picking from the list of spells that your cult has access to, maybe clicking the ▼ button for Cult could populate a couple of pick lists that you can then use to select spells. Hm, it's a possibility!
  18. Is anyone else seeing the Glorantha and BRP forums empty? The two sub-forums of Glorantha are ok.
  19. It may be true that the rules do say this, but I think it's a fairly intuitive conclusion that @Skovari has come to. If the rules do not work this way, then they should. Alice has 500% attack, Bob has 20% dodge. Do you reduce Bob's dodge to 5% and Alice's attack to 100%, giving her only a 5% critical and 20% special chance? I would submit that that is a little unfair on Alice. I think it makes sense to reduce Alice's skill by 15%, not 400%. I can understand that the rules weren't really written with such overwhelming skill differences in mind, and in practice Alice is probably going to split her attacks and hit Bob, Carol and Dave all in the first round of combat. Probably poor old Eddie as well, if she has the strike ranks.
  20. In Acrobat Reader, pressing Ctrl-D will show document properties including the modified date. The current PDFs were last modified somewhere around 10th-20th September, from memory.
  21. On the other hand, Crack on page 94 of the Bestiary says:
  22. Nice. Looks like a lot of work went into this. I don't think that Countermagic protects your items. The rules are unclear on this point, though. As an aside, the process of splitting, then adding, then reducing to 100%, involves a lot of calculations (particularly the special and critical chances), which have to be repeated each round and each attack as the circumstances (notably, the ability being used to defend) will often change. This is unfortunate, but I can't see an easy way around it.
  23. It did occur to me a while back that I could have multiple presentation sheets like the CharSheet with different layouts. I'll take a look! Oh, the swapping out of the Beast/Plant rune and the hit location charts for baboons and centaurs will need to be replicated for each layout sheet. Probably best to just make the changes yourself for printing. Personally I don't think I would want to print this sheet, I'd transcribe onto a real sheet.
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